
24 unusual facts about eucharist

Alexander Cunningham, 5th Earl of Glencairn

In 1556 he entertained Knox at his house of Finlaystone House, when the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, after the manner of the Reformed church, was administered to his whole family and some friends.

Alfred Eisenbeisser

The Romanian staff called also a priest to make a Eucharist service, because his condition was critical.

Anglican Missal

All of these books (with the exception of Manual and Anglican Service Book) are intended primarily for celebration of the Eucharist.


Later chronicles report that Ignatios had excluded Bardas from communion because he maintained an incestuous relationship with one of his daughters-in-law, but the real reason for Ignatios's deposition was probably the patriarch's staunch refusal to tonsure Empress Theodora against her will, as demanded by Bardas.

Bread and Wine

Eucharist, a sacrament in Christianity that is associated with the Last Supper

Catholic Church and abortion in the United States

There has been controversy in the United States over whether Catholic politicians who promote legalization of abortion should be denied communion.

Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963

The charges against him related to neglect of his duties, and included leaving church services early, refusing to baptise a baby, preventing one of his parishioners from entering the church to object to the marriage of his son when the banns were published, and disallowing another parishioner from receiving Holy Communion without just cause.

First Baptist Church of Ossining

The church holds adult Sunday school and junior church for children every Sunday, with Communion held on the first Sunday of every month.

George Washington and religion

Besides a few other contemporary accounts like those above, the record of his taking communion contradicts such claims.

Giovanni Leonardi

John Leonardi worked with this community to spread devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, devotion to the Forty Hours, and frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist.

Herbert Thorndike

He countenanced the practice of prayers for the dead; and by Cardinal Newman he was regarded as the only writer of any authority in the English church who held the true theory of the Eucharist.

Jean-Pierre Monseré

In a cruel twist of fate, in 1976 Monseré's seven-year-old son, Giovanni, died after a collision with a car, while riding his racing bike, given to him on his first communion by another world champion, Freddy Maertens.

John Freeman-Mitford, 1st Earl of Redesdale

In 1874, appeared 'Reasoning on some Points of Doctrine,' and in 1875 Redesdale entered into a controversy with Cardinal Manning in the 'Daily Telegraph' on the subject of communion in both kinds.

John Gifford Bellett

It was in Dublin that, as a layman, he first became acquainted with John Nelson Darby, then a minister in the established Church of Ireland, and in 1829 the pair began meeting with others such as Edward Cronin and Francis Hutchinson for communion and prayer.

Jørgen Dybvad

In particular, the Dane, Niels Hemmingsen had recently published Syntagma institutionum christianarum which offered a Calvinist interpretation of the Eucharist.

Matthias Dévay

From there, he traveled to Switzerland, where he adopted the view of the framers of the First Helvetic Confession on the topic of the Lord's Supper.

Operation Nifty Package

On January 3, Noriega attended Holy Mass in the Nuncio's chapel and took communion; where Laboa's homily was about the thief on the cross who in one moment asked God to change his life, and reportedly brought tears to Noriega's eyes.

Paul of Edessa

In the first year of his episcopate Paul joined with Gamalinus, bishop of Perrha, against certain sectarians who refused the use of bread, water, and wine, except in celebrating the Eucharist.

Ramihrdus of Cambrai

Ramihrdus of Cambrai, a known priest who had been practicing his own sects of religion, was accused of heresy in 1076 or 1077 for being unwilling to accept communion from priests, including the bishop, after being summoned to court because he believed that the priesthood was corrupt.

Sacramento County, California

The river was named by Spanish cavalry officer Gabriel Moraga for the Santisimo Sacramento (Most Holy Sacrament), referring to the Catholic Eucharist.

Saint-Maurice, Switzerland

These communities included; in 1611 the Capuchins, in 1865 the Sisters of Saint-Maurice, in 1906 the Augustinian Sisters and in 1996 the Brotherhood of the Eucharist in Epinassey.

Sangre de Cristo Wilderness

The Peaks had traditional and religious significance to the region's early Spanish settlers, hence the name, which means "Blood of Christ".

The Bag or the Bat

When he passes out, he has a nightmare where he sees his dying mother being given communion, and relives being molested by a priest.

Victor Bregeda

The image of Jesus Christ can be seen in the flames of Eucharist, while the Apostles, bowed in devotion before their teacher, can be seen in the outlines of the wax candle.

Am Mellensee

They will provide the bread for the Communion wafers during the Eucharist for Papal Masses at Erfurt's Cathedral and in Berlin's Olympic Stadium to be celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI for his September 2011 visit- his third as Pope- to Germany.

Anaphora of the Apostolic Tradition

Finally, the text of the Anaphora assumes it is to be said by a Bishop; in the Early Church each congregation was presided over by a Bishop, whose duties included the normal celebration of the Eucharist; later, this function in most parishes was delegated to Presbyters and special rubrics developed for services celebrated by a Bishop, which came to be known in the East as Hierarchical Divine Liturgies, and in the Roman church, as the Pontifical High Mass.

