Transmission Control Protocol | File Transfer Protocol | Session Initiation Protocol | User Datagram Protocol | BitTorrent (protocol) | Kyoto Protocol | Internet Protocol | Post Office Protocol | Program and System Information Protocol | Simple Network Management Protocol | Internet Message Access Protocol | United States diplomatic cables leak | Network File System (protocol) | Hypertext Transfer Protocol | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service | Secure Real-time Transport Protocol | Real-time Transport Protocol | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | Montreal Protocol | List of diplomatic missions of the United States | List of diplomatic missions of North Korea | Communications protocol | Wireless Application Protocol | SSH File Transfer Protocol | Remote Desktop Protocol | Point-to-Point Protocol | List of diplomatic missions of the United Kingdom | Internet protocol | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
This position placed her in charge of advising the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State on matters dealing with diplomatic protocol, and formally welcoming foreign dignitaries upon their arrival to the United States.
Jarolím Antal, leading Slovak expert on social etiquette, state and diplomatic protocol