
unusual facts about drinking

'S Out

Eddie produces some Scotch and downs the lot, drinking himself into a stupor.

Aass Brewery

(Biff Henderson said something to the effect of "I'm not drinking that!").

ACT on Campus

While polls showed the public largely in favour of raising the drinking age back from 18 to 20, the bill, sponsored by Labour MP Martin Gallagher, was convincingly defeated on its second reading.

Alcoholics Anonymous

You Kill Me - a 2007 crime-comedy film starring Ben Kingsley as a mob hit man with a drinking problem who is forced to accept a job at a mortuary and go to AA meetings, where he explains he wants to be free of his drinking problem because it is affecting his ability to kill effectively.


His strength was jokingly claimed to come from drinking Guinness twice a day.

Assholes Finish First

Assholes Finish First is a book by Tucker Max, detailing anecdotal stories, usually revolving around drinking and sex.

Brian: Portrait of a Dog

Another reference comes after Brian is freed, he drinks from a drinking fountain in a defiant manner, a reference to the 1974 television movie, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.

Clinical vampirism

Serial killers Peter Kürten and Richard Trenton Chase were both called "vampires" in the tabloids after they were discovered drinking the blood of the people they murdered.

County Kilburn

A young man takes a job working at The Waggon and Horses, an Irish bar in Kilburn in North London, where a number of eccentric patrons do their drinking.

Cowasji Jehangir Readymoney

Readymoney built colleges, hospitals, insane asylums; founded a refuge for people of "respectability" who found themselves destitute or friendless in Bombay; erected several drinking fountains of artistic merit; gave donations to the Catholic and the Presbyterian missions in India.

Dear Mr. President

The song criticizes several areas of Bush’s administration and terms in office, including the Iraq War, No Child Left Behind Act, disapproval of equal rights for homosexuals, lack of empathy for poor and middle class citizens, Bush’s strong religious beliefs, and Bush’s drinking and drug usage in college.


More recent the government of Jordan embarked on the Disi Water Conveyance Project to provide drinking water to the pargest population in the capital Amman.

Drinking and Driving Wrecks Lives

With a soundtrack of the Mungo Jerry song "In the Summertime" (one of the lines of which is "Have a drink, have a drive..."), a group of friends are drinking in the beer garden of a pub on a warm summer's evening.

Drinking Song

"Drinking Song" or "Drink, Drink, Drink" is an exuberant song composed by Sigmund Romberg with lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly.

Economy of Bălți

The drinking water is supplied into the pipes from a network of local artesian wells (which are insufficient) and from the river Nistru (Dnister) by a 60 km long pipeline connecting Bălți to Soroca (which is not economically feasible).

Eduardo Lara

Even important players like Dayro Moreno and currently four starters of the Under 17 team that were supposed to go to the Under 17 World Cup in Korea but were kicked off the team for drinking.

Gilbert Gnarley

The CIA to inquire about becoming a spy, explaining that his skills were spying on fellow residents of the retirement home (using a drinking glass, which Gilbert explained, works best when empty) and knowing all the words to Johnny Rivers' song "Secret Agent Man."

Glencorse Reservoir

It is retained by an earth dam, and it was built between 1820 and 1824 by James Jardine to provide water for the mills of Auchendinny, Milton Bridge and Glencorse, and to supply drinking water to the citizens of Edinburgh.

Hail fellow well met

The twentieth-century English novelist W. Somerset Maugham frequently used the term in his novels and short stories to describe male characters of a genial, sociable, and hard-drinking temperament (Of Human Bondage, The Trembling of a Leaf, Then and Now).

Happy hour

When the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act were passed banning alcohol consumption, people would host "cocktail hours", also known as "happy hours", at a speakeasy (an illegal drinking establishment) before eating at restaurants where alcohol could not be served.

Heather Craney

Her other film credits include Drinking Crude (1997), Loop (1997) and Dangerous Parking (2007).

Hogenakkal Integrated Drinking Water Project

Hogenakkal Integrated Drinking Water Project is a fluorosis mitigation drinking water project being undertaken at Hogenakkal, Dharmapuri district, state of Tamil Nadu, India.

Horrell Brothers

On December 1, 1873, Sheriff Gylam and Ben Horrell rode into Lincoln, New Mexico and began drinking, visiting several brothels and saloons before discharging their firearms in the street while drunk.

Hospital warehouse

), protective equipment (gloves, gowns, masks, etc.), personal care products/toiletries (wash basins, bedpans, diapers, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, patient belonging bags, drinking cups, etc.), feeding tubes, foley catheters, respiratory supplies and orthopedic supplies (crutches, arm slings, splints, etc.

Hugo Thiemann

Among the new product sectors proposed by Thiemann was drinking water purification and distribution as well as the concept of Nespresso for ready-made premium coffee.

Hurricane Kenna

Grupo Modelo, brewers of Corona beer, sent 6,600 gallons (25,000 liters) of drinking water and 1000 food sets for the San Blas area.

I'll Go to Bed at Noon

Set in the north London suburb of Palmers Green in the 1970s, the story opens with Colette Jones attending the funeral of her elder brother's wife, followed by her failed attempts to save him from excessive drinking.

