
unusual facts about first-person perspective

Arsys Software

The viewpoint switches between several different perspectives: a 2D top-down perspective while flying, a side-scrolling view during on-foot outdoor exploration, a fully 3D polygonal third-person perspective inside buildings, and arena-style 2D shoot 'em up battles during boss encounters.

Who Shot Johnny Rock?

As is the case with other American Laser Games releases, the format is from a first-person perspective of the player watching the full motion video, listening to the various characters and shooting the right enemies at the right time with a powerful Tommy gun.

see also

Alleycat race

Alleycat veteran and videographer Lucas Brunelle is widely credited as having pioneered the art of filming alleycat races from the first-person perspective and sharing the footage online.

Dr. Brain

Dr. Brain: Action Reaction - The third game is played in a first-person perspective, and the player and Dr. Brain have been kidnapped by S.P.O.R.E, an evil organization bent on world domination.

Eugene Jarvis

He now works for his own studio, Raw Thrills Inc., and his more recent work has returned him to the coin-op arcade game world with Target: Terror, a first-person perspective shooting game based on the "war on terