
unusual facts about combat aircraft

Colombia–Czech Republic relations

In 2008, during his visit in Colombia, the Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek negotiated a potential sale of the combat aircraft Aero L-159 Alca with Colombian President Álvaro Uribe.

see also

410th Flight Test Squadron

On 2 October 1981, President Ronald Reagan announced a Strategic Modernization Program (SMP), a key feature of which would be the procurement of 100 Long-Range Combat Aircraft (LRCA).

Air combat during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus

This force was heavily committed to operations over Cyprus for the duration of the 1974 invasion, and consisted of multiple fighter squadrons equipped with F-5, RF-84F, F-100, F-102 and F-104 combat aircraft, as well as C-130, C-160 and C-47 transport planes.

Bristol Buckmaster

By 1945, there was a serious gap in performance between the so-called advanced trainers in use – such as the Avro Anson, Airspeed Oxford, dual-control Bristol Blenheim and Lockheed Hudson – and the combat aircraft which the pilots would be expected to fly on graduation.

British Aerospace EAP

In 1982, British Aerospace (BAe) exhibited a mockup of the Agile Combat Aircraft (ACA) at the Farnborough Airshow as well as the Paris Air Show in May 1983.

F-X Project

Fighter-eXperimental Project, Japan Air Self-Defense Force's next generation main combat aircraft procurement program.

Fort Crockett

In 1932, Fort Crocket received eleven A-8 Shrike attack aircraft, the US military's very first all-metal monowing combat aircraft.

Honeywell/ITEC F124

In 1994, the F124 engine was selected to power the Czech Aero L-159 Alca light combat aircraft.

Industrigruppen JAS

Industrigruppen JAS (IG JAS) was a Swedish industrial consortium founded in 1980 by SAAB-Scania, Volvo Flygmotor, LM Ericsson, SRA Communications and Förenade Fabriksverken (FFV) for the development, construction and manufacturing of the new Swedish combat aircraft JAS 39 Gripen on behalf of the Swedish Airforce.

Jagdgeschwader 400

JG 400 was formed on 1 February 1944 in Brandis with Stab only for the Messerschmitt Me 163 rocket fighter, as the only military aviation unit of any size in history, to actively use rocket-powered combat aircraft in wartime.

Kathleen A. McGrath

In the spring of 2000, during her command of the Jarrett,and just six years after Congress revoked rules prohibiting women from serving on combat aircraft and warships, the ship deployed to the northern reaches of the Persian Gulf, hunting boats suspected of smuggling Iraqi oil in violation of United Nations sanctions.

Lift jet

The Soviets did side-by-side testing of versions of combat aircraft using variable geometry wings and lift jets (the results became the Mikoyan MiG-23 and Sukhoi Su-24).

Mitiga International Airport

Of the combat aircraft, the US State Department estimated in 1983 that fifty percent remained in storage, including most of the MiG fighters and Tu-22 bombers.

Zero Retention Force Arming Unit

In November 2009 the Information Tribunal looking at EDO MBM's export licence applications held by the Dept for Business (BIS) found “There was no dispute that the ERU151 and the ZRFAU are components which can be incorporated into VER-2 bomb racks for use with F-16 combat aircraft, that those aircraft are used by the Israeli air force, and that from 1998 EDO owned the right to manufacture the ERU151 and the ZRFAU.