
42 unusual facts about counter

1542 in poetry

June 24 – St. John of the Cross, in Spanish: "San Juan de la Cruz", born "Juan de Yepes Alvarez", (died 1591), Spanish mystic, poet, writer, Carmelite friar and priest, who was a major figure of the Catholic Reformation

2005 CPL World Tour

The CPL's "strategic partners", organizations designated to operate regional World Tour stops, also chose to hold smaller tournaments for other popular competitive games, such as Counter-Strike.

Aesch Castle

Jacob Christoph Blarer was also one of the main leaders of the Counter-Reformation in Birseck.

Architecture of Germany

But whereas the Renaissance drew on the wealth and power of the Italian courts, and was a blend of secular and religious forces, the Baroque directly linked to the Counter-Reformation, a movement within the Catholic Church to reform itself in response to the Protestant Reformation.

Biblioteca Ambrosiana

During Cardinal Borromeo's sojourns in Rome, 1585–95 and 1597–1601, he envisioned developing this library in Milan as one open to scholars and that would serve as a bulwark of Catholic scholarship in the service of the Counter-Reformation against the treatises issuing from Protestant presses.

Cecilia Ferrazzi

Cecilia Ferrazzi (1609 – 17 January 1684) was a Counter-Reformation Catholic prototype social worker, whose life was extensively involved with establishment and maintenance of women's houses of refuge in seventeenth century Italy.

Church of the Holy Trinity, Košice

In 1618, at the beginning of the Counter-Reformation and the start of the Thirty Year War, The captain of the city established there a dwelling and a chapel for Jesuits in the Protestant town.

Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit

In response to the increased threat of terrorism following the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, there was a growing need to enhance the civil defence capability of the country.

Collegium Hosianum

The Collegium Hosianum was one of the biggest Jesuit schools and one of the most important centres of Counter-Reformation in Europe and was particularly established to educate Catholic clergy of different countries.


Counter-development seeks return to rural communities which would be semi-autarkic, ecologically-sound and autonomous.


Berlin argues that, while there were enemies of the Enlightenment outside of Germany (e.g. Joseph de Maistre) and before the 1770s (e.g. Giambattista Vico), Counter-Enlightenment thought did not really 'take off' until the Germans 'rebelled against the dead hand of France in the realms of culture, art and philosophy, and avenged themselves by launching the great counter-attack against the Enlightenment.'

Counter-IED equipment

Counter-IED Reconnaissance Planes: The U.S. Army’s Task Force ODIN-E flies manned reconnaissance aircraft that use an array of full-motion video (FMV), electro-optical (EO), infra-red (IR), and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery sensors to find IEDs.


The Canadian concept was trialled in American aircraft including B-24 Liberators and TBM Avengers in the Yehudi lights project, using forward-pointing lamps automatically adjusted to match the brightness of the sky.


Van Creveld, Martin, The Changing Face of War: Combat from the Marne to Iraq, 2008, New York: Ballantine, ISBN 978-0-89141-902-0

Hart also points to the experiences of T. E. Lawrence and the Arab Revolt during World War I as another example of the power of the rebel/insurgent.

Counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism organizations

There are some standing military special operations forces, such as Sayeret Matkal, but ad hoc task forces were assembled for major operations such as the 1976 Entebbe rescue.


Deciding what characterizes a work in Counter-Mannerist style may not be straightforward; in the single brief passage mentioning the term in John Shearman's Mannerism (1967), he picks Santi di Tito's Vision of St Thomas Aquinas (1593, illustrated here, as in both books) as an example of it, but Freedberg excludes Santo's classicising naturalism from the style, though noting his similarities to it.

The term was devised by the art historian Sydney Joseph Freedberg (1914–1997), and has gained a good degree of acceptance, although it is by no means universally adopted by other art historians.

Counter-pressure brake

Counter-pressure brakes were found especially on steam engines that worked long inclines and on rack railway locomotives (e.g. on the Vienna Kahlenberg Railway (Kahlenbergbahn), relieving brake blocks and tyres from high levels of wear and tear that they would otherwise be subjected to.


After Barack Obama launched an initiative for healthcare reform, protests against government and Congress members by Tea Party members at townhall meetings were met with counter-protests by progressive/liberal activists and pro-labor unionists.


The Council upheld salvation appropriated by grace through faith and works of that faith (not just by faith, as the Protestants insisted) because "faith without works is dead", as the Epistle of St. James states (2:22-26).


It was initially developed and released as a Half-Life modification by Minh "Gooseman" Le and Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe in 1999, before Le and Cliffe were hired and the game's intellectual property acquired.

