
4 unusual facts about dragoon

First Battle of Dragoon Springs

On May 5, 1862, a small mounted Confederate foraging party was gathering stray cattle in the area around an abandoned Butterfield Overland Mail stagecoach station and spring in the Dragoon Mountains, about sixteen miles from the present-day town of Benson and near Dragoon, Arizona.

George Scovell

In 1813 Scovell was given the task of raising, then commanding, the Staff Corps of Cavalry, also known as the Staff Dragoons.

Kakutsa Cholokashvili

After having served in the Tver Dragoon Regiment, he retired in 1912 and returned to Georgia, where he married Princess Nino née Meghvinetukhutsesi in 1913.

William Shirley Fulton

A bequest by the late William Shirley Fulton, pioneer Arizona archaeologist and founder of the Amerind Foundation of Dragoon, Arizona.

Action at Néry

At 5.25 am, a patrol from the 11th Hussars, which had been sent out to the south-east, encountered a strong force of enemy cavalry and escaped back to the village; the regiment quickly took up dismounted defensive positions along the eastern edge of the village, though the commander of the 5th Dragoon Guards refused to believe an attack was imminent.

Alcide Segoni

In 1874, he completed a large canvas of Death of Filippo Strozzi, afterwards he painted a Michelangelo and Vittoria Colonna; Il Maresciallo d'Anere at the Court of the Regent Queen Maria; and Napoleon I awards a dragoon the Legion of Honor.

Alexandre, vicomte Digeon

Appointed chef d'escadron (captain) in the 19th Dragoon Regiment, he was wounded by a bayonet attack on the bridge of Kehl.

Auguste-Jean-Gabriel de Caulaincourt

There he took Cuenca (3 July 1808) and fought in several other skirmishes which brought him the rank of général de division (general of division) and the command of all dragoon regiments in Spain.

In 1804 Caulaincourt was appointed aide-de-camp to Louis Bonaparte, with the rank of chef de brigade (colonel) of a dragoon brigade.

Battle of Fraustadt

Colonel von Krassow, commander of the Swedish cavalry on the right flank, passed outside the left Russian flank with 12 dragoon squadrons, near the village of Rörsdorf, and engaged the Saxon Cavalry covering the Russian flank.

Carl Rustad

He served at an artillery and dragoon regiment in Lyon for ten months in 1906, then as an aspirant in the General Staff from 1906 to 1917 and military attaché in Stockholm and Petrograd from 1912 to 1917.He was promoted to captain in 1915 and major in 1929.

Ernst von Hoeppner

From 1893 to 1899, he was a member of the 14th Dragoon Regiment stationed at Colmar in Alsace, commanding a squadron.

Friedrich Baum

Baum served under Major General Friedrich Adolf Riedesel commanding the Dragoon Regiment Prinz Ludwig in support of General John Burgoyne's 1777 campaign to attack the Lake Champlain-Hudson River corridor, which ended in Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga on October 15, 1777.

Hermann Speck von Sternburg

He was educated in the Fürstenschule Saint Afra, Meissen, Saxony, and the military academy of Potsdam, fought through the Franco-Prussian War in the Second Saxon dragoons, and remained in the military service until 1885.

Jacques Philippe de Choiseul-Stainville

As a young man he served in the army of empress Maria Theresa and after becoming captain in a dragoon regiment he was made a commander of the Order of Saint Stephen, chamberlain to Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, colonel of a regiment of light cavalry, major general and lieutenant field marshal in 1759.

Jean Gabriel Marchand

Marchand evacuated his headquarters at Salamanca and retired north to Toro where François Étienne de Kellermann joined him with a dragoon division and some infantry.

Lucian Truscott

A planned benefit of Dragoon was the usefulness of the port of Marseille.

The rapid retreat of the German Nineteenth Army resulted in swift gains for the Allied forces and the Dragoon force met up with southern thrusts from Operation Overlord in mid-September, near Dijon.

Niels Andreas Vibe

He graduated from the Free School of Mathematics in 1780, and started serving in a dragoon regiment.

René Prioux

After working as a volunteer for four years for the mayor of Bernay, Prioux joined the 6th Dragoon Regiment on August 9, 1897.

Riding officer

When Daniel Defoe rode through Hythe towards Rye in the 1720s he saw riding officers and dragoons searching the marshes for wool smugglers '... as if they were huntsmen beating up their game ...'


His pen name originates from the Final Fantasy series, "Ryūkishi" being the Japanese term for "Dragon Knight", and "07" goroawase for the name of Final Fantasy V character "Lenna".

Stridsvagn L-120

On 9 April 1940, when the Germans invaded Norway, the tank and the three armoured cars were stored in the depot of Dragoon Regiment 1 at Gardermoen.

The Clifton House Mystery

The story of the Dragoon commander is based on the real-life case of Thomas Brereton, a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Dragoons stationed in Bristol in the 1830s when riots broke out following the failure in the House of Lords of the Reform Bill.

The Toast of Death

Her beauty and charm bring to her many admirers, among them a British soldier, Captain Drake (played by Keenan), and an Indian prince, Yar Khan (played by Mayall), of the Bengalese Dragoons.

see also