
unusual facts about civilisation

Al Murray's Multiple Personality Disorder

This view was backed up by The Scotsman, which described the characters as "crass" and "one-dimensional", and describing Schwul as "undoubtedly the worst comedy character in the history of civilisation".


After offering the warning the Kogi retreat back to civilisation hidden in a mountain in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.

Bayoumi Andil

He believed that Egyptian culture is the outcome of an agriculture-based civilisation and that Egyptian forefathers were the first to establish the solar calendar, the bases of medicine and geometry.

Captain Kremmen

They seem to be named after the alien civilisation mentioned in Forbidden Planet.

Chagai District

These are also sometimes attributed to the Mughals and in any case indicate the presence of a richer civilisation than is now found among the Baloch and Brahui inhabitants of the district.

Château de Condé

Since the time of pre-Roman civilisation, the village of Condé-en-Brie was inhabited.

Clapham Sect

They founded Freetown in Sierra Leone, the first major British colony in Africa, whose purpose in Thomas Clarkson's words was "the abolition of the slave trade, the civilisation of Africa, and the introduction of the gospel there".

Constant Mews

He carried out doctoral study at the University of Oxford, followed by five years (1980–1985) teaching British civilisation at the Universite de Paris III, while pursuing studies in medieval thought (focusing on Peter Abelard) in connection with Jean Jolivet, at the École pratique des hautes études en sciences religieuses.

Dan Cruickshank

Perhaps his greatest success to date came with Around the World in 80 Treasures, charting Cruickshank's five-month trip around the world to visit eighty man-made artefacts or buildings that he has selected, in order to chart the history of mankind's civilisation.

Demala diviyan keliya

It is unknown how old the game is, but the game was described by H. Parker in his 1909 book Ancient Ceylon - An Account of the Aborigines and of Part of the Early Civilisation.

Directoire style

Honour, Hugh, Neo-classicism. Style and Civilisation 1968,(Reprinted 1977)

Discovery Civilization / Civilisation Channel

Discovery History, a UK television channel formerly known as Discovery Civilisation from 1999 to 2007

Earth immune system

James Lovelock's book "The Revenge of Gaia" suggests that Gaia has many mechanisms for eliminating civilisations that do harm through greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, but suggests that with increasing heat being received from the sun, Gaia's ability to "bounce back" as it did after the Permian and Cretaceous extinction events, may be increasingly compromised.

From Atlantis to the Sphinx

Using The Sphinx as his starting point, Wilson explores the ramifications of an alternate time-line for the development of mankind, arguing that an advanced civilisation or civilisations existed in traditionally pre-historic times, in particular, the fabled Atlantis mentioned by Greek philosopher Plato in his work Timaeus.

Great Zimbabwe

Tudor Parfitt described Gayre's work as intended to "show that black people had never been capable of building in stone or of governing themselves", although he adds: "The fact that Gayre... got most of his facts wrong, does not in itself vitiate the claims of the Lemba to have been involved in the Great Zimbabwe civilisation."

Henri Maspero

During the following years he replaced Marcel Granet for the chair of Chinese civilisation at the Sorbonne, directed the department of Chinese religions at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, and was selected to be a member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres.


In a similar fashion to the world of Robert E Howard's Conan and of Jack London novels, civilisation is seen as having a softening and corrupting influence in comparison to the hardy Ahrmenee and the Horseclans, although not to the extent that they outweigh the peace and prosperity that Milo and others work towards.

Jean-François Berdah

He is co-founder and chief-editor of the Revue d'Histoire Nordique since 2005, a bilingual French-English historical review dedicated to the history and civilisation of both Scandinavia and the Baltic countries, and director of the Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet of the University of Toulouse II-Le Mirail.

Jeremy Coller

He also took the Diplome Cours de Civilisation at the Sorbonne.

Kenneth Clark

Also broadcast in the US on PBS in 1969, Civilisation was successful on both sides of the Atlantic, gaining Clark an international profile.

In 1970, the Irish national newspaper TV critics honoured Clark with a Jacob's Award for Civilisation.


The lake is situated rather far from civilisation at the south-western border of Vatnajökull at an altitude of 670 m above sea level.

