Minjiang dialect | Kansai dialect | Samogitian dialect | Doric dialect | Cypriot dialect | BlazBlue: Continuum Shift | Norfolk dialect | Geordie dialect words | Doric dialect (Scotland) | Lancashire dialect and accent | ''Continuum (sculpture) | Continuum International Publishing Group | Balearic dialect | balearic dialect | Yooper dialect | ''Wenn der Rapp bleht in Piddaschwald'', a poem in the dialect of Peterswald-Löffelscheid | Upper Navarrese dialect | Upper Carniolan dialect | Styrian dialect group | Romanesco dialect | Pothohari dialect | Pomeranian (German dialect group) | Pemako Tshangla dialect | Old Guangde dialect | Ohrid dialect | Northern Khmer dialect | Negombo Tamil dialect | Multani dialect | Manchester dialect | Lower Polog dialect |
Due to the large population of Andalusia, the Andalusian dialect is the second most spoken dialect in Spain, after the transitional variants between Castilian and Andalusian (for example the one from Madrid).
Chaga, also Kichaga or Kichagga, is a Bantu dialect continuum spoken by the Chaga people of Tanzania, South of Mount Kilimanjaro.
North Teke, or Tɛgɛ (Tege, Teghe, Itege), is a member of the Teke languages dialect continuum of the Congolese plateau.
The Tsege language, Tchitchege, is a member of the Teke dialect continuum of the Congolese plateau.
Kalix language is very much related to nearby languages/dialects westwards and southwards Råneå, Luleå, Piteå, Skellefteå, Umeå northwards Overkalix etc., basically mutually intelligible with Kalix language as they all are part of a broader Westrobothnian dialect continuum.