
4 unusual facts about Isaiah

Bruce Chilton

He wrote the first critical commentary on the Aramaic version of Isaiah (The Isaiah Targum, 1987), as well as academic studies that analyze Jesus in his Judaic context (A Galilean Rabbi and His Bible, 1984; The Temple of Jesus, 1992; Pure Kingdom, 1996), and explain the Bible critically (Redeeming Time: The Wisdom of Ancient Jewish and Christian Festal Calendars, 2002; The Cambridge Companion to the Bible, 2007).


There is also a very old Greek Orthodox church in Brummana, the Church of the Prophet Cha'ya (Isaiah), it was originally a fort of Byzantine origin around 1,500 years old, but was turned into a church in the 7th century.

Joseph Scottus

The only other work which certainly belongs to Joseph is an abridgement of a commentary on Isaiah by Jerome (Abbreuiatio or Epitome commentarii (Sancti) Hieronymi in Isaiam), which was apparently ordered by Alcuin.

Reflection of Something

In addition to "Isaiah 6", another tradition of Agnew's is to radically change a church hymn into a modern rock song.

2009 Cincinnati Bearcats football team

Isaiah Pead 9-76, Jacob Rogers 1-3, Jacob Ramsey 2-2, Zach Collaros 1-0, Tony Pike 4-(-11)

Aix Cathedral

The doors feature four figures in high relief of the major prophets of the Old Testament (Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Jeremiah).

Ann Brashares

She lives in New York with her artist husband, Jacob Collins, and children Nathaniel, Samuel, Susannah, and Isaiah.

Authorship of the Petrine epistles

1 Peter is essentially traditional, drawing on key Psalms, key chapters of Isaiah, and wisdom sayings some of which are found elsewhere in the New Testament.

Dual fulfillment

Examples include the Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 which is understood as referring in its first fulfilment to the birth of a child at the time of Isaiah of a child who would be a sign to Ahaz of the impending destruction of Rezin and Pekah by Tiglath Pileser III, often with the associated interpretation that the child to be born is Ahaz' heir, Hezekiah and the maiden Abijah, daughter of Zechariah.

Escape to Last Man Peak

The following day, the children are surprised to meet a friendly Rastafarian named Isaiah at Brown's Town, Saint Ann, and he, along with his neighbors Mr and Mrs Jarrett, offer the children refuge for a day.

Fire and brimstone

Elsewhere, divine judgments involving fire and sulfur are prophesied against Assyria (Isaiah 30), Edom (Isaiah 34), Gog (Ezekiel 38), and all the wicked (Psalm 11).

Great Lent

Readings from the Old Testament are also increased, with the Books of Genesis, Proverbs and Isaiah being read through almost in their entirety at the Sixth Hour and Vespers (during Cheesefare Week, the readings at these services are taken from Joel and Zechariah, while during Holy Week they are from Exodus, Ezekiel and Job).


"Heosphoros" in the Greek Septuagint and "Lucifer" in Jerome's Latin Vulgate were used to translate the Hebrew "Helel" (Venus as the brilliant, bright or shining one), "son of Shahar (Dawn)" in the Hebrew version of Isaiah 14:12.


Isaiah 7:1–8:15, although set in the time of king Ahaz, apparently dates from the reign of Ahaz's son Hezekiah some thirty years later, and its purpose was to persuade Hezekiah not to join with other kings who intended to rebel against their joint overlord, Assyria.

As for Immanuel, "God is with us", Isaiah might mean simply that any young pregnant woman in 734 BCE would be able to name her child "God is with us" by the time he is born; but if a specific child is meant, then it might be a son of Ahaz, possibly his successor Hezekiah (which is the traditional Jewish understanding); or, since the other symbolic children are Isaiah's, Immanuel might be the prophet's own son.

Isaiah Balat

He established the Isaiah Balat Foundation, which has the goal of vaccinating over a million people across Kaduna state against Meningitis.

Isaiah Hart

Isaiah David Hart (November 6, 1792 – 1861) was an American plantation owner and the founder of Jacksonville, Florida.

Isaiah Horowitz

Famous descendants of Isaiah Horowitz included Yaakov Yitzchak of Lublin, (Yaakov Yitzchak Horowitz; Hebrew: יעקב יצחק הורוביץ), known as "The Chozeh of Lublin" (Hebrew: החוזה מלובלין, The Seer of Lublin), the prominent Billiczer Rabbinical family of Szerencs, Hungary and the Dym family of Rabbis and communal leaders in Galicia.

Isaiah L. Potts

Isaiah L. Potts (1784?- after 1843) was born in Loudoun County, Virginia and lived in Union County, Kentucky and Hardin County, Illinois.

Isaiah Rose

Isaiah R. Rose (June 26, 1843 - November 26, 1916) was a Republican state senator for Ohio, a Washington County sheriff and a Civil War veteran.

Isaiah Shembe

Isaiah Mloyiswa Mdliwamafa Shembe (1870– 2 May 1935), was the founder of the Zulu Nazareth Baptist Church and a figure in the African independent church movement in South Africa.

Kairos Document

The KD observes that the term violence is used in the Bible to denote the violence of the oppressor (e.g. Psalm 72, Isaiah 59 etc.).

KAM Isaiah Israel

Built for the Isaiah Israel congregation in 1924, the structure was designed by Alfred S. Alschuler, who drew his influence from photographs of the second-century Severus synagogue unearthed at Tiberias, in Galilee.

