
unusual facts about fair trade

St Nicholas' Church, Durham

One notable feature of the reordered church is the Gateway World Shop, which occupies the south-east corner of the church, having its own outside entrance, and sells Fair trade goods.

Alternative Tourism Group

Established in 1995 by late Jamal Salameh, Majed Nassar, Rifat Odeh Kassis, Ghassan Andoni and Elias Rishmawi, ATG operates according to the tenets of Fair Trade and justice tourism, that is, tourism that holds as its central goals the creation of economic opportunities for the local community, positive cultural exchange between guest and host through one-on-one interaction, the protection of the environment, and political/historical education.

Dublin Food Co-op

The vast majority of pre-packed food the Co-op sells is organic and particular emphasis is placed on Fair Trade and environmentally-friendly produce.

Gary L. Howe

He has contributed much of his personal work to documenting and promoting Fair Trade coffee with images from Chiapas, Mexico, Bolivia and, most recently, Rwanda.

One Cup

Featuring then Foreign Minister José Ramos-Horta, Oxfam Program Director Keryn Clark and Timorese coffee farmers, One Cup attempts to illustrate benefits offered by the international fair trade system.

Prayer of the Refugee

It ends with scenes of the foreign people placing 'Made In USA' and American flag labels on packaged boxes, and the band members toppling various shelves containing such goods, the broken and fallen goods spelling out "Fair trade", and the video ending in an abrupt change to a black screen.

William Farrer Ecroyd

He stood down at the 1885 election due to ill health, however Lord Salisbury appointed him to the Royal Commission on the Depression in Trade and Industry, an outlet for his fair trade views.

see also

Akron, Pennsylvania

The largest business headquartered in Akron is the non-profit Mennonite Central Committee, which operates the Fair Trade retailer Ten Thousand Villages.

Divya Dhar

She organised OXFAM’s Biggest Coffee Break at the University of Auckland to promote Fair Trade, where she was also behind the STAND UP: UN Millennium Campaign which broke a Guinness World Records as millions around the world stood together to show support for eradicating extreme poverty.

Dominic Allen

His documentary films include Estudio 101, about eclectic Australian band The Cat Empire recording their second album in Cuba; One Cup, about Fair Trade Coffee and East Timor; and Squeezed, about the impact of Trade Liberalisation in Asia.

Fair Trade Towns USA

Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) was formed to set fair trade prices, and TransFair USA took the lead in the U.S. Its labeling efforts contributed to an average annual growth in the sale of fair trade coffee in the U.S. reaching 79% in 1999.

Then, throughout the early 2000s, major chains in the U.S. such as Starbucks and Wal-Mart begin selling fair trade products.

Fairtrade certification

At the initiative of Mexican coffee farmers, the first fair trade labelling initiative, Stichting Max Havelaar, was launched in the Netherlands on November 15, 1988 by Nico Roozen, Frans van der Hoff and Dutch ecumenical development agency Solidaridad.

Indego Africa

In September 2010 iconic fashion designer Nicole Miller, partnered with Indego Africa to start an entire "line of fair-trade textile bangles and woven bracelets" produced by the Indego artisans from Rwanda.

Just Us

Just Us!, a Canadian importer of fair trade coffee, tea, sugar, and chocolate

Religion in Uganda

Founded by JJ Keki, the Mirembe Kawomera (Delicious Peace) Fair Trade Coffee Cooperative brings together Muslim, Jewish, and Christian coffee farmers.

Robert Berning

Under California law at the time, there were fair trade provisions for alcoholic beverages which made it illegal to sell wines at a cheaper price than branded competitors, such as Gallo's.

SERRV International

SERRV became the U.S. distributor of Fair Trade Divine Chocolate, the first farmer-owned chocolate company in the world.