
2 unusual facts about cross-examination.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

The Trial portion of the game is similar to that of previous Ace Attorney games and consists of listening to and cross-examining witness testimonies.

Party admission

Affidavit evidence consisting of out-of-court statements, is not subject to cross-examination. Affidavit evidence is thought to detract from the truth-finding mission of a trial.

Adlington Hall

It is thought that the pillar on which it stands was originally a Saxon cross base.

Arthur Knight

Arthur George Knight (1886–1918), Canadian recipient of the Victoria Cross

Cal Tjader Plays Harold Arlen

He swipes string-section sounds (icy and twangy by turns) from the moderns, steals chords from Bartók's string quartets, throws in some Hollywood soundtrack stuff, conks on the bare piano strings, and fools around with counter-rhythms.

Cathedral of St. Sophia, Novgorod

The large cross on the main dome (which has a metal bird attached to it, perhaps symbolic of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove) was removed by Spanish infantry.


Optic chiasm, the part of the brain where the optic nerves partially cross

Confrontation Clause

The Confrontation Clause has its roots in both English common law, protecting the right of cross-examination, and Roman law, which guaranteed persons accused of a crime the right to look their accusers in the eye.

Cross-flow turbine

Vertical axis wind turbines also have the flow pass through the turbine transversely


The Rule of Three gained notoriety for being particularly difficult to explain: see Cocker's Arithmetick for an example of how the premier textbook in the 17th century approached the subject.


Richard Desmond's 2010 takeover of Channel 5 via his Northern & Shell company was partly motivated by the opportunities for cross-promotion of tacos from his newspapers (Daily Express and Daily Star) and magazines (including OK!); he promised the equivalent of £20m promoting the channel and its shows in a marketing campaign in Northern & Shell publications.


Widgery Cross – granite cross atop Brat Tor, memorial erected by Dartmoor artist William Widgery to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887

Dennis Embleton

They journeyed to Paris, Strasbourg, Baden, Switzerland, over the Simplon Pass, Milan, Genoa, Rome, Bologna, Pisa, Florence, Venice, Trieste, Vienna, The Tyrol and back to Paris, All the time, in addition to seeing the sights, they visited numerous medical establishments, and at Pisa they petitioned the university, sat the examination for doctorate of medicine, passed and were granted diplomas on 14 September 1836

Devil World

He navigates through a series of mazes and touches Crosses to power up and summon the ability to breathe fire and eat the dots in the maze.

Edward Donald Bellew

Edward Bellew's Victoria Cross is believed to have been stolen from the Royal Canadian Military Institute, Toronto, between January 1975 and 22 July 1977.

Exit Games

Exit Games is a German venture capital financed company, founded in 2003, with offices in Hamburg and Portland offering a multiplayer engine for cross-platform realtime multiplayer games and massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) on various technological platforms, including mobile, PC and consoles.

Finishing the Picture

Finishing the Picture is a thinly-veiled autobiographical examination of the time Miller and his then-wife Marilyn Monroe spent shooting The Misfits (1961).

Ford Racing

1909 - A Ford Model T won the transcontinental New York to Seattle cross-country race (about 6600 km).

Gao Hong

She has also participated in cross-cultural musical collaborations, performing with jazz musicians and musicians from other cultures, including James Newton and Shubhendra Rao.

Houghton, Hampshire

Some of the remains of the deer park's boundary embankments (or pale) can still be seen near Black Lake Farm as you cross the valley on foot on the Clarendon Way.

Human trafficking in Benin

Gendarmes in the village of Porga arrested suspected traffickers trying to cross the Benin-Burkina Faso border en route to Ivory Coast with five children in April 2009, and delivered them to the court at Natitingou.

India in World War II

Later in the war however, the INA's second division, tasked with the defence of Irrawaddy and the adjoining areas around Nangyu, was instrumental in opposing Messervy's 7th Indian Infantry Division when it attempted to cross the river at Pagan and Nyangyu during the successful Burma Campaign by the Allies the following year.