Arthur Charlett

He published A Discourse of the Holy Eucharist, 1686, in answer to Abraham Woodhead's Two Discourses concerning ... the Eucharist, published by Obadiah Walker in 1686.

Blaise Daniel Staples

The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the Eucharist explores the role that entheogens in general, and Amanita muscaria in particular, played in Greek and biblical mythology and later on in Renaissance painting, most notably in the Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald.


In the Catholic and Anglican churches, the celebrant is the person who celebrates a sacrament, e.g., the priest who celebrates the Eucharist or the bishop who ordains a priest

Christ Church, Lichfield

In 1897 to mark 50 years of the church, pre-Raphaelite canvas panels painted by John D. Batten were placed on the chancel ceiling depicting Old Testament figures and symbols of Passion and Eucharist.

Clark Heinrich

The book The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the Eucharist deals with possible occurrences of entheogens in general, and Amanita muscaria in particular, in Greek and biblical mythology and later on in Renaissance painting, most notably in the Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald.

Companions of the Cross

To regard Eucharist as the source and summit of their Catholic faith, and promoting its Exposition and Adoration.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

These classes not only educate children about Jesus and the Catholic faith but prepare children to receive the sacraments of Penance (confession), the Eucharist (Holy Communion), and Confirmation.

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

By prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and an active apostolic life, he strives to make Christ in the Eucharist better known and loved.

By our life and activities, we share in the mission of the Church, so that the Eucharist may be celebrated in truth, that the faithful may grow in their communion with the Lord through Eucharistic adoration in the setting of solemn exposition, that they may commit themselves to the renewal of their Christian communities, and collaborate in liberating individuals and society from the forces of evil.

Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist

The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, at one time, owned and operated a ferry and store on Shaw Island part of the San Juan Islands in the state of Washington.

Heilige Stede

That original chapel had been built in 1347 as a result of the miracle of Amsterdam (15 March 1345), located on the Kalverstraat where this miracle with the eucharistic host occurred.

Huldrych Zwingli

Two analogies that he used quite effectively were between baptism and circumcision and between the eucharist and Passover.

James Baine

Prior to his deposition and induction — the latter of which was conducted by Thomas Gillespie, of Carnock and Dunfermline — a tradition runs that he and his people worshipped in Old Greyfriars under the venerable Dr. John Erskine, and sat down together at the sacrament of the Lord's Supper there.

La Guita Xica

It is a protective dragon that defends the people of Catalonia and the Eucharist's festivals of Patum de Berga.

Last Supper in Christian art

There are two major scenes shown in depictions of the Last Supper: the dramatic announcement of the betrayal of Jesus, and the institution of the Eucharist.

Liberal Rite

The Young Rite uses numerous liturgies, including a Traditional Form of the Holy Eucharist, the Circle Form of the Holy Eucharist, and the Universal Eucharist, all of which are available for study on their church website.


This is what is meant by Real Presence within the Roman Catholic tradition; the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, although other Christians (notably Anglicans, Old Catholics, Mar Thoma, and Lutherans) accept the doctrine of the Real Presence, whilst rejecting transubstantiation as a philosophical concept.

Mystical union

Sacramental union, the Lutheran theological doctrine of the presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Christian Eucharist.

Origin of the Eucharist

Paul F. Bradshaw argues in Eucharistic Origins that it is not until after the 1st century and much later in some areas that the Eucharist and the Last Supper became placed in a relation of dependence: many Eucharists did not relate to the Paschal mystery and/or the Last Supper.

Pange Lingua

Pange Lingua Gloriosi Corporis Mysterium - by Thomas Aquinas, 13th Century, celebrating the Institution of the Eucharist.

Paschal cycle

Great and Holy Thursday: The washing of the disciples' feet, the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the "Marvelous Prayer", and the betrayal by Judas Iscariot (3 days)

Pure Heart

The Roman Catholic Church promotes its members to seek it and codified the required knowledge and practices within the Liturgy of the Eucharist – which serves other purposes as well.

Quam singulari

Quam singulari was a decree released by Pope Pius X in 1910, concerning the admittance of Communion to children.

Sacraments of the Catholic Church

The other Last Rites are Confession (if the dying person is physically unable to confess, at least absolution, conditional on the existence of contrition, is given), and the Eucharist, which when administered to the dying is known as "Viaticum", a word whose original meaning in Latin was "provision for a journey".

Sarah Coakley

In 2011 she is was appointed an honorary canon of Ely Cathedral where she assists with the morning office and Eucharist.

St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School

Annual events include House Eucharists, beginning and end of year services, an Ascension Day Eucharist, the Redcliffe Community Summer Fete, a Christmas carol service, and the annual Colston Day service; in which all students (invited to attend) are given the traditional Colston bun.

St Mary's Church, West Chiltington

These architectural features allowed worshippers in the aisle to see the bread and wine being consecrated during the Celebration of the Eucharist.

William H. Love

On January 19, 2008, Love celebrated the eucharist at St. Andrew's church in Albany while hosting a visit by Dr Bonnie Anderson, president of the Episcopal Church's House of Deputies.