
unusual facts about comparative


Comparative, in grammar, a word that denotes the degree by which an entity has a property greater or less in extent than another

Anastasios Papaligouras

Born in Athens, Papaligouras studied law at the University of Athens and took a Masters in Comparative European Law at Brunel University, London.

Anna Balakian

Anna Balakian (14 July 1915 in Constantinople, Ottoman Empire (now Istanbul, Turkey) – 12 August 1997 in New York City, United States), former chair of the Department of Comparative Literature at New York University, was internationally recognized as an authority on symbolism and surrealism.

Carlos Ferrás Sexto

Ferrás Sexto completed his PhD under the supervision of Patrick O'Flanagan, conducting a comparative study on the parallel evolution and rural change between Ireland and Galicia.

Carlos Mendoza Davis

He earned a law degree with honors from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1992, for which he wrote the thesis Human rights and their protection in Mexican constitutional law. In 1994 he attended the Institute of International and Comparative Law summer school in France, sponsored by the Cornell Law School and the University of Paris.

Colonial origins of comparative development

"The colonial origins of comparative development" is a famous academic article written by Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson and published in American Economic Review in 2001.

Daniel Heller-Roazen

Winner of the Modern Language Association's 2008 Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies.

David Ede

He started his teaching career as an instructor at Augsburg College in Minneapolis and McGill University in Montreal before moving to the Western Michigan University Department of Comparative Religion where he taught Islamic Studies from 1970 to 2008 and served as departement head at the time of his death in 2008.

Del Thiessen

He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a member of the American Psychological Society, the National Association of Scholars, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Southwestern Comparative Psychological Association, the Society for the Study of Social Policies, International Society for Research on Aggression, the European Sociobiological Society, and the Behavior Genetics Association.

Edict of Fontainebleau

Though Protestants had lost their independence in places of refuge under Richelieu, they continued to live in comparative security and political contentment.

Eduard Paul Tratz

Tratz also worked with Heinz Heck on a comparative study examining chimpanzees and bonobos, most of the work for which was done during the Second World War at Munich's Hellabrunn Zoo.

Ellis Gibbons

Ellis Gibbons was evidently counted as having promise by his contemporaries: at the age of 28 he became the only composer, other than the editor Thomas Morley himself, to contribute two madrigals to The Triumphs of Oriana, a collection of 25 madrigals published in 1601, although the American musicologist Joseph Kerman (in his 1962 comparative study of the English madrigal) states that "possibly one of the two is by Edward Gibbons."

Emil Rosenberg

Emil Rosenberg, working as professor, from 1876 to 1888, systematized the comparative-anatomy collections of the University of Dorpat in accordance with the system developed at the John Hunter Museum in London.


Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, spoke at Harvard Medical School to a German magazine on August 16, 2007, and said that AstraZeneca's scientists deceptively doctored their comparative studies such that the difference from omeprazole would look larger, providing a marketing advantage.

Evolutionary developmental biology

An early version of recapitulation theory, also called the biogenetic law or embryological parallelism, was put forward by Étienne Serres in 1824–26 as what became known as the "Meckel-Serres Law" which attempted to provide a link between comparative embryology and a "pattern of unification" in the organic world.

Foundations of Economic Analysis

conclusions (on neoclassical theory from Walras to hints of the future in comparative dynamics, the comparative-statics counterpart of dynamic systems)

Frederick A. de Armas

De Armas holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1969), and has taught at Louisiana State University (1969–1988), Pennsylvania State University (where he was Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature) (1988–2000) and has been a visiting professor at Duke University (1994).

Frode Saugestad

In 2009, Saugestad published "Individuation and the Shaping of Personal Identity: A Comparative Study of the Modern Novel" which dealt with the process of individuation and the shaping of identity in the modern novel, analyzing the Norwegian literature through the work of Knut Hamsun, the Irish through the work of James Joyce, the Egyptian through the work of Naguib Mahfouz and the Sudanese through the work of Tayeb Salih.

Giacinto Auriti

He graduated in Rome, where he taught maritime, international, private and comparative law.

Hamza Abu Faris

In 2000 Hamza Abu Faris received his Ph.D in Islamic Sciences, with an emphasis in comparative Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) from the University of Zaytuna in Tunisia; his doctoral thesis was entitled “Judge Abdul Wahab al-Baghdadi and his approach to Exegesis of the Prophetic Message.”

Heriberto Félix Guerra

To measure the phenomenon in a comparative way, the Hurricane Gilbert struck the region in 1988 resulted in 280mm of water in 24 hours, while Alex 446.5mm generated the same amount of hours.

Hermann Heinrich Ploss

He published numerous works on Sexual medicine and was considered as one the founder of the comparative gynecology and pediatrics.

Hesychius of Alexandria

The best edition is by Moriz Wilhelm Constantin Schmidt (1858–1868), but no complete comparative edition of the manuscript has been published since it was first printed by Marcus Musurus (at the press of Aldus Manutius) in Venice, 1514 (reprinted in 1520 and 1521 with modest revisions).

Historical behaviour studies

A particular characteristic of the Stuttgart studies of historical behaviour was the comparative turn towards non-Western societies like Indonesia, Japan, and China.

Horner's method

Ulrich Libbrecht (at the time teaching in school, but subsequently a professor of comparative philosophy) gave a detailed description in his doctoral thesis of Qin's method, he concluded: It is obvious that this procedure is a Chinese invention....the method was not known in India.

