Father Alberto Maria De Agostini (2 November 1883 – 25 December 1960) born in Pollone, Piedmont was an Italian missionary of the Salesians of Don Bosco order as well as a passionate mountaineer, explorer, geographer, ethnographer, photographer and cinematographer.
Arnold Rüütel is married to Ingrid Rüütel (born November 3, 1935), a folklorist and ethnographer.
Arthur Gorovei (b. February 19, 1864, Fălticeni - d. March 19, 1951, Bucureşti) was a Romanian writer, folklorist and ethnographer.
August Horislav Škultéty (* August 7, 1819 Veľký Krtíš - † May 29, 1892 Kraskovo) was a Slovak writer, pedagogue ethnographer and director of a first Slovak Gymnasium in Revúca.
Denzil Ibbetson, an ethnographer of the British Raj, noted that many were found in Sindh and Gujarat in the 19th century CE but that there were grounds to believe that they had migrated from Bhatner, Jaisalmer and the area then known as Rajputana (approximating to modern-day Rajasthan).
Both Textorisová's house and a museum dedicated to the ethnographer, filmmaker, and photographer Karol Plicka are open to the public.
Carl Andreas Koefoed (in Danish, Андрей Андреевич Кофод or Карл Андреас Кофод in Russian) (16 October 1855, Skanderborg – 7 February 1948) was a specialist on agrarian problems and ethnographer.
Clinton Hart Merriam (1855–1942), American zoologist, ornithologist, entomologist and ethnographer
Simonas Daukantas (1793–1864), Lithuanian writer ethnographer and historian
Maurice Delafosse (1870–1926), French ethnographer and colonial official
The common name and scientific name commemorate the German ethnographer, naturalist and colonial explorer Friedrich Hermann Otto Finsch (8 August 1839 - 31 January 1917, Braunschweig).
The common name and scientific name commemorate the German ethnographer, naturalist and colonial explorer Friedrich Hermann Otto Finsch (8 August 1839 - 31 January 1917, Braunschweig).
George Amos Dorsey (1868–1931), U.S. ethnographer of indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wilson’s career as an ethnographer began when he visited the Sioux at Standing Rock Reservation in 1905.
Gilbert Livingston Wilson (1869–1930), ethnographer and Presbyterian minister
Jan Stanisław Bystroń (1892–1964), his son, Polish sociologist and ethnographer
Jean Price-Mars (15 October 1876 – 1 March 1969), born in Grande Rivière du Nord, was a Haitian teacher, diplomat, writer, and ethnographer.
In the early teens Edward S. Curtis (ethnographer, photographer, and soon to be film maker whose major subject was the North American Indian) commissioned Braham to compose a score for In the Land of the Head Hunters.
Jean-Baptiste Labat (1663-1738), French clergyman, botanist, writer, explorer, ethnographer & soldier
Clinton Hart Merriam (December 5, 1855 – March 19, 1942) was an American zoologist, ornithologist, entomologist, ethnographer, and naturalist.
In front of the museum there is a statue to him, as well as to Czech ethnographer Emil Holub, erected in 2005.
Carl Sofus Lumholtz (1851–1922), Norwegian explorer and ethnographer, particularly indigenous cultures of Australia and Mesoamerican central Mexico
Nikolay Vasilyevich Nikolsky (May 19, 1878 – November 2, 1961) - Russian historian, ethnographer, folklorist, lexicographer of Chuvash ethnicity.
E. Patrick Johnson, African American performance artist, ethnographer, and scholar
The Pohnpei Starling was discovered by the Polish ethnographer John Stanislaw Kubary (1846–1896) and first described by German ornithologist Otto Finsch in 1876.
Leopold von Schrenck (1826–1894), Russian-born Baltic-German zoologist, geographer, and ethnographer; brother of Alexander von Schrenk
Friedrich Gottlieb Stebler (1852–1935), Swiss agriculturalist and ethnographer
It is named in honor of Hans Peder Steensby, ethnographer and professor of geography at the University of Copenhagen.
Tachylite artefacts have been noted in Aboriginal sites in Victoria from at least the 1920s, when W H Gill recorded its accurence in a large stone artefact and camp site complex at Cape Liptrap.
Teodor T. Burada (3 October 1839–17 February 1923) was a Romanian folklorist, ethnographer and musicologist and member of the Romanian Academy.
Henry Voth (1855–1931), American Mennonite missionary and ethnographer
Vid Vuletić Vukasović (1853–1933), writer and ethnographer from Dubrovnik
According to the ethnographer, John R. Swanton, the Waccamaw may have been one of the first mainland groups of Natives visited by the Spanish explorers in the 16th century.
By the time the ethnographer Marius Barbeau made his transcriptions of the Wyandot language in Wyandotte, Oklahoma, in 1911-1912, it had diverged enough to be considered a separate language.