As of June 18, 2009, a regional federal court order lifting the prohibition on the sale of Counter-Strike was published.

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

The weapons are colored a bit differently from their Counter-Strike counterparts, such as the Arctic Warfare Magnum which is now brown instead of green, the Steyr AUG and the Colt M4 carbine are now two-tone police black instead of the usual colors.

At the ending credits, a Delta Force soldier rides a Scud missile, alluding to Dr. Strangelove.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

To match players of similar skill levels for an enjoyable experience, the game uses an Elo rating system.

Counter-terrorism in Malaysia

When the British re-established their control of Malaya, the MPAJA was disbanded and arms returned to the British Military Administration (BMA), an interim administration outfit prior to the formation of Malayan Union.

Counter-World Experience

After many concerts at such prestigious locations as the Burg Herzburg Festival, the Frankfurt Music Fair, the Freakshow Artrock Festival, or as support for Matthias IA Eklundh, Counter-World Experience had the backing of a solid and ever-expanding fan-base.

Counter's Creek

The application, however, was unsuccessful, and Sir William Tite, who from the first took a very active interest in the matter, appealed to the Metropolitan Board of Works to undertake the work independently of Government assistance.

This was first recorded in the fourteenth century as 'Countessesbrugge', and may be called after Matilda/Maud, Countess of Oxford, who in early centuries after the Conquest held the manor of Kensington.


Gamania has over 10 million registered members around the world, built from Korean PC online games such as Lineage, MapleStory, Counter-Strike Online and Kart Rider.

Marguerite Chapman

She also starred in the famous pro-Soviet war film Counter-Attack, released in 1945.


In the case of Half-Life, a mod called Counter-Strike drove sales of the original software for years.

Nikos Gounaris

His song; Pame Sta Bouzoukia is featured in a custom map on the MMOFPS Counter-Strike titled de plaka.

Ognian Gueorguiev

Gueorguiev began competing in Counter-Strike (CS) from around the age of 15 when he would attend Local Area Network (LAN) parties in his home province of Quebec.


On February 16, 2012, OGPlanet announced that it will be publishing Tactical Intervention, a new first-person shooter from the co-creator of Counter-Strike, Minh Le.

Paul Koudounaris

A host of similar, previously unknown sites were also included in the book, however, and the text created a context for understanding the construction of these types of elaborate ossuaries as a Catholic phenomenon that was initiated during the Counter-Reformation.


It was named in 1867 after (the name of students of) the Pázmáneum, the Vienna Catholic seminary, later university, founded in 1623 by Cardinal Péter Pázmány, a protagonist of the Counter-Reformation and the father of modern Hungarian language.

Reverse chronology

Philip K. Dick, in his 1967 novel Counter-Clock World, describes a future in which time has started to move in reverse, resulting in the dead reviving in their own graves ("old-birth"), living their lives in reverse, eventually ending in returning to the womb, and splitting into an egg and a sperm during copulation between a recipient woman and a man.


Landi's religious context, in keeping with the Counter-Reformation spirit of Jesuit dramas, marks a new departure in the theatre in Rome, combining antiquarian interests in ancient drama with modern musical conceptions of recitative, ensembles and occasional arias.


It is of particular historical significance as the burial site of many Counter-Reformation ecclesiastics including John Brenan Archbishop of Cashel, Eugene Duhy (O'Duffy) and most notably Geoffrey Keating.

Wisbech Stirs

Peter Burke sees the faultline, traditionally described as "Jesuits and seculars" (for example in Thomas Graves Law, The Conflicts between Jesuits and Seculars in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1889) as between Counter-Reformation Catholics and Catholics of a more traditional mould; he takes as example the strife over a hobby horse brought out for Christmas celebrations.


Darkcore was the short lived counter movement to happy that occurred at the same time.


Agrupación de Fuerzas Especiales Antiterroristas Urbanas, a counter-terrorism unit in the National Army of Colombia

All-India Jamhur Muslim League

The All India Jamhur Muslim League was formed in 1940, to counter the Lahore resolution, passed by the All-India Muslim League, for a separate Pakistan based on Muhammad Ali Jinnah's Two nation theory.

Anna Wolkoff

She was allegedly associated with Wallis Simpson, a client of her couture business, and also under suspicion by British counter-intelligence.

Armand-Emmanuel de Vignerot du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu

After a short stay in Austria, however, Richelieu joined the counter-revolutionary émigré army of Louis XVI's cousin, the Prince de Condé, which was headquartered in the German frontier town of Coblenz.