James A. Smith

James Alexander Smith (1881–1968), British soldier, recipient of the Victoria Cross

Jay Davis

Jay Davis is an American actor, stand-up comedian and comedy promoter/producer who garnered nationwide attention after appearing in Dane Cook's Tourgasm, a 30-day cross-country-tour-turned-reality-show which also included Cook, Gary Gulman and Robert Kelly, and was given a 8-episode run on HBO.

John Rennie the Younger

He was responsible for the New River Ancholme Drainage Scheme in Lincolnshire, and Horkstow Bridge, which he designed to cross the river at Horkstow in 1835–6, is one of the earliest suspension bridges to survive and remains substantially as designed.

José do Canto

Its construction began in 1845, under the supervision of José do Canto and his London architect David Mocatta, and comprises 6 hectares and more the 6000 species of trees and bush species, representing a cross-section of period gardens created by many of the Azorean families after the 18th Century.

Karabar High School

"Over the years the band has performed in Queanbeyan and Canberra. The first performances were at Anzac Day and the Highland Gathering in 1991. Since then they have performed in Queanbeyan and Canberra Festivals, numerous sporting events such as Canberra Raiders, Queanbeyan Tigers and North Melbourne matches, local netball march pasts, Masters Games, polo cross and many school and community events such as Floriade, the Uniting Church Fete, the Burra Fair and the Canberra Show."

La Croix-Valmer

The Emperor Constantine the Great, on the way to wage war against his brother-in-law Maxentius in 312 AD, is said to have had a vision of a cross in the sky stating "in hoc signo vinces" (by this sign you will conquer) at the location where La Croix-Valmer is now situated.

Lewis McGee

As a sergeant in the Australian Imperial Force, McGee was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions in the Battle of Broodseinde—part of the Passchendaele offensive—on 4 October 1917.

Louise McManus

Florence Nightingale International Red Cross Society Citation and Medal and the

Manitoba Provincial Road 373

Road 374 heads north across the lake to the town of Cross Lake via the Kichi Sipi Bridge.


Hailu Mekonnen (born 1980), Ethiopian long-distance runner and two-time World Cross Country medallist

Mercat Cross, Edinburgh

On 10 December 1688, a mob, having broken into the private chapel of King James VII at Holyrood Abbey and torn down the woodwork, carried it to the Cross where it was burned along with an effigy of the Pope.

Murder of Larry King

The bullying continued when King transferred to E.O. Green Junior High School in the seventh grade, and intensified when he began attending school wearing women's accessories and clothing, high heels and makeup in January 2008.

Nerf Blaster

Cross-promotional models have also been released, themed around Marvel Super Heroes, Star Wars, G.I. Joe and Transformers.

Newton Mason

Newton Henry Mason (1918–1942), United States Navy ensign, posthumous recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross

Ninth Grade Success Academy

-- If a second list item is to be added to this section, create 9th Grade Success Academy (disambiguation) move the list in this section into the new disambiguator, redirect 9th Grade Success Academy to 9th Grade Success Academy (disambiguation), and cross-reference both disambiguators.

Ore Mountain/Krušné hory Ski Trail

Another cross-country ski route, the so-called Kammloipe trail runs from Schöneck in the Vogtland region via Mühlleithen to Johanngeorgenstadt in the Western Ore Mountains.

Over Here!

The setting is a cross-country train trip in the United States during World War II (hence the name of the play, in contrast to the popular patriotic war anthem entitled Over There).

Perfect 10, Inc. v. Google Inc.

Following the district court's decision, both sides cross-appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.


R. A. Stewart Macalister in his Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum Celticarum published in 1949 stated that an inscription in a panel on the side of the cross read REGIS RICATI CRUX, translating to "Cross of King Ricatus".

Royal Hanoverian State Railways

The routes therefore ran into the district of Lehrte in the form of a cross (hence Kreuzbahn = cross railway) and, as a result, Lehrte developed into an important railway hub.

Rudolf Saalbach

Saalbach was awarded the Knight's Cross for his bravery and leadership between 12 and 19 March 1944, in Hungerburg and also promoted to Sturmbannführer.

