
4 unusual facts about chronic fatigue syndrome

A New Morning

Following the release of their 1999 album Head Music and subsequent tour, keyboardist Neil Codling announced his departure from the group on 23 March 2001, citing problems with Chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome, an illness of unknown cause comprising post-exertional malaise, unrefreshing sleep, widespread muscle and joint pain, sore throat, cognitive difficulties, and chronic, often severe, mental and physical exhaustion, for a minimum of six months, not due to ongoing exertion, not substantially relieved by rest, and not due to any other medical condition

Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Association of America

The Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Association of America is an association dedicated to ending CFIDS, also known as Chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis.

Michael Mayne

During his 50s Mayne was diagnosed with ME and wrote a book about his experiences living with the syndrome (A Year Lost and Found).

Alastair Lynch

In 1995, he contracted a mystery virus which was later revealed that he was suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome which sidelined him for the entire 1995 season.

Nicolai Misje

In November 2006 it was revealed that Misje suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome which he developed after strugeling with glandular fever.

see also

David Bell

David Sheffield Bell, physician, and researcher of chronic fatigue syndrome

English tort law

Similarly, in Page v Smith 1995 AC 155, it was held that Mr Smith was liable for causing Mr Page psychiatric injury (chronic fatigue syndrome) after a car crash, because Mr Smith could have reasonably foreseen that Mr Page would suffer physical injury for the crash.

Malcolm Hooper

In 2002, The Guardian reported on the conflict over the nature of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, and whether there is an ongoing pathological process in the illness, contrasting advocates of a biological basis, such as Professors Hooper, Kenny de Meirleir and Anthony Komaroff, with advocates of a psychosocial basis, such as Professor Simon Wessely.


In June 2009, The Street alleged Hemispherx was "seeking to divert investors' attention away from the delayed approval of rintatolimod as a treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome" by issuing three press releases in seven days about research from 2007 into possible applications for rintatolimod as a flu vaccine booster.

Trudie Chalder

"The prevalence and morbidity of chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome: a prospective primary care study." American Journal of Public Health 87, no. 9 (1997): 1449–1455.

"Cognitive behavior therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomized controlled trial." American Journal of Psychiatry 154, no. 3 (1997): 408-414.