Autistic Self Advocacy Network

In April 2013, as part of Autism Acceptance Month – a counter-movement against the cure-focused Light It Up Blue and Autism Awareness Month movements – ASAN launched an Autism Acceptance Month web site.

Battle of Kemp's Landing

Militia companies from Princess Anne County in the Province of Virginia assembled at Kemp's Landing to counter British troops under the command of Virginia's last colonial governor, John Murray, Lord Dunmore, that had landed at nearby Great Bridge.

Battle of the Hotels

As a counter-move, Christian fighters of the Phalange Kataeb Regulatory Forces (KRF) militia headed by William Hawi and Bashir Gemayel began to take positions between and around the main hotels, but quickly found themselves at a disadvantage as they were under constant observation and heavy machine gun fire from the Murr Tower.

Belostock Offensive

The 2nd Belorussian Front had successfully forced the entire length of the Neman and Svisloch by July 24; the 50th Army, with support from the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps, took or retook the eastern part of the Augustow Forest and part of the outlying fortifications of Grodno which the Germans had retained after their counter-offensive.

Cal Tjader Plays Harold Arlen

He swipes string-section sounds (icy and twangy by turns) from the moderns, steals chords from Bartók's string quartets, throws in some Hollywood soundtrack stuff, conks on the bare piano strings, and fools around with counter-rhythms.

Camilo Pessanha

To counter this, Ana de Castro Osório urged Pessanha to place his poems in a single volume.

Dahl's Foods

Another store opened in 1952 featuring a scratch bakery, pharmacy, and a lunch counter, uncommon for a grocery store at that time.

Director of National Intelligence Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies

The group included former counter-terrorism czar Richard A. Clarke, former Acting CIA director Michael Morell, University of Chicago Law professor Geoffrey Stone, former administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Cass Sunstein and former Chief Counselor for Privacy in the Office of Management and Budget Peter Swire.

East Washington Avenue Bridge

The East Washington Avenue Bridge was a movable Strauss underneath-counter weight deck-girder bascule bridge in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Erich Vermehren

Meanwhile, Erich had made overtures to the British Secret Intelligence Service, which already had a file on him, through its counter-espionage representative Nicholas Elliot.

François Dominique de Reynaud, Comte de Montlosier

In September 1791, after the dissolution of the Assembly, Montlosier fled to Germany where he tried to join the counter-revolutionary Army of Condé at Coblenz.

Fred Kaplan

In late 2012, Kaplan published The Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Plot to Change the American Way of War, a nonfiction work which examines how General David Petraeus attempted to implement new thinking in Afghanistan and Iraq regarding the traditional clear and hold counter-insurgency strategy, and the shortcomings of this strategy, its intellectual underpinnings, and the individuals who defined it.

History of Molde

Arriving safely in Molde, the city was de facto capital of Norway from 22 April to 29 April, when the advancing German forces, combined with a failed British counter-attack, forced the Norwegian commander-in-chief, General Otto Ruge, to abandon Southern Norway and continue the fight from Tromsø.


Sericulture had turned lands traditionally reserved for rice crops into silk farms, and flour products like hōtō were invented as a means to counter food shortages which arose from this change in agriculture.

INS Magdala

The ship was a part of the 20th Mine Counter Measure Squadron (MCMS) and was placed under the Naval Officer-in-Charge (Kerala & Lakshadweep) at Kochi.

Internet in Cuba

According to Boris Moreno Cordoves, Deputy Minister of Informatics and Communications, the Torricelli Act (part of the United States embargo against Cuba) identified the telecommunications sector as a tool for subversion of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, and the necessary technology has been conditioned by counter-revolutionaries, but is also seen as essential for Cuba’s economic development.

Jeff Nuttall

In 1967 two of his illustrations appeared in the counter-cultural tabloid newspaper The Last Times (Volume 1, number 1, Fall 1967) published by Charles Plymell.

Kazimierz Leski

Kazimierz Leski, nom de guerre Bradl (21 June 1912 — 27 May 2000), was a Polish engineer, co-designer of the Polish submarines ORP Sęp and ORP Orzeł, a fighter pilot, and an officer in World War II Home Army's intelligence and counter-intelligence.

Le Paradis massacre

By the time the operation had finished in Cambrai, the first German units had reached the English Channel, but the British counter-attacked just west of Arras on 21 May, following on from the counter-attack of the day before (Battle of Arras).

Listing's law

Listing's law is not obeyed when the eyes counter-rotate during head rotation to maintain gaze stability, either due to the Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) or the optokinetic reflex.


Manner wafers could also be seen on the glass counter in the Central Perk café during season six of the TV sitcom Friends.

