
unusual facts about dataflow


Jack Dennis of MIT pioneered the field of static dataflow architectures.


Dataflow | dataflow |

Alliant Computer Systems

Alliant was founded, as Dataflow Systems, in May 1982 by Ron Gruner, Craig Mundie and Rich McAndrew to produce machines for scientific and engineering users who needed smaller, less costly machines than offerings from Cray Computer and similar high-end vendors.


BMDFM (Binary Modular Dataflow Machine) is software, which enables running an application in parallel on shared memory symmetric multiprocessors (SMP) using the multiple processors to speed up the execution of single applications.

BMDFM dynamic scheduling subsystem performs an SMP emulation of Tagged-Token Dataflow Machine to provide the transparent dataflow semantics for the applications.

Hardware description language

Annapolis Micro Systems, Inc.'s CoreFire Design Suite and National Instruments LabVIEW FPGA provide a graphical dataflow approach to high-level design entry and languages such as SystemVerilog, SystemVHDL, and Handel-C seek to accomplish the same goal, but are aimed at making existing hardware engineers more productive versus making FPGAs more accessible to existing software engineers.


Research on Prograph started at Acadia University in 1982 as a general investigation into dataflow languages, stimulated by a seminar on functional languages conducted by Michael Levin.


Reactive programming, a property of an execution model whereby changes are automatically propagated through a dataflow network

see also