
unusual facts about computation

Resource-oriented computing

; Computation: Computation is the reification of a resource to a physical resource-representation.

Alpha Waves

The computation of sine and cosines was similarly done using only integer arithmetic.

Benjamin H. Bratton

His current work develops a political theory of planetary-scale computation and draws from disparate sources, from Paul Virilio, Michel Serres, and Carl Schmitt, to Alan Turing, Google Earth, and IPv6.

Blum–Shub–Smale machine

In computation theory, the Blum–Shub–Smale machine, or BSS machine, is a model of computation introduced by Lenore Blum, Michael Shub and Stephen Smale, intended to describe computations over the real numbers.


CAPD library - C++ library for rigorous numerics in dynamical systems and homology computation.

Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature

Unlike computation of arbitrary integrals, however, Fourier-series integrations for periodic functions (like f(\cos\theta), by construction), up to the Nyquist frequency k=N, are accurately computed by the N+1 equally spaced and equally weighted points \theta n = n \pi / N for n = 0,\ldots,N (except the endpoints are weighted by 1/2, to avoid double-counting, equivalent to the trapezoidal rule or the Euler–Maclaurin formula).

Closed timelike curve

Existence of CTCs implies also equivalence of quantum and classical computation (both in PSPACE).

Computer algebra system

MATHLAB ("mathematical laboratory") should not be confused with MATLAB ("matrix laboratory") which is a system for numerical computation built 15 years later at the University of New Mexico, accidentally named rather similarly.

Cunningham number

In 1925 he published tables which summarised his findings with H. J. Woodall, and much computation has been done in the intervening time to fill these tables.

Decision problem

However, this reduction is more liberal than the standard reduction used in computational complexity (sometimes called polynomial-time many-one reduction); for example, the complexity of the characteristic functions of an NP-complete problem and its co-NP-complete complement is exactly the same even though the underlying decision problems may not be considered equivalent in some typical models of computation.

Discrete logarithm records

On 18 Jun 2005, Antoine Joux and Reynald Lercier announced the computation of a discrete logarithm modulo a 130-digit (431-bit) strong prime in three weeks, using a 1.15 GHz 16-processor HP AlphaServer GS1280 computer and a number field sieve algorithm.

Eduardo D. Sontag

In theory of computation, he proved the first results on computational complexity in nonlinear controllability, and introduced together with his student Hava Siegelmann a new approach to analog computation and super-Turing computing.

Edward Fredkin

While Konrad Zuse's book, Calculating Space (1969), mentioned the importance of reversible computation, the Fredkin gate represented the essential breakthrough.

Georg Joachim Rheticus

Valentin Otto oversaw the hand computation of approximately 100,000 ratios to at least ten decimal places.


Optical Granulometry: Computation of granulometries from images, and its use in mines.

Guillaume Le Gentil

One of his interesting findings was that the duration of the lunar eclipse of 30 August 1765 was predicted by a Tamil astronomer, based on the computation of the size and extent of the earth-shadow (going back to Aryabhata, 5th century), and was found short by 41 seconds, whereas the charts of Tobias Mayer were long by 68 seconds.


The term "super-Turing computation" appeared in a 1995 Science paper by Hava Siegelmann.

Hava Siegelmann and Eduardo Sontag, “Analog Computation via Neural Networks,” Theoretical Computer Science 131, 1994: 331-360.

Ian Foster

With Carl Kesselman and Steve Tuecke, Foster invented grid computing, the de facto computation standard for data-intensive, multi-institution collaboration that paved the way for cloud computing.

Indeterminacy in concurrent computation

Indeterminacy in concurrent computation is concerned with the effects of indeterminacy in concurrent computation.

Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems

The Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) (in Spanish "Instituto de Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos") is a research centre of the University of Zaragoza whose main objective is to apply computation to the physics of complex systems and biological models.

Julius Erasmus Hilgard

His first practical employment was in the preliminary surveys of the Bear Mountain railroad, then a new enterprise, hut his mental activity in a higher sphere soon manifested itself in a communication to Mr. Bache, made in January, 1844, in which he called attention to errors in the formulas used in the Coast Survey in the computation of geographical positions, and gave his own development of correct formulas.

Justo Gonzalo

In 2010, coinciding with his birth's centennial, the Red Temática en Tecnologías de Computación Artificial/Natural (telematic network on artificial/natural computation technologies), together with the University of Santiago de Compostela, carried out a facsimile edition of the volumes respectively edited in 1945 and 1950, plus several annexes, where the contents of Annexe II had never been published before, under the title Dinámica Cerebral.

Liberian constitutional referendum, 2011

Unity Party Chairman Varney Sherman and Senator Fredrick Cherue of River Gee County later filed a petition with the Supreme Court seeking to overturn the NEC's certification of the defeat of Proposition 4 regarding a change from absolute majority to simple majority in all non-presidential elections, arguing that the NEC had unconstitutionally included invalid ballots in its computation of the results.