Marc Sageman

Bunch of Guys, counter-terrorism term referring to self-organizing terrorist cells

Mel Lipman

In a Las Vegas Review-Journal article, Lipman stated: "My biggest concern is to counter the propaganda from people who think that people who don't believe in a supernatural deity cannot live moral, ethical lives." Lipman says his top priority "is to change people's attitudes about Humanists".

Modern Drunkard Magazine

The theme of the magazine − a celebration of alcohol and the seemingly bohemian lifestyles of functional alcoholics − runs counter to the message of moderation commonly found in mainstream America: regular features include "Alcocomics − Cartoons for the sober challenged," "Post Cards from Skid Row" (featuring poetry written by and/or for the inebriated), "Wino Wisdom," and "You Know You're a Drunkard When..."

Murder of Koby Mandell and Yosef Ishran

The legislation was spearheaded by Morton Klein's Zionist Organization of America but was not a priority of other Jewish groups, who said that it did more to reprimand the State Department rather than support counter-terrorism: by targeting only Palestinian terrorists, they said, it was too narrow in its scope and would not, for example, have been able to deal with the murder of Daniel Pearl.

Narita International Airport Corporation

Facility leasing: Leases counter space, retail and office space, cargo warehouses, car park space and other property.


In 2013, after Baroness Thatcher's death, "I'm in Love with Margaret Thatcher" received additional publicity when there was an online campaign to boost the record's re-entry into the charts as a download, to counter the promotion of the song "Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead" by anti-Thatcher activists.

Okill Massey Learmonth

On 18 August 1917 east of Loos, France, during a determined counter-attack on our new positions, Major Learmonth, when his company was momentarily surprised, instantly charged and personally disposed of the attackers.

OTC Markets Group

The OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB) is a listing of securities that are also traded "over the counter" similar to the OTC Markets.


By nature the middle is first, and around it dance ten divine bodies - the sky, the planets, then the sun, next the moon, next the earth, next the counterearth, and after all of them the fire of the hearth which holds position at the centre.

Planet Half-Life

In addition to the news, Planet Half-Life hosts extensive, in-depth collections of information regarding Half-Life, Half-Life 2 (along with Portal), Counter-Strike, Team Fortress and Day of Defeat.


Another counter-argument is the fact that ancient Anatolia is known to have been inhabited by non-Indo-European people, namely the Hattians, Khalib/Karub, and Khaldi/Kardi; though this does not preclude the possibility that the earliest Indo-European speakers may have been there too.

Rome and Vienna airport attacks

At 08:15 GMT, four gunmen walked to the shared ticket counter for Israel's El Al Airlines and Trans World Airlines at Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport outside Rome, Italy, fired assault rifles, and threw grenades.

RSD-10 Pioneer

In 1979 NATO decided to deploy US Pershing II and BGM-109G Ground Launched Cruise Missile missiles in Western Europe in attempt to counter the RSD-10.

South Sulawesi Campaign

The failure of conventional tactics prompted the Netherlands East Indies government to dispatch the maverick counter-insurgency expert Raymond Westerling who initiated a three-month pacification campaign from December 1946 to February 1947.

Storm of Steel

In 1917 Jünger saw action during the Battle of Arras in April, the Third Battle of Ypres in July and October, and the German counter-attack during the Battle of Cambrai in November.

Sub-replacement fertility

C. D. Howe Institute, for example, tries to demonstrate that immigration can not be used to effectively counter population ageing.

The Girl from Monday

At the high school, Cecile reads Thoreau's book Walden and is inspired to join the counter-revolution.

The River Kwai March

It was written as an orchestral counter-march to the "Colonel Bogey March", which is whistled by the soldiers entering the prisoner camp in the film The Bridge on the River Kwai and again near the end of the film when the bridge is formally dedicated.

Thieves of Baghdad

Thieves of Baghdad is a non-fictional account written by Col. Matthew Bogdanos about the quest to recover over a thousand lost artifacts from the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad after the country's counter-invasion.

Two-phase flow

Can give rise to other counter-intuitive, negative resistance-type instabilities, like Ledinegg instability, Geysering, Chugging, Relaxation Instability, and Flow Maldistribution Instabilities as examples of Static Instabilities, and other Dynamic Instabilities.

Union busting

In 1980, the author of Confessions of a Union Buster named Martin J. Levitt reported that he conducted a counter-organizing drive at a nursing home in Sebring, Ohio.

Willem Baudartius

Born to Protestant parents in Flanders and a fervent counter-remonstrant, Baudartius left the Netherlands on the arrival of Fernando Álvarez de Toledo and landed in England at Sandwich.