
2 unusual facts about The Cell

Doll Doll Doll

"Pressure Torture" includes audio samples from the film The Cell and the "Miranda Tapes" of serial killers Leonard Lake and Charles Ng.

Fantastic Planet

In the movie The Cell, Jennifer Lopez's character Catherine Deane watches the movie on her bedroom television.

see also

AAA battery

A carbon-zinc battery in this size is designated by IEC as "R03", by ANSI C18.1 as "24", by old JIS standard as "UM 4", and by other manufacturer and national standard designations that vary depending on the cell chemistry.

Alexandrium monilatum

The nucleus is located in the center of the cell, and A. minilatums many chloroplasts radiate outward from the nucleus.

Assassination of Hrant Dink

Thereupon they requested the gsm call operation logs in the Şişli region Turkish Telecommunication Authorities around the time when the murder happened and the time where they identified the cell phone usage from the security cameras.

Beta cell

When the glucose concentration outside the cell is high, glucose molecules move into the cell by facilitated diffusion, down its concentration gradient through the GLUT2 transporter.


BrdU can be incorporated into the newly synthesized DNA of replicating cells (during the S phase of the cell cycle), substituting for thymidine during DNA replication.

Bunsen cell

The cell is named after its inventor, German chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, who improved upon the Grove cell by replacing Grove's platinum cathode with carbon in the form of pulverized coal and coke.


After translocation, CagA localises to the inner surface of the cell membrane and undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation by Src family kinases (e.g. Fyn and Lyn).

Casparian strip

The encrustation of the cell wall by the material constituting the Casparian strip presumably blocks the submicroscopic capillaries in the wall.


H. Robert Horvitz initially established the importance of caspases in apoptosis and found that the ced-3 gene is required for the cell death that took place during the development of the nematode C. elegans.


In fact, this is close to the cell division of cell wall-less bacteria, such as Mycoplasma.

Complement component 5a

The latter interaction leads to receptor activation, and the transduction of the ligand binding signal across the cell plasma membrane to the cytoplasmic G protein GNAI2.

Concentrated photovoltaics

Semiconductor properties allow solar cells to operate more efficiently in concentrated light, as long as the cell Junction temperature is kept cool by suitable heat sinks.


They contain only one nucleus in their vegetative stage, which remains in the bottom of the cell in the holdfast at the substrate.

David Klinghoffer

In May 2010, the Discovery Institute released a free 105 page eBook titled Signature of Controversy: Responses to Critics of Signature in the Cell edited by Klinghoffer with chapters by Discovery Institute fellows David Berlinski, Casey Luskin, Stephen C. Meyer, Paul Nelson, Jay Richards and Richard Sternberg.


The best-understood receptors that are found concentrated in coated vesicles of mammalian cells are the LDL receptor (which removes LDL from circulating blood), the transferrin receptor (which brings ferric ions bound by transferrin into the cell) and certain hormone receptors (such as that for EGF).


2-Epimerase was discovered as a target because it was one of the enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway for synthesizing an essential neutral polysaccharide in the cell wall of B. anthracis (Glu:Gal-NAc:Man-NAc at a 3:2:1 ratio).


The interaction between GAB2 and Grb2 at the cell membrane recruits another adaptor protein, the Src homology domain-containing transforming protein 1 (SHC1), before being able to recruit SH2 domain containing molecules.

Graphium tamerlana

The black band at the apex of the cell of the forewing reaches only to the median vein, not extending beyond it to the hind angle, being exactly as in Graphium alebion but in contradistinction to this insect the orange anal spot on the hindwing of is reduced to two small obscure dots.

Halofolliculina corallasia

The larger, called the "macronucleus", carries out the normal work of the cell by transcribing DNA into RNA, which is used to control the cell's functions.

Homeotic selector gene

The cell memory of a given positional value depends on two inputs, the first being the ability of many Hox proteins to autoactivate their own transcription, and the second derived from two large groups of transcriptional regulators: The Polycomb group and the Trithorax group.


Interaction with CHIP (Carboxyl-terminus of Hsp70 Interacting Protein)–an E3 ubiquitin ligase–allows Hsp70 to pass proteins to the cell's ubiquitination and proteolysis pathways.

Insulin signal transduction pathway and regulation of blood glucose

The closure of the Potassium channels causes Depolarization of the cell membrane causing the cell membrane to stretch which causes the voltage-gated Calcium channel on the membrane to open causing an influx of Ca2+ ions.

