
2 unusual facts about Aftermath: The Remnants of War

Aftermath: The Remnants of War

Filmed on location in Russia, France, Bosnia and Vietnam, the documentary features personal accounts of individuals involved in the cleanup of war: from de-miners, psychologists working with distraught soldiers, a treasure hunter turned archeologist in Stalingrad, and scientists and doctors struggling with the contamination of dioxin used in the Vietnam War.

The program features interviews with individuals involved with the reparation of the residual devastation - people who destroy unexploded munitions at Verdun and in Sarajevo, recover and identify skeletons of battlefield casualties at Stalingrad, and help victims of Agent Orange in the Aluoi Valley, Vietnam.

1948 Accra Riots

The immediate aftermath of the riots included the arrest on 12 March 1948 of "the Big Six" - Kwame Nkrumah and other leading activists in the UGCC party (namely Ebenezer Ako-Adjei, Edward Akufo-Addo, J. B. Danquah, Emmanuel Obetsebi-Lamptey, and William Ofori Atta), who were held responsible for orchestrating the disturbances and were detained, being released a month later.

2006 Idomeneo controversy

The Idomeneo production, directed by Hans Neuenfels, shows King Idomeneo staggering on stage carrying a bag of the severed heads of Neptune, Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad and placing each on chairs; a departure from the libretto, in which the action is set in the aftermath of the Trojan War.

2013 La Défense attack

The attack occurred three days in the aftermath of the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich, London, which may have inspired a copycat attack.

Abebe Bikila Award

The 2001 award was given to Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani on the basis of his dedication to the city in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

Academic Karelia Society

The AKS controlled the student union of the University of Helsinki from the mid-1920s right up to 1944, when the Society was disbanded in the aftermath of the Continuation War that to a great extent had been planned and fought in accordance with the AKS agenda.

Actes et documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale

The collection is a rare exception to the Vatican's de facto seventy-five year rule for opening its archives, published in the aftermath of the controversial play, The Deputy, by Rolf Hochhuth.

Alastair Morton

Morton famously coined the phrase that the aftermath of the Hatfield rail crash constituted a 'collective nervous breakdown' on the part of the British railway industry.

Albertine Brothers

With the fall of Communism throughout Eastern Europe in 1989, the Brothers again found themselves free to pursue their commitment to needy, who again were increasing in the aftermath of the social changes which took place as a consequence of the political changes.

Amritanshu Gupta

In the aftermath of the devastating Uttarakhand floods, Gupta helped rescue a family which was stranded there, ensuring that the Uttarakhand Chief Minister himself looked into the matter.

Benjamin Mays

As a child, seeing his father threatened by a white mob on horseback in the aftermath of the Phoenix Election Riot made a deep impression.

Bombay Engineer Group

In the 19th century and prior to World War I, the Bombay Sappers served in Arabia, Persia, Abyssinia, China, Somaliland; in India fought in the Mysore, Maratha and Anglo-Sikh Wars; fought in the aftermath of the Mutiny in Mhow, Jhansi, Saugor and Kathiawar and many times over in the Punjab, North West Frontier Province and Afghanistan.

Burma Global Action Network

A response to Military Than Shwe and the junta's blockade of aid to the Cyclone Nargis aftermath victims, the international community called for a Humanitarian intervention to get aid into the hardest hit areas of Burma.

Charles Becker

In the aftermath, Manhattan District Attorney Charles S. Whitman, who had made an appointment with Rosenthal before his death, made no secret of his belief that the gangsters had committed the murder at Becker's behest.


The thread of the story is the aftermath of the Babri Masjid demolition and the Gujarat riots.

Danny Amendola

In the aftermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, Amendola pledged on his Twitter feed to donate to a recovery fund $100 for every pass he catches during the 2013 season, and $200 for every dropped pass.

Dare Not Walk Alone

Dare Not Walk Alone is about the civil rights movement and its aftermath in St. Augustine, Florida, the site of prolonged inter-racial tension and protests by the NAACP and the SCLC.

Dominic Waghorn

He worked there for almost five years, during which time he covered the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the aftermath of the War in Lebanon, and the Arab Spring.

He worked there for almost five years, during which time he covered the wars in Iraq, the aftermath of the War in Lebanon, and the Arab Spring.

Frank A. Golder

His family, who were ethnic Jews, emigrated to the United States during Golder's early boyhood years, probably in the immediate aftermath of the Odessa Pogrom of 1881.

Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy

A play by David Gooderson about the Great War and its aftermath—the story of “Woodbine Willie” (Studdert Kennedy).


In 1912, in the aftermath of the Xinhai Revolution, Gungsangnorbu made some attempts to form an alliance with Bogd Khan and the Khalkha Mongols in the newly independent state of Mongolia, with the Pan-Mongolist aim of annexing China's Inner Mongolian territories to an independent, Mongol-dominated Greater Mongolia.

Human rights complaints against Maclean's magazine

Jonathan Kay, a columnist for the National Post also criticized Hall's leadership of the OHRC in the aftermath of the decision, writing that Hall was had been influenced by "radicals" in the OHRC bureaucracy.

Ilan Grapel affair

Yaroslav Trofimov of The Wall Street Journal asserted that the arrest of Grapel and other Westerners in the aftermath of the 2011 Egyptian revolution was part of a "military-inspired xenophobia campaign" to distance Egypt's new military rulers from the West, "portraying pro-democracy activists as spies and saboteurs, blaming the country's economic crisis and sectarian strife on foreign infiltrators, and blasting the U.S. for funding agents of change."

