
unusual facts about dry season

Simarouba amara

On Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, it tends to flower during the dry season from the end of January to the end of April, persisting for 11 to 15 weeks each year.

see also


The town itself lies in a seasonal wash — a Kori (Hausa) or Wadi (Arabic) — which retains underground water even during the long dry season.


Many Bolivians on the Altiplano and in two of Bolivia's main cities — La Paz and El Alto — depend on the partial melting of Andean glaciers for their water supply during the dry season.

Fringe-eared oryx

During the wet season, these are supplemented with herbs such as dayflowers and Indigofera, while in the dry season, the oryx instead eat the tubers and stems of Pyrenacantha malvifolia and other succulent plants that help to provide the animals with water.

Geography of Vietnam

During the winter or dry season, extending roughly from November to April, the monsoon winds usually blow from the northeast along the China coast and across the Gulf of Tonkin, picking up considerable moisture; consequently the winter season in most parts of the country is dry only by comparison with the rainy or summer season.

Guanacaste Province

The combination of beaches like Playas del Coco, Playa Tamarindo, and the sunny dry season that coincides with the winter months in northern latitudes have made tourism a key economic activity.

Loharinag Pala Hydro Power Project

Impacts on the rivers will be mitigated by the release of a 0.85–1.1 m3/s minimum environmentally acceptable dry season flow from the Loharinag–Pala dam, the release of monsoon season flushing flows, and yearly restocking of rivers above and below the barrage sites with snow trout.


During the dry season some clans migrate to the desert area of the Kababish tribe to the west (Khala' Kabushiyah, خلاء كبوشية) others to the grazing grounds of Wad Hamid (بادية ود حامد) in the Ga'ali Country (الجعليين) or to the Rubatab (الرباطاب) Country.

Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park

Elephants are sometimes seen in the park when they cross the river in the dry season from the Zimbabwean side.

Perte du Rhône

Perte-du-Rhône (Loss of the Rhone) is a sixty-metre-deep geologic fault north of Bellegarde-sur-Valserine in France, into which the Rhone River used to disappear during the dry season.


Since the threshold values of semi-aridity here (100–200 to 600 mm) are clearly lower than in the Köppen climate classification (390 to 780 mm for stations with mean annual temperature of 25°C and dry season centered in "winter", and even 440 to 880 mm at 30°C), the tropical semi-arid Sahelian climate, incidentally the hottest climate on Earth, is on the borderline of Köppen's hot semi-arid climates (BSh) and Köppen's hot arid climates (BWh).

Tabebuia chrysantha

As happens with mango, the araguaney biological functions requiring most water take place precisely during dry season.