
unusual facts about psychologists

Aftermath: The Remnants of War

Filmed on location in Russia, France, Bosnia and Vietnam, the documentary features personal accounts of individuals involved in the cleanup of war: from de-miners, psychologists working with distraught soldiers, a treasure hunter turned archeologist in Stalingrad, and scientists and doctors struggling with the contamination of dioxin used in the Vietnam War.

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine was founded as the Journal of Aviation Medicine in 1930 by Louis H. Bauer, M.D., and is published monthly by the Aerospace Medical Association, a non-profit organization of physicians, physiologists, psychologists, nurses, engineers, and others working to solve the problems of human existence in threatening environments on or beneath the Earth or the sea, in the air, or in outer space.

Bonnie Nardi

Nardi's self-described theoretical orientation is "activity theory", a philosophical framework developed by the Russian psychologists Vygotsky, Luria, Leont'ev, and their students.

Caryl Rusbult

Rusbult served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1990 to 1994) and the Encyclopedia of Psychology (1996 to 2000), and was elected to the boards of several national and international organizations (e.g., Society of Experimental Social Psychologists, International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships).

Cognitive miser

Instead, Fiske, Taylor, and Arie W. Kruglanski and other social psychologists offer an alternative explanation of social cognition: the motivated tactician.

Concentrative movement therapy

The transition from philosophy to psychology through Ehrenfels, Koffka and Köhler, the Gestalt psychologists, brought about the change to a unifying concept.

Consensus decision-making

In 2001, Robert Rocco Cottone published a consensus-based model of professional decision making for counselors and psychologists.

Consulting psychology

Consulting psychologists who have helped to develop the field include Clayton Alderfer, Chris Argyris, Eliott Jaques, Harry Levinson, and Edgar Schein.

Dani people

This trait makes it an interesting field of research for language psychologists, e.g. Eleanor Rosch, eager to know whether there is a link between way of thought and language.

David Rapaport

As director of research at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas and later at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, he exerted a major influence on a generation of psychologists and analysts, notably Merton Gill, Roy Schafer, Georg S. Klein, Robert R. Holt, in their exploration of such diverse topics as diagnostic testing, cognitive style, subliminal perception, altered states, and ego autonomy.

Department of Defense Dependents Schools

School psychologists are directly employed by DoDDS and civilian employed clinical child psychologists are employed by the U.S. military to provide direct and indirect services to students with special needs.

Deuce Martinez

Martinez eventually left the CIA and went to work for Mitchell and Jessen Associates, a consulting company run by former military psychologists Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen.

Education in Bristol

The city was birthplace of Colin Pillinger, planetary scientist behind the Beagle 2 Mars lander project, and is home to Adam Hart-Davis, presenter of various science related television programmes, and the psychologists Susan Blackmore, Richard Gregory, and Derren Brown.

Educational Psychology: A Century of Contributions

A committee of eight educational psychologists (David Berliner, Anita Woolfolk Hoy, Richard Mayer, Wilbert J. McKeachie, Michael Pressley, Richard Snow, Claire Ellen Weinstein, and Joanna Williams) selected the following biographical subjects.

Experimental psychology

In Europe this was less the case, as European psychology was influenced by psychologists such as Sir Frederic Bartlett, Kenneth Craik, W.E. Hick and Donald Broadbent, who focused on topics such as thinking, memory and attention.

Face perception

This model (developed by psychologists Vicki Bruce and Andrew Young) argues that face perception might involve several independent sub-processes working in unison.

Flight from Death

In addition to interviews with a number of contemporary philosophers, psychiatrists and teachers such as Sam Keen, Robert Jay Lifton, Irvin Yalom, Merlyn Mowrey and Daniel Liechty, the film introduces the viewer to a group of social psychologists, who conduct research in support of what they call Terror management theory (terror in this case not being terrorism, but rather emotional and psychological reaction to mortality awareness).

Forensic psychology

As a result of Ford v. Wainwright, a case by a Florida inmate on death row that was brought before the Supreme Court of the United States, forensic psychologists are appointed to assess the competency of an inmate to be executed in death penalty cases.

Gestalt qualities

And yet, beginning with Ehrenfels himself, psychologists have not been able to explain their nature.

Grand Valley Dani language

This trait makes it an interesting field of research for language psychologists, such as Eleanor Rosch, investigating the Whorf hypothesis.

Groupes d'Intervention de la Police Nationale

Organised at the national level by the DCSP, the selections take place once a year and roll within a structure DFPN (ENP Saint-Malo or Nîmes) with the assistance of a group of psychologists.

Hans Markowitsch

For many years, he was co-director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, ZiF)) at Bielefeld University and has cooperated with neurologists, psychiatrists, and psychologists at the national and international level.

Harold H. Bloomfield

According to a 1986 survey published in the American Journal of Psychotherapy Bloomfield's book, How to Survive the Loss of a Love, was one of the top ten self-help books recommended by the 123 American psychologists in the survey.