Kaydeross Railroad

These included the paper mills and bag factory of "Paper Bag King" George West, the famous Ballston Scythe & Axe Works of Isaiah Blood, the paper box mill of the National Folding Paper Box Company, and the straw paper mill of Chauncey Kilmer (later the Cottrell Paper Company).

Kingston Symphony

Recently the orchestra has given the world premieres of Chan Ka Nin's Violin Concerto (1998); Marjan Mozetich's Piano Concerto (2000); Srul Irving Glick's last work, Isaiah (2002); John Burge's Clarinet Concerto (2004); István Anhalt's The Tents of Abraham (2005); and Peter Paul Koprowski's Tapestries of Love: Symphony for Soprano and Orchestra (2007).

Lebanese Maronite Order

The third Lebanese monastic order is that of Saint Isaiah, known as the Lebanese Antonin Order founded on August 15, 1700, by the Patriarch Gabriel Al Blouzani from Blaouza (1704–1705).

Lives of the Prophets

Isaiah: said to be of Jerusalem, suffered martyrdom by being sawn in two by Manasseh (in agreement with the Martyrdom of Isaiah), buried near a place usually identified by scholars as the Pool of Siloam.

Mario Rubalcaba

In 2001 he became a founding member of the instrumental psychedelic rock band Earthless with bassist Mike Eginton and guitarist Isaiah Mitchell.

Merten de Keyser

A year later he issued Tyndale's Exposition of the fyrste Epistle of seynt Ihon, George Joye's translation of Isaiah, and Tyndale's translation of Jonah, the latter two apparently intended as a twin-publication.

Michael Dodson

Dodson, a Unitarian, published A New Translation of Isaiah, with Notes Supplementary to those of Dr. Louth, late Bishop of London. By a Layman. This led to a controversy with Dr. Sturges, nephew of Robert Lowth, who replied in Short Remarks (1791), and was in turn answered by Dodson in a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Sturges, Author of “Short Remarks,” on a New Translation of Isaiah. Dodson wrote some other theological tracts.

Mr. Edwards

His character was later adapted for the NBC television show, Little House on the Prairie and given the name "Isaiah Edwards."


The Latter Prophets are divided into two groups, the Major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel) and the Twelve Minor Prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi) collected into a single book.

Savion Glover

Many legendary tappers taught Glover such as Le Tang, the Hines brothers, Jimmy Slyde, Chuck Green, Lon Chaney (Isaiah Chaneyfield), Honi Coles, Sammy Davis, Jr., Buster Brown, Howard Sims, and Arthur Duncan.

St. Anne's Catholic Secondary School

This motto is taken from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 40 of the Bible.

Syro-Ephraimite War

Isaiah concludes these prophecies concerning his children (Shear-Jashub (meaning 'a remnant returns', Isaiah 7.3), Immanuel (meaning 'God is with us'), and Maher-shalal-hash-baz (meaning 'quick to plunder, speedy to spoil') by saying, 'Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.' (Isaiah 8.18 NIV) Interestingly enough, the context continues into chapter 9 which also uses a birth of a child as its object.


For example, J. M. Powis Smith, in his "The American Bible" (editor's preface 1927), used "taboo" occasionally in relation to Israel's Tabernacle and ceremonial laws, including Exodus 30:36, 29:37; Numbers 16:37,38; Deuteronomy 22:9, Isaiah 65:5, Ezekiel 44:19 and 46:20.

Tears of Rage

A strong Biblical theme runs through the song, according to Sid Griffin, who also notes that "life is brief" is a recurrent message in the Old Testament books Psalms and Isaiah.

The Rats of Hamelin

In an address to middle-schoolers in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Adam McCune traced the inspiration of the Childrule curse (from the end of the book) to Isaiah 3:4 in the Bible.

Thomas Briscoe

He translated a theological work by Ellendorff from German into Welsh in 1851 and four books of the Old Testament (Isaiah, Job, Psalms and Proverbs) from Hebrew into Welsh between 1853 and 1855.

Thomas J. C. Martyn

According to Isaiah Wilner, Martyn separated from his first wife and lived as a houseguest of Time co-founder Briton Hadden.

Thomas Jefferson Conant

He translated and edited Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar (1839; 1877)—and criticized a competing translation by Moses Stuart—and published revised versions with notes of Job (1856), Genesis (1868), Psalms (1871), Proverbs (1872), Isaiah i.xiii.

Todmorden Mills

In order to supply construction material, Lieutenant-Governor John Graves Simcoe granted land on the Don River to Aaron and Isaiah Skinner for the purpose of building a mill to supply lumber.

Value pluralism

The deliberative democrat Robert Talisse has published several articles criticizing the pluralism of Isaiah Berlin, William Galston, Richard Flathman, and John Gray.

Virgin birth of Jesus

David Strauss in The Life of Jesus, suggests that Isaiah was referring to events of his own time, and that the young woman in question may have been "perhaps the prophet's own wife".

Wilfred Harvey Schoff

Schoff, Wilfred H., The ship "Tyre"; a symbol of the fate of conquerors as prophesied by Isaiah, Ezekiel and John and fulfilled at Nineveh, Babylon and Rome; a study in the commerce of the Bible, (New York Longmans, Green and co., 1920)

see also