
unusual facts about cede


Adjar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

A brief military conflict in March 1921 prompted the government in Ankara to cede the territory to Georgia as a consequence of Article VI of the Treaty of Kars, with the condition for autonomy to be provided for the Muslim population.

Annamalaiyar Temple

Widespread protests and litigation with the Supreme Court of India, however, led the Archaeological Survey to cede the temple back to the Hindu Religious and Endowment Board.

Berar Province

This condition of things was ended by Wellesley's victories at Assaye and Argaon (1803), which forced the Bhonsla raja to cede his territories south of Gawilgarh and Narnala fort and east of Wardha river.

British–Creole intervention in the Sierra Leone hinterland in the 19th century

The chiefs of the Bagru area are also convinced to cede their lands to the British.

Camille Andrews

Since Rob Andrews could not run for the Senate while seeking re-election for his House seat, Camille was accused of being a "placeholder," who would presumably cede candidacy in the general election to another Democrat, possibly her husband, were he to lose the Senate Democratic primary to incumbent Frank Lautenberg.

Carl Christoffer Gjörwell Sr.

In 1772 Gjörwell had to cede control of his bookstore to his creditors over an unpaid debt of 140,000 daler.

Cisrhenian Republic

Under the terms of the Peace of Basel in 1795, the Kingdom of Prussia had been compelled to cede all her territories west of the Rhine, and together with the west-Rhenish territories of the Prince-Bishops of Trier, Mainz and Cologne, the Electorate of the Palatinate, the duchies of Jülich and Cleves, and the free city of Aachen they were combined into the short-lived Cisrhenian Republic under the rule of a "Protector" Louis Lazare Hoche, a French general.

Diplomatic Revolution

The British further forced her to cede Parma to Spain, and more importantly, abandon the valuable state of Silesia to Prussian occupation.

Duke of Holstein-Gottorp

In 1773 she agreed to cede the territorial claims of her son to the Holstein-Gottorp lands still held by Denmark, obtaining in exchange the German countships of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst, elevated in 1776 into the duchy of Oldenburg within the Holy Roman Empire.

Fowltown, Georgia

The land in southern Georgia had been ceded by the Creeks in the Treaty of Fort Jackson, but the Mikasukis did not consider themselves Creek, did not feel bound by the treaty, and did not accept that the Creeks had any right to cede Mikasuki land.

Francis I, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg

In return Saxe-Lauenburg had to cede the bailiwick of Steinhorst to Adolphus' Holstein-Gottorp in 1575.

Geography of Washington, D.C.

The Residence Act of 1790 required that the capital's territory would be located along the Potomac River within an area that Maryland and Virginia would cede to the federal government, but permitted the nation's first president, George Washington to select the territory's precise location.

George of Baden

He then tried to reconquer the cities lost in 1444 to the Duchy Lorraine under René of Anjou, but had to cede the city of Épinal in 1466.

Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic

The Soviet Government forced Georgia to cede several areas to Turkey (the province of Tao-Klarjeti and part of Batumi province), Azerbaijan (the province of Hereti/Saingilo), Armenia (the Lore region) and Russia (northeastern corner of Khevi, eastern Georgia).

Hashim Jalilul Alam Aqamaddin

In 1901 and 1902, Brooke and Hewett asked Sultan Hashim to cede Belait and Tutong to them but Sultan Hashim refused and said, “What would happen to me, my chiefs and my descendants? I should be left like a tree, stripped of branches and twigs.”

Liu Nannan

2003 was a relatively poor year for Liu as a singles player until December, when she reached the quarter-final of a $50,000 tournament at Shenzhen with a clean run of five straight sets wins in qualifying and the main draw, only to cede victory to Zheng Jie by default.

Ludwig von Erlichshausen

Their former capital of Marienburg was not the only loss, however, as the Order had to cede other areas in the Second Peace of Thorn in 1466: Pomerelia, Culmerland, Warmia, and a part of Pomesania including Marienwerder (Kwidzyn).

March of Friuli

The conflict was settled at the 952 diet of Augsburg, where Berengar II was allowed to retain the royal title as a German vassal, but had to cede Friuli as the March of Verona to Duke Henry I of Bavaria, brother of King Otto I. On February 2, 962 Otto was crowned Holy Roman Emperor at Rome, deposed King Berengar II and had him arrested and exiled one year later.

Nikolay Kamensky

It was he who came up with a daring plan of the Russian infantry's crossing the frozen Gulf of Bothnia from Finland towards Umeå and Åland, which forced Sweden to cede Finland to Tsar Alexander.

Ruins of Fort St. Barbara

The agreement to cede the isthmus was part of the Treaty of Utrecht and Spain gave Britain Minorca, Gibraltar and the right to sell slaves to Spanish colonies.

Second Italian War of Independence

Most of Lombardy, with its capital Milan (excepting only the Austrian fortresses of Mantua and Legnago and the surrounding territory), was transferred from Austria to France, which would immediately cede these territories to Sardinia.

Shahuji II

In February 1739, Chanda Sahib forced the Raja to cede Karaikal to the French and in April 1739, Shahuji II confirmed the grant.

Siege of Dorsten

According to a judgement by the Vienna Supreme Court (Wiener Hofgericht), Hesse-Cassel had to cede Upper Hesse, which included the University of Marburg, to Hesse-Darmstadt.

Sterling, New York

The region was formerly part of Onondaga territory, but the Iroquois, as allies of the defeated British, were forced to cede most of their lands in New York to the state after the war.


When the Sasanian Empire fell, Yazdegerd III ordered Adhar Valash to cede the dominion to spahbed Gil Gavbara in 645 CE, while western and Southern Gilan and other parts of Gil's domain merged under the name of Tapuria.

Takht Singh

The son of Sagram Singh, a Maharaja of Idar, who himself was the son of Anand Singh, the first Maharaja of Idar and a younger son of Maharaja Ajit Singh, Raja of Jodhpur), however, he had to cede Ahmednagar back to the state of Idar to be recognized in Jodhpur by the British.

Team orders

During the 1983 South African Grand Prix, the Brabham-BMW team asked driver Riccardo Patrese to cede Nelson Piquet the race win if it ensured Piquet would win the driver's championship.

Trần Nhân Tông

On the 22nd of the tenth lunar month (November 5) 1278, Trần Thánh Tông decided to cede the throne to the Crown Prince Trần Khâm, now Trần Nhân Tông, and held the title Retired Emperor.

Treaty of Yandabo

According to the treaty, the Burmese agreed to (1) cede to the British Assam, Manipur, Rakhine (Arakan), and Taninthayi (Tenasserim) coast south of Salween river, (2) cease all interference in Cachar and Jaintia, (3) pay an indemnity of one million pounds sterling in four installments, (4) allow for an exchange of diplomatic representatives between Ava and Calcutta, and (5) sign a commercial treaty in due course.

Year 1809

Year 1809 (Märkesåret 1809 in Swedish and Merkkivuosi 1809 in Finnish, literally meaning "The Significant Year 1809" ) was a joint Swedish/Finnish government project about the 2009 bicentennial of the division of Sweden, when Sweden had to cede Finland to Russia.

see also