
unusual facts about embryonic stem cell


KOSR, knockout serum replacement, is a defined serum-free formulation optimized to grow and maintain undifferentiated embryonic stem cells in culture.


Quackwatch has also been cited or mentioned by journalists in reports on therapeutic touch, Vitamin O, Almon Glenn Braswell's baldness treatments, dietary supplements, Robert Barefoot's coral calcium claims, William C. Rader's "stem cell" therapy, noni juice, shark cartilage, and infomercials.

Raymond Leo Burke

On January 22, 2008, Burke urged Saint Louis University to take disciplinary action against its head basketball coach, Rick Majerus, after Majerus publicly supported abortion and embryonic stem cell research at a campaign event for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton three days earlier.

see also

Gail Martin

Gail R. Martin, American biologist attributed with coining the term "embryonic stem cell"

Stem cell laws and policy in the United States

9 March 2009 - President Barack Obama signs an executive order reversing federal opposition to embryonic Stem Cell research.

Bill Frist (R-TN) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), a vocal abortion opponent, called for limited federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research....