Hopi time controversy

Linguists and psychologists who work in the universalist tradition such as Steven Pinker and John McWhorter, have seen Malotki's study as being the final proof that Whorf was an inept linguist and had no significant knowledge or understanding of the Hopi language.

Implicit stereotype

Implicit stereotype were first defined by psychologists Anthony Greenwald and Mahzarin Banaji in 1995.

James Mark Baldwin

During this creative phase Baldwin travelled to France (1892) to visit the important psychologists Charcot (at the Salpêtrière), Hippolyte Bernheim (at Nancy), and Pierre Janet.

Joseph Paul Forgas

Prof. Forgas was Australia’s Keynote Speaker at the International Congress of Psychology (Stockholm, 2000), and at the Conference of Italian Social Psychologists (Bari, 2003).

Just-world hypothesis

This hypothesis has been widely studied by social psychologists since Melvin J. Lerner conducted seminal work on the belief in a just world in the early 1960s.

Lamaze Infant Development System

The toys are developed in collaboration with Jerome and Dorothy Singer, psychologists at Yale University.

Laurie Helgoe

The identified flaw was a dated reliance on the early work of Isabel Briggs Myers, and the failure to note the latest comprehensive results of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a questionnaire used by psychologists to classify human personality traits.

Leisure Sickness

Leisure Sickness, similar to Paradise Syndrome, is the name given to a purported psychological condition, not universally recognized by psychologists, by which some people (typically characterized as workaholics) are more likely to report feeling ill during weekends and vacations than when working.

Lillian Moller Gilbreth

(Psychologists Gary Brucato Jr. and John D. Hogan later questioned this claim, noting that John Dewey had appeared on an American stamp in 1968 (17 years earlier).

Na'im Akbar

He was awarded the Distinguished Psychologist Award from the National Association of Black Psychologists, and Honorary Doctorates of Humane Letters from Edinboro University in Pennsylvania and Lincoln University.

Neil Cohn

Cohn spent several years as an independent scholar before studying under linguist Ray Jackendoff and psychologists Gina Kuperberg and Phillip Holcomb at Tufts University where he received his PhD in psychology in 2012.

Photo psychology

An active and ongoing component of Photopsychology is a traveling exhibition of photographs by psychologists, Psychologists in Focus, which Professor Morgovsky created and presented three times, in three cities, most recently at Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington.

Please Understand Me

Based upon the notion that peoples' values differ fundamentally from one another, Keirsey drew upon the views of several psychologists or psychiatrists: Ernst Kretschmer Erich Adickes, Alfred Adler, Carl Jung and Isabel Myers who are all mentioned as predecessors in the psychology of temperament or personality.


Humans have an evolved propensity to think categorically about social groups, manifested in cognitive processes with broad implications for public and political endorsement of multicultural policy, according to psychologists Richard J. Crisp and Rose Meleady.

Pygmalion effect

The prior research that motivated this study was done in 1911 by psychologists regarding the case of Clever Hans, a horse that gained notoriety because it was supposed to be able to read, spell, and solve math problems by using its hoof to answer.

Reading comprehension

Authors, such as Nicholas Carr, and psychologists, such as Maryanne Wolf, contend that the internet may have a negative impact on attention and reading comprehension.

Rodney L. Lowman

He served as founding editor of The Psychologist-Manager Journal (Society of Psychologists in Management SPIM, and currently serves as editor of the flagship journal of consulting psychology, Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research.


Psychologists Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow were the first to establish the notion of self-concept.

Society for Social Neuroscience

The Society for Social Neuroscience was founded on January 20, 2010 in Auckland, New Zealand, after a series of consultations led by John Cacioppo and Jean Decety with social neurobiologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and neurologists from all over the world.

Society of Consulting Psychology

A number of distinguished psychologists have served as President of the Society including Donald Super, Albert Ellis, Orlo Crissey, Theodore Blau, Raymond Fowler, Thomas Backer, and Rodney Lowman.

Spotlight effect

After being the first psychologists to coin the term "spotlight effect," Thomas Gilovich and Kenneth Savitsky went to work expanding upon it.


The Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP-200) is a psychological assessment tool for personality diagnosis and clinical case formulation developed by psychologists Drew Westen and Jonathan Shedler.


In addition to the initial clinical studies, academic psychologists have developed an interest in the field and researchers such as Bates, Buss & Plomin, Kagan, and Rothbart have generated large bodies of research in the areas of personality, neuroscience, and behavioral genetics.

The Experiment

The BBC Experiment was led by psychologists Professor Alex Haslam (University of Exeter) and Professor Steve Reicher (University of St Andrews) who planned and designed the psychological experiment with the series' executive producer Nick Mirsky and producer Gaby Koppel of the BBC.

Two-factor models of personality

Hans Eysenck (1916–1997) was one of the first psychologists to analyze personality differences using a psycho-statistical method (factor analysis), and his research led him to believe that temperament is biologically based.

see also