Kashin–Beck disease

Studies of the pathogenesis and risk factors of KBD have proposed selenium deficiency, inorganic (manganese, phosphate...) and organic matter (humic acids and fulvic acids) in drinking water, fungi on self-produced storage grain (Alternaria sp., Fusarium sp.), producing trichotecene (T2) mycotoxins.

Kevin J. O'Toole

O'Toole has sponsored laws to reform welfare, strengthen domestic violence statutes, increase penalties on businesses and individuals who engage in discrimination, mandate insurance coverage for mammography and for treatment of breast and cervical cancer, preserve the state's drinking water supply through the preservation of Sterling Forest, and create more government transparency.

Long Marston, Warwickshire

William Shakespeare is said to have joined a party of Stratford folk which set itself to outdrink a drinking club at Bidford­-on-Avon, and as a result of his labours in that regard to have fallen asleep under the crab tree of which a descendant is still called Shakespeare's tree.

Lorne Michaels

She also appeared in a sketch about underage drinking when Zac Efron hosted the show.

Monte Cristo Gold Mine

After a drinking spree, they arrived at the mouth of the Arroyo Seco where, finding themselves in need of more liquor to bolster their courage, they stopped.

My Name Is Mud

The video features Claypool playing the character of Abercrombie speaking directly to the camera, intercut with footage of the band performing outdoors, silhouetted by sunset, and scenes of Bob Cock visiting a health spa, at which he takes a mud bath and sits in a crowded sauna before accepting and drinking a glass of Pork Soda, referencing the album of the same name.


In November 2006, more than 30 restaurant patrons, including a group of tourists and Democratic Alliance councillor Masizole Mnqasela, were arrested in a police raid for drinking in public.

National Minimum Drinking Age Act

When brewing magnate Pete Coors raised the drinking age as a campaign issue during the 2004 U.S. Senate race in Colorado, Republican leaders praised his stand on States' rights but distanced themselves from apparent self-interest.

Papplewick Pumping Station

Papplewick Pumping Station, in the Nottinghamshire village of Papplewick, was built by Nottingham Corporation Water Department between 1881 and 1884 to pump water from the Bunter sandstone to provide drinking water to the City of Nottingham, in England.


In Kuwait, according to law number 44 of 1968 the penalty is a fine of no more than 100 Kuwaiti dinars, or jail for no more than one month, or both penalties, for those seen eating, drinking or smoking during Ramadan daytime.

Richard Crossman

In 1957, Crossman joined Aneurin Bevan and Morgan Phillips in a controversial lawsuit for libel against The Spectator magazine, which had described the men as drinking heavily during a socialist conference in Italy.

South West Water

South West Water provides drinking water and waste water services throughout Cornwall and Devon and in small areas of Dorset and Somerset.

Static Rituals

Well regarded for their participation on the Purr Like a Kitten LP, they were also known for their faux band feuds with fellow Toledo-based bands Stylex, Premonitions of War and others, which toward the end of the 90s, was a distraction of their musical ability leading to a focus more on their drinking and shock aspect.

The Dark House

Edward Środoń, an unemployed zootechnician from Mosty with a dark past and a growing drinking problem, tries to start over with a clean slate.

The Fat Years

Dongsheng even reveals that the general atmosphere of contentment is due to the controlled addition of the drug MDMA into the public's drinking water and bottled drinks and that the missing month of February 2011 is simply a case of social amnesia.

The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town

After five years of false starts and shoddy police work by the Ada police department, Williamson—along with his "drinking buddy", Dennis Fritz—were charged, tried and convicted of the rape and murder charges in 1988.

The Valley of the Shadow of Death

The eighth track, "Drinking In the Day", begins with a reading of the poem "Clearing a Space", by the Irish poet Brendan Kennelly.

Thomas Waddell

When See resigned in June 1904, he recommended to Governor Sir Harry Rawson that he appoint Paddy Crick, but Rawson did not favour Crick because of his excessive drinking in Executive Council meetings and in due course asked Waddell to be premier.

Tianji Coal Chemistry Industry Group chemical spill

This chemical spill contaminated the Zhuozhang River which is the source of drinking water for more than one million people, and so caused a water crisis in the downstream City of Handan, Hebei Province.

Wajima Hiroshi

His other departures from sumo norms included having his hair permed before growing a topknot, staying in luxury hotels and driving a Lincoln Continental whilst on regional sumo tours (jungyo), and associating himself with outsiders such as the yazuka and going out on late night drinking sessions.

War Memorial Plaza

It is said that the first public singing of the future National Anthem occurred on the stage here in late September 1814, when the poem of "The Defence of Fort McHenry" written by Francis Scott Key aboard a truce ship downriver from the British fleet as it bombarded Fort McHenry during September 12–14, 1814 several weeks earlier and set to music with the tune "To An Anacreon in Heaven", a so-called English drinking song.

William Reeve

Some of his other popular later works included a melodrama, The Purse (1794), a Robin Hood pantomime, Merry Sherwood (1795) (especially the drinking song I am a friar of orders grey) and a comic opera, The Cabinet (1803).

Yard of ale

John Evelyn records in his Diary the formal yet festive drinking of a yard of ale toast to James II at Bromley in Kent, 1685.

see also