Lost tribe

Uncontacted peoples or lost tribes, communities who live, or have lived, without significant contact with globalised civilisation

Oh No It Isn't!

Bernice Summerfield's investigation into the lost civilisation of Perfection takes a turn for the strange when her cat Wolsey turns into Puss in Boots

Only Visiting This Planet

The Druids apparently constructed Stonehenge to help them observe or worship the sun, and their civilisation is now as dead as will someday be New York.

Pankaj Mishra

In 2011, when Mishra criticised Niall Ferguson's book Civilisation: The West and the Rest in the London Review of Books, Ferguson threatened to sue for libel.

Pierre Briant

Pierre Briant (born September 30, 1940 in Angers) is a French Iranologist, Professor of History and Civilisation of the Achaemenid World and the Empire of Alexander the Great at the Collège de France (1999 onwards), Doctor Honoris Causa at the University of Chicago, and founder of the website achemenet.com.

Revaz Gabashvili

The 1921 Red Army invasion of Georgia forced Gabashvili into exile to Paris where he wrote for local press on the politics and society of Georgia and the book L’apport de la race caucasienne dans la civilisation mondiale (Paris, 1967).

Richard Rudgley

Rudgley's 2006 Pagan Resurrection, subtitled A Force for Evil or the Future of Western Spirituality? posits the idea that western civilisation, belief systems and attitudes have been formed by the "Odinic archetype".

Robert Murdoch Smith

In September 1855, Smith was gazetted to Lieutenant and in the following October was chosen to lead a small group of Royal Engineers bound to help Charles Thomas Newton's archaeological mission to the remains of the ancient civilisation at Knidos in Turkey.

Salt for Svanetia

Most of Salt for Svanetia describes and explores the daily life of the Svan people, who are living isolated from civilisation in a harsh natural environment in the mountainous region of Svanetia.

Shudra: The Rising

Shudra: The Rising is set in the time of the Harappan civilisation and has a storyline that concerns the caste system of ancient India.

Sword of Penitence

The same magazine's review of the film (21 November 1927) points out that it owes much of its plot to American movies, including Kick In (directed by George Fitzmaurice in two versions, 1917 and 1922; Japanese title The Collapse of Civilisation Bunmei no hakai「文明の破壊」) and Les Misérables (1918, directed by Frank Lloyd).

The Hungry Earth

In the episode, the Doctor—a time travelling alien played by Matt Smith—and his companions Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) land in Wales in 2020, where a drilling operation headed by Nasreen Chaudhry (Meera Syal) is drilling deep into the earth and disrupting a civilisation of Silurians who dwell beneath the earth.

The Infinity Doctors

There are also references to the fall of Time Lord civilisation which prefigures the novel The Ancestor Cell and the Time War of the new series.

The Origins of the Second World War

Taylor was a supporter of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, one of whose arguments was that an unintended war brought about by accident could cause a nuclear war and the end of human civilisation.

The Power-House

Harvie cites a comparable passage from the second volume of The Golden Bough, where Frazer speaks of "a solid layer of savagery beneath the surface of society," which, "unaffected by the superficial changes of religion and culture," is "a standing menace to civilisation. We seem to move on a thin crust which may at any time be rent by the subterranean forces slumbering beneath."

The Purple Land

According to Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, who is quoted by Borges, the final pages of the novel contain "the supreme justification of America compared with Western civilisation."

The Shamba Raiders

The Shamba Raiders is an account of the struggle to preserve herds of game threatened by modern civilisation, poaching, war and the political and economic changes which have swept Africa in the middle of the last century.


Gravrand, Henry, "La Civilisation Sereer, vol. 1, Cosaan : les origines", Nouvelles éditions africaines, Dakar; Présence africaine, Paris, 1983, ISBN 2-7236-0877-8

Vylar Kaftan

Kaftan's short story "Civilisation" is included in Farah Mendlesohn's anthology Glorifying Terrorism, and several of her other speculative fiction flash and short stories have also been published.

Xavier Guichard

His 1936 book Eleusis Alesia: Enquête sur les origines de la civilisation européenne is an early example of speculative thinking concerning Earth mysteries, based on his observations of apparent alignments between Alesia-like place names on a map of France.

see also