
unusual facts about dioxin

Aftermath: The Remnants of War

Filmed on location in Russia, France, Bosnia and Vietnam, the documentary features personal accounts of individuals involved in the cleanup of war: from de-miners, psychologists working with distraught soldiers, a treasure hunter turned archeologist in Stalingrad, and scientists and doctors struggling with the contamination of dioxin used in the Vietnam War.

Bell Bay Pulp Mill

Elemental chlorine contamination of the chlorine dioxide bleaching chemical could in turn lead to the release of persistent organic pollutants (dioxins), potentially causing environmental harm and a subsequent breach of the Stockholm Convention.

Electronic waste in Guiyu

Children are exposed to the dioxin-laden ash as the smoke billows around Guiyu, and finally settles on the area.

Fred Chaffart

In 1999 the Belgian government asked him to manage the dioxin crisis.

John G. Fuller

The Poison That Fell From the Sky (1977) is about dioxin poisoning following a chemical plant disaster in Seveso, Italy.

Marina Rikhvanova

The mill dumped thousands of tons of pollutants into the lake, including dioxin, which has appeared in Baikal fish and the fat of Baikal seals.

Nguyễn Thanh Tùng

Affected by Agent Orange or dioxin inherited from his father, a Vietnam War soldier, Tùng was born with one blind eye.

River Doe Lea

The river contained 1000 times the safe level of dioxins in 1991, according to a statement made by Dennis Skinner, (MP) in the House of Commons in 1992.

Route 66 State Park

Times Beach was bought, dismantled, and decontaminated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency following the discovery of widespread dioxin contamination in the 1980s.

T-2 mycotoxin

Also, the substance was considered in the investigation of the poisoning of Viktor Yushchenko during his campaign in the Ukrainian presidential election, 2004, though doctors now believe it was the dioxin TCDD.

The Greasy Pole

They watch it, and it becomes apparent that there is a large body of public opinion against the scheme, due to the fatal release of dioxin in the Seveso disaster in 1976.

Times Beach, Missouri

Subsequent research on the effects of dioxin on humans and other mammals has led some experts to question whether the evacuation of the town was necessary, sometimes citing the example of Seveso, Italy, the site of a disaster in 1976 that exposed residents to larger levels of dioxin than those of Times Beach and whose subsequent cleanup allowed the city to continue to exist.

Some parts of the facility had been used for the production of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, and the waste clay and water contained levels of dioxin some 2,000 times higher than the dioxin content in Agent Orange.

Once home to more than two thousand people, the town was completely evacuated early in 1983 due to a dioxin contamination that made national headlines.

Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre

This centre is specializing in researching of sciences from tropical biology, medicine, environmental pollution and treatments such dioxin effects in Vietnam.

see also