John Dugmore of Swaffham

Sometimes he sketches a strange architecture or an historical place, for instance the cell in the Great St. Bernard Hospice where Napoleon slept during the cross of the Alps (1800) or the Clermont Castle, former residence of Blaise Pascal.


Middle lamella, a pectin layer which cements the cell walls of two adjoining plant cells together

Language federation

The CPUSA, then named the Workers Party, tried in 1924 to disband the federations and reorganize the party on the cell structure that the Bolsheviks had employed, on directives from the Comintern.

Maurice Moloney

Prof. Maloney holds over 300 patents in plant biotechnology worldwide and led the Cell Biology group at Calgene to develop the world’s first transgenic oilseeds, which resulted in RoundUp Ready Canola and other novel crops.

Measles virus

Three receptors for the H protein have been identified to date: complement regulatory molecule CD46, the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) and the cell adhesion molecule Nectin-4.

Megaw Island

The island was named by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee for British physicist Helen Megaw, who in 1934 made accurate measurements of the cell dimensions of ice.

Nutrient sensing

Receptors on the cell membrane's surface designed to be activated in the presence of specific fuel molecules communicate to the cell nucleus via a means of cascading interactions.


p14ARF inhibits mdm2, thus promoting p53, which promotes p21 activation, which then binds and inactivates certain cyclin-CDK complexes, which would otherwise promote transcription of genes that would carry the cell through the Peripheral chemoreceptors

The difference may actually lie in the cell’s metabolism, rather than the AMPK enzyme; peripheral chemoreceptors display very high background rates of oxygen consumption, supported by its dense network of capillaries.


A few years later David Nachmansohn, working under Meyerhof at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Dahlem, Berlin, contributed to the understanding of the phosphocreatine's role in the cell.


Actin filaments along these cytoplasmic strands pull the nucleus into the center of the cell.

Primary lateral sclerosis

PLS is not considered hereditary when onset is in adulthood; however, juvenile primary lateral sclerosis (JPLS) has been linked to a mutation in the ALS2 gene which encodes the cell-signalling protein alsin.


The Ray Young

W. Rae Young, Bell Labs engineer, co-inventor of the cell phone


Cell surface receptor, a receptor on the outer surface of a cell membrane, that takes part in communication between the cell and the outside world

Renato Dulbecco

As demonstrated by Temin and Baltimore, who shared the Nobel Prize with Dulbecco, the transfer of viral genes to the cell is mediated by an enzyme called reverse transcriptase (or, more precisely, RNA-dependent DNA polymerase), which replicates the viral genome (in this case made of RNA) into DNA, which is later incorporated in the host genome.

Scratchpad memory

Ageia's PhysX chip utilizes scratchpad RAM in a manner similar to the Cell; its theory states that a cache hierarchy is of less use than software managed physics and collision calculations.


The dual effect of seletracetam is an overall decrease in the amount of action potential due to binding at N-type channels, which prevents over-excitation of the neuron, as well as a decrease in neurotransmitter release as a product of cellular excitation due to the interaction of the drug with SV2A, which reduces the spread of excitation to nearby cells.

South Florida Punk and Hardcore

In June 1985, The Skating Center raised the rent on Richard Shelter so he moved the Toxic Reasons show from the Skating Center to The Cell.


The encoded protein, which is normally found in the Golgi but which can be proteolytically processed to a soluble form, is involved in the generation of the cell-surface carbohydrate determinants and differentiation antigens HB-6, CDw75, and CD76.

Stanley Michael Gartler

HeLa, the first successfully established human cell line, was derived from a woman of African descent named Henrietta Lacks, so this result suggested that the cell lines were not truly independent, but had been contaminated by HeLa cells.


The incoming phage can inject its DNA into the cell, but the DNA is immediately repressed and no transcription of genes or translation of phage proteins initiates.

The Biology of the Cell Surface

The Biology of the Cell Surface is a book by American biologist Ernest Everett Just.

The Iron Shroud

Elizabeth Gaskell, in Mary Barton describes an Italian torture chamber where the victim is afforded many luxuries at first but in the end the walls of the cell start closing in and finally they crush him.

TP53-inducible glycolysis and apoptosis regulator

TIGAR acts as a direct regulator of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate levels and hexokinase 2 activity, and this can lead indirectly to many changes within the cell in a chain of biochemical events.


An immediate effect of low intracellular glucose is reduced ATP production in the cell.

Unit of selection

Leo Buss in his book The Evolution of Individuality proposes that much of the evolution of development in metazoans reflects the conflict between selective pressures acting at the level of the cell and those acting at the level of the multicellular individual.