James Stannage

In May 2004, he got into trouble because of his jokes in the aftermath of the death of Chinese cockle pickers in Morecambe Bay.

Jan T. Gross

Neighbors and its surrounding controversy served as inspiration for Władysław Pasikowski's 2012 film Aftermath (Pokłosie), which he wrote and directed.

Jed Horne

He is also the author of two books: Breach of Faith: Hurricane Katrina and the Near Death of an American City, which chronicles the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the slow Federal response to the disaster, and Desire Street: A True Story of Death and Deliverance in New Orleans, which was nominated for the 2006 Edgar Award for non-fiction crime writing.

Johann Ludwig Krapf

When he departed Shewa in 1842, he found his way to Gondar blocked by the aftermath of the Battle of Debre Tabor, retraced his steps to the court of Adara Bille, a chieftain of the Wollo Oromo who then robbed him.

Julia Pirotte

Julia Pirotte (1908 – July 25, 2000) was a photojournalist known for her work in Marseille during the Second World War when she documented the French Resistance, and for photographs taken in the aftermath of the Kielce Pogrom of 1946.

Keian Uprising

In the aftermath of the suppression of the uprising, the shogunal Elders (Rōjū) met to discuss the origins of the uprising, and how to prevent similar events from occurring in the future.

Kristin Jacobs

While serving as Mayor in 2005, Kristin steered the county through the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma.

Laura Christensen

In 2005, she was nominated for a Robert for best supporting actress for her portrayal of a teenage mother in Paprika Steen's Aftermath.

Legio I Italica

In the aftermath of the Roman–Parthian War of 58–63, Emperor Nero levied the I Italica with the name phalanx Alexandri Magni ("phalanx of Alexander the Great"), for a campaign in Armenia, ad portas Caspias - to the pass of Chawar.

Margarete Mitscherlich-Nielsen

From the 1960s, alongside the protagonists of the Frankfurt School, the Mitscherlichs played an important part in post-war Germany's intellectual debates, employing psychoanalytic thought for explaining the causes behind Nazi Germany and its aftermath in German society to the present day.

Mobile Regional Airport

It was at the Mobile Regional Airport that President George W. Bush, in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on September 2, 2005, praised Michael D. Brown, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Myriam Klink

In the aftermath of the Alexa winter storm of December 2013, Myriam announced that she will pose for a nude photoshoot in the snow as a statement of solidarity with the refugees of the Syrian conflict living in makeshift camps in Lebanon.


This has been especially true since the controversy surrounding the aftermath of Ordinatio Sacerdotalis in 1994 and The Tablet's article about that letter On Not Inventing Doctrine published a year and a half later.

Nondenominational Christianity

Denominationalism was accelerated in the aftermath of the Westminster Assembly convened by the English Parliament to formulate a form of religion for the national churches of England and Scotland.

Ōtori Keisuke

In the aftermath of military failure at the Battle of Toba-Fushimi in early 1868, Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu returned to Edo and expressed serious consideration towards pledging allegiance to the new Meiji government.

Paolo Pellegrin

In the same year he covered the aftermath of the Tsunami and hurricane Katrina and won two World Press Photo awards, one for his work on the funeral of Pope John Paul II, and another for the reportage on the backstage of fashion shows in NYC.

Perry Henzell

Henzell also shot some footage for what was planned as his next film, No Place Like Home, in Harder's aftermath, but he went broke before he could finish the film.

Philippe Cousteau

In the aftermath of aquanaut Berry L. Cannon's death while attempting to repair a leak in SEALAB III, Cousteau volunteered to dive down to SEALAB and help return it to the surface, although SEALAB was ultimately salvaged in a less hazardous way.

Rhein-class monitor

In the aftermath of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71, the Imperial German Navy decided that it needed to build river gunboats for service on the Rhine and Moselle to defend the German border.

Sam Cutler

Following the events at Altamont, Cutler stayed in the U.S. to deal with the aftermath, was befriended by Jerry Garcia, and subsequently hired by the Grateful Dead as their tour manager.

Southern Vectis

During 2011, due to the aftermath of the council cuts it was announced the road trains were to be scrapped, talks between the Isle of Wight Council and Southern Vectis to start up a bus service based on the former Shanklin Road Train route was discussed.

State capitalism

In his book, The End of the Free Market: Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations, political scientist Ian Bremmer describes China as the primary driver for the rise of state capitalism as a challenge to the free market economies of the developed world, particularly in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.

The Fatal Dowry

The play is set in Dijon in Burgundy in the later part of the fifteenth century, in the aftermath of the battles of Grandson, Morat (both 1476) and Nancy (1477), all mentioned in Act I, scene ii.

The Shadow of the Vulture

It uses the career of sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (also known as Sultan Suleiman I), the aftermath of the Battle of Mohács (1526) and the later Siege of Vienna of 1529 as a backdrop for imaginary characters and events.

Theresa Carpinelli

In early 2005, Carpinelli conducted an online investigation into the source of allegations that in the aftermath of an earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal Catholic priests roamed city streets, hanging those they thought responsible for the quake.

Voluntary redundancy

Delta Air Lines, in the aftermath of its bankruptcy filing, offered a programme that included limited flight benefits for a set period after voluntary resignation.

see also