Louis-Philippe Morency

His main research interest is computational study of human multimodal computation, a multi-disciplinary research topic that overlays the fields of multi-modal interaction, machine learning, computer vision, social psychology and artificial intelligence.

Many-valued logic

S. Gottwald, A Treatise on Many-Valued Logics. Studies in Logic and Computation, vol.


mathscape is a software system created by Michael P. Barnett of Princeton University that enables the creation of TeX typeset documents (including graphics) and formulae from Mathematica workbooks, removing the need for manual conversion and thus creating a bridge between symbolic computation and computer composition.

Memory bound function

If a computation takes a few seconds on a new PC, it may take a minute on an old PC, and several minutes on a PDA, which might be a nuisance for users of old PCs, but probably unacceptable for users of PDAs.

Munching square

The Munching Square is a display hack dating back to the PDP-1 (ca. 1962, reportedly discovered by Jackson Wright), which employs a trivial computation (repeatedly plotting the graph Y = X XOR T for successive values of T) to produce an impressive display of moving and growing squares that devour the screen.

Neurophysiological Biomarker Toolbox

The Neurophysiological Biomarker Toolbox (NBT) is an open source Matlab toolbox for the computation and integration of neurophysiological biomarkers (e.g., biomarkers based on EEG or MEG recordings).

New York Tugboat Race

The spinach eating computation is in honor of the Popeye the sailor cartoon character.

Nonlinear conjugate gradient method

Newton based methods - Newton-Raphson Algorithm, Quasi-Newton methods (e.g., BFGS method) - tend to converge in fewer iterations, although each iteration typically requires more computation than a conjugate gradient iteration as Newton-like methods require computing the Hessian (matrix of second derivatives) in addition to the gradient.

P system

The in modifier causes the object to be passed to one of the current membrane’s children (travelling inwards relative to the structure of the P system), chosen at random during the computation.

Parallel language

This is different from sequential languages, which attach constraints to all of their keywords and other syntactic constructs, such that only one bit of work is free to be performed at any point as the computation moves forward.

Philip L. Roe

Initially he worked in the field of missile aerodynamics and later shifted to CFD and devised the Roe solver for numerical computation of compressible flows with shocks.

Phylogenetic profiling

Along with examination of conserved synteny, conserved operon structure, or "Rosetta Stone" domain fusions, comparing phylogenetic profiles is a designated a "post-homology" technique, in that the computation essential to method begins after it is determined which proteins are homologous to which.

Scientific calculator

The HP-9100 series was built entirely from discrete transistor logic with no integrated circuits, and was one of the first uses of the CORDIC algorithm for trigonometric computation in a personal computing device, as well as the first calculator based on Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) entry.


Similarly, the Viterbi algorithm for finding the most probable state sequence corresponding to an observation sequence in a Hidden Markov model can also be formulated as a computation over a (max, ×) algebra on probabilities.

Special functions

The later Bateman Manuscript Project, under the editorship of Arthur Erdélyi, attempted to be encyclopedic, and came around the time when electronic computation was coming to the fore and tabulation ceased to be the main issue.

Structured analysis

Data flow diagrams were invented by Larry Constantine, developer of structured design, based on Martin and Estrin's "data flow graph" model of computation.

Theoretical computer science

While formal algorithms have existed for millennia (Euclid's algorithm for determining the greatest common divisor of two numbers is still used in computation), it was not until 1936 that Alan Turing, Alonzo Church and Stephen Kleene formalized the definition of an algorithm in terms of computation.

Toffoli gate

Quantum mechanics requires the transformations to be reversible but allows more general states of the computation (superpositions).

Topological quantum computer

The original proposal for topological quantum computation is due to Alexei Kitaev in 1997.

Trace theory

While the trace monoid had been studied by Pierre Cartier and Dominique Foata for its combinatorics in the 1960s, trace theory was first formulated by Antoni Mazurkiewicz in the 1970s, in an attempt to evade some of the problems in the theory of concurrent computation, including the problems of interleaving and non-deterministic choice with regards to refinement in process calculi.

Very long instruction word

An architecture designed for use in signal processing may have a number of special-purpose instructions to facilitate certain complicated operations such as fast Fourier transform (FFT) computation or certain calculations that recur in tomographic contexts.

Waterloo Maple

Waterloo Maple Inc. was first incorporated under the name Waterloo Maple Software in April 1988 by Keith Geddes and Gaston Gonnet, who were both then professors in the Symbolic Computation Group, a part of the computer science department (now the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science) at the University of Waterloo.


This is achieved by dynamically tracking their progress on an ongoing profile using the hard drive (or the PS2's memory card), setting up a schedule to be followed, and Maya making suggestions to the player using computations being made by the program.

see also