Of these the most valuable is probably that of Guerra "Pontificarium Constitutionem in Bullario Magno contentarum Epitome" (4 vols., Venice, 1772), which possesses a very complete and useful index.
On the first hypothesis, it has been called the Epitome Sangallense Herimanni Augiensis, a Saint Gall version of Hermann of Reichenau's chronicle.
Despite the group's longevity, they became for a time a favourite target for mockery from the British music press, especially Melody Maker, where their name was often invoked as the epitome of failure in the music business in the humorous section "Talk Talk Talk" written by David Stubbs.
Epitome Music Library (EML) was discovered, and then meticulously extracted from the mind of Ben Kopec.
Brimming with the Japanese values of giri and ninjō, the fishmonger Tasuke is the epitome of the Edokko, the son of Edo.
Jia Chong's father Jia Kui was a military general of Cao Wei and considered an epitome of faithfulness to the state.
The texts taken more especially from manuscripts in the Moscow Foreign Office Archives; the whole by John F. Baddeley; a monumental work, published in 1919 in two volumes as a limited edition of only 250 copies, with an elaborate frontispiece ("the book epitomised in a series of pictures", said Baddeley) drawn by Amédée Forestier and engraved by Emery Walker.
He is the founder of several companies including E Ink Corporation, Gen9, Inc., and Kovio, is on the scientific board of several more companies (such as Epitome Biosystems).
The only other work which certainly belongs to Joseph is an abridgement of a commentary on Isaiah by Jerome (Abbreuiatio or Epitome commentarii (Sancti) Hieronymi in Isaiam), which was apparently ordered by Alcuin.
An alternative view according to Northern soul DJ, Ian Levine, is that it was bought by fellow Northern soul DJ Rob Bellars whilst working in California and brought back to the UK where it became the epitome of a rare, fast Northern soul classic.
KIM was established to served as the epitome of higher learning for Muslims youth in Malayaas well as in Southeast Asian region.
Under the name Lady Ghislaine (named after his daughter), she became both the epitome of his power, as well as the place of his death for the billionaire British media tycoon Robert Maxwell.
The first edition of the Liber Memorialis was published in 1638 by Claudius Salmasius (Saumaise) from the Dijon manuscript, now lost, together with the Epitome of Florus.
It is one of three major Latin dictionaries preserved from antiquity, along with that of Festus, which was an epitome of Verrius Flaccus' work De verborum significatu, and the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville.
A Pegaso Z-102 coupé by Saoutchick, owned by Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza, was in this respect the epitome of coachwork sophistication, as it had seats upholstered with leopard skin and controls in gold, and in such a finish it won the 1953 Enghien-les-Bains (France) Grand Prix d'Elegance.
"Out on the Town with Rusty, 1967" – Frith met Rusty ("the epitome of cool") while performing at the York Folk Club in mid-1967; they became friends that summer, played at local Working Men's Clubs, and attended a Jimi Hendrix concert in Woburn, Bedfordshire; a few months later, after Frith had returned to university, Rusty was killed in a motorbike accident.
In the Gallery of Beauties of King Ludwig I of Bavaria is the portrait of Helene Sedlmayr, epitome of the "beautiful Municher," and is shown wearing a Riegelhaube.
He was a popular commentator on earlier medical writings, and composed a commentary titled al-Mughni fi sharh al-Mujiz on the epitome of The Canon of Medicine by Avicenna.
(Epitome Aristarchi Samii de magnitudinibus et distantiis . . . solis, lunae, et terrae. Lemmata Archimedis ... e ... codice MS. Arabico a Johanne Gravio traducta. A short treatise of fortifications, by J. T. i.e. J. Twysden?. Extract of a letter on dialling by Im. Halton. Aequations arising from a quantity divided into two unequal parts: and the second book of Euclides Elements, demonstrated by species by John Leeke).
Coolidge was the epitome of a traditional New England Yankee, having been born in the small-town of Plymouth Notch, Vermont, and establishing his political career nearby as Governor of Massachusetts.
The Blood Divine, Medulla Nocte, Scarabaeus, Hatred, Sanctum, Epitome, Shrike, Singuia, T.B.A.C., Gromoxin 100, Suffering, Baby Eater, Godzilla.
In 1795 he published Persian Miscellanies; in 1797–1799, Oriental Collections; in 1799, Epitome of the Ancient History of Persia; in 1800, The Oriental Geography of Ebn Haukal (The Oriental Geography of Ibn Hawqal);and in 1801, a translation of the Bakhtiyar Nama and Observations on Some Medals and Gems.