Rudolf Virchow Award

1990 - John O'Neil - The Politics of Patient Dissatisfaction in Cross-Cultural Clinical Encounters: A Canadian Inuit example, Medical Anthropology 3 (4): 325-344.

Sainik School, Amaravathinagar

Football, hockey, volleyball, basketball, cricket, athletics, cross-country running, swimming, gymnastics, canoeing, cycling, horse riding, mountaineering, parasailing, trekking (hiking), obstacles course, rifle shooting, boxing, NCC,karate,music clubs, literary clubs, theater arts, elocution, photography, fine arts, craftwork, philately, aero-modeling, ship-modeling, Marching band, Choir

Sella Nevea

Because both Italy and Slovenia are members of the European Schengen area, skiers are able to freely cross the border between Italy and Slovenia, effectively merging the Sella Nevea and Bovec ski resorts into one large ski resort covering both sides of the Canin mountain.

Simon Shaheen

In addition to his work in traditional and classical Arabic music, Shaheen has participated in many cross-cultural musical projects, including performing with producer Bill Laswell, Colombian singer Soraya, Henry Threadgill, Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, and with Jewish klezmer musicians The Klezmatics.

South Ronaldsay child abuse scandal

The objects seized during the raids were later returned; they included a videotape of the TV show Blackadder, a detective novel by Ngaio Marsh, and a model aeroplane made by one of the children from two pieces of wood, which was identified by social workers as a "wooden cross".

System integration

Such a Multidisciplinary approach cross all borders of different professions could be regarded as Multi-disciplinary Engineering (MDE).

Three Wooden Crosses

These crosses stand in the traditional Christian formation of a tall cross in the middle and two slightly shorter crosses on each side representing the Crucifixion of Jesus.

Yenki Abbey

Two of these monks were serving at the newly erected Holy Cross Monastery in Kouqian, a town in Yongji County, Jilin.

Zhao Yi

After apparently failing a local examination fourteen times, Zhao went on to earn his provincial degree in 1750 at the age of 23 on his second attempt, and later earned his metropolitan degree in 1761, placing third overall in his cohort behind Wang Jie and Hu Gaowang.

see also

Gerry Patrick Hemming

As a result of obtaining depositions from David Atlee Phillips, Richard Helms, G. Gordon Liddy, Stansfield Turner, and Marita Lorenz, plus a skillful cross-examination by Lane of E. Howard Hunt, the jury decided in January, 1995, that Marchetti had not been guilty of libel when he suggested that John F. Kennedy had been assassinated by people working for the CIA.

J. B. Jeyaretnam

Prime Minister Goh alleged that, as a result of this, his "reputation, moral authority and leadership standing have been gravely injured both local and internationally", and during cross-examination by Jeyaretnam's counsel, George Carman QC, likened the statement to throwing a Molotov cocktail.

Sir George Lewis, 1st Baronet

In criminal cases he drew public attention to himself by his cross-examination in the Bravo case in 1875, and from that time onward was connected with most criminal "causes célèbres," being conspicuous in the prosecution of fraudulent persons like Madame Rachel and Slade the medium.

The Art of Cross-Examination

The cross-examination of Ada and Phoebe Brush by George W. Whiteside - in their suit against two prominent Huntington, Long Island physicians, to recover damages for their ten-year incarceration in Kings Park State Hospital as insane patients.

The cross-examination by Henry W. Taft of Dr. Charles Dana, Dr. Frederick Peterson and Dr. Smith Ely Jelliffe, expert witnesses in the litigation over the will of Andrew F. Kennedy.

The Great Monkey Trial

Literary quotations are provided at the start of each chapter, for instance, that for "Single Combat", the chapter detailing the cross-examination of William Jennings Bryan by Clarence Darrow, for which de Camp chose a quotation from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass where Alice and the Queen talk about believing impossible things.

Thomas Miller Beach

He was subpoenaed by The Times, and in the witness-box the whole story came out, all the efforts of Sir Charles Russell in cross-examination failing to shake his testimony.