Ingeborg Beling

Beling wrote in her widely cited 1929 paper, titled "Über das Zeitgedächtnis der Bienen" (“On the Time Memory of Bees”) published in the Journal of Comparative Physiology, that the early observations of Forel, v. Buttel-Reepen and Dobkiewicz promoted her to study the intriguing behavior of bees, termed Zeitgedächtnis, or time memory.

Jacob Immanuel Schochet

Schochet was professor-emeritus of Philosophy, and Comparative Religion, at Humber College, in Toronto, Canada, and served as adjunct-professor on Jewish Bioethics at University of Toronto Medical School, and professor of Jewish Law and Philosophy, and dean of degree studies at Maimonides College in Toronto.

Johannes de Raey

In Amsterdam he became a member of the informal society "Collegium privatum Amstelodamense", of which the members (among whom were Jan Swammerdam and Gerard Blasius) practised the comparative anatomical research of man and animal.

Justine Cassell

She holds a DEUG in Lettres Modernes from the Université de Besançon (1981), a BA in Comparative Literature/Linguistics from Dartmouth College (1982), a M.LITT.

Los Angeles Review of Books

Section editors include Cecil Castellucci (Young Adult Fiction), Gabrielle Calvocoressi and Claudia Rankine (Poetry), Arne De Boever (Philosophy & Theory), Costica Bradatan (Religion & Comparative Studies), Rob Latham (SF), Michele Pridmore-Brown and Ross Andersen (Science), Jeffrey Wasserstrom and Megan Shank (Asia), Ben Schwartz (Comics), Franklin Bruno (Music), and Boris Dralyuk (Noir).

Michael P. Howlett

He was editor of the POLCAN listserver (1995–1997) and English language co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Political Science (2002–2006) and is currently administrative editor of the Canadian Political Science Review (2007–2010), and co-editor of the World Political Science Review, the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (Book Review Editor 2001-2006), and the University of Toronto Press Series in Comparative Political Economy and Public Policy.

Milenko Vlajkov

He was a leading methodologist at the Centre for Comparative Studies of Technological & Social Progress in Novi Sad from 1981-1987 and worked as professor of psychology at the high school of Management and Informatics at the University of Novi Sad from 1989 to 1992.


Common items such as bicycles and people and famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and Mount Everest are used to help the player be able to gain a better understanding of comparative sizes.

National Motor Freight Classification

The National Motor Freight Classification is an industry standard that establishes comparative shipping rates for commodities moving as less than truckload freight in North America.


Glenn Northcutt, leader in comparative vertebrate neurobiology and evolutionary neuroscience

Nouréini Tidjani-Serpos

He has taught Comparative African Literature from 1972 to 1991 at the University of Paris VIII, at the National University of Benin, and at the Federal University of Benin City in Nigeria.

Parkland Middle School

Special courses offered at the school include, but are not limited to, Aerospace Design and Technology, Comparative Planetology and Orbital Mechanics, Honors Physics, and Unmanned Space Exploration.

Patrick Harlan

A native of Colorado Springs, Colorado and a graduate of Harvard University with a degree in comparative religion, Harlan first came to Japan on a tour with the Harvard Glee Club in 1993.

Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard

His current position is as Professor of Political Theory and Comparative Politics at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, where he has held various positions since 1991, and where he specializes in political institutions, political economy and American politics, especially issues such as elections, voting systems and constitutions.

Pomoan languages

The most important dissenter was Abraham M. Halpern, one of the few linguists since Barrett's time to collect comparative data on all of the Pomoan languages.

Radoslav Večerka

Radoslav Večerka (born April 18, 1928 in Brno) is a Czech linguist, university professor, journalist, editor and literary scholar active in the field of Slavic studies with a focus on paleography, comparative studies of Slavic languages and Slavic history.

Richiardi Sebastiano

In 1861 he became Professor of Comparative Anatomy at the University of Bologna

Robert Faricy

The subjects of Faricy’s teaching and writing include theology, philosophy, general spirituality, comparative spirituality, ecotheology, contemplative prayer, spiritual discernment, and the writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Merton, and Flannery O'Connor.


"野尻湖層産カワニナ胎児殼化石について : 現生カワニナとの比較研究 "On the fossil embryonic shell of Semisulcospira libertina (GOULD) (Mesogastropoda: Pleuroceridae) from the latest Pleistocene Nojiri-ko Formation, Nagano Prefecture, Central Japan: A comparative study of recent and fossil Semisulcospira".

Slobodan Prosperov Novak

He graduated comparative literature in 1973 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, receiving his M.A. in 1976 and Ph.D. in 1978.

Steven Wilf

He also has held fellowships as John Carter Brown Fellow at Brown University, Fellow in Comparative Legal History at the University of Chicago, Golieb Fellow at the New York University School of Law, and at The Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem.

Stewart Rawlings Mott

He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for three years, and finished his education at Columbia University School of General Studies earning two Bachelor's degrees, one in business administration and one in comparative literature.

Thomas Hewitt Key

In 1832 he became joint headmaster of the school founded in connection with that institution (the University College School); in 1842 he resigned the professorship of Latin, and took up that of comparative grammar, together with the undivided headmastership of the school.

Urban anthropology

In its early stages during the 19th century, anthropology was principally concerned with the comparative study of foreign (i.e. non-Western) cultures, which were frequently regarded as exotic and primitive.

Walter Hartwig

Hartwig turned to comparative cranial anatomy for his dissertation research, conducted at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.

Zdzisław Wąsik

He is the author of 5 books, above 24 collective editorials and above 100 articles, entering the scope of general and comparative Indo-European linguistics, history and methodology of science as well as semiotics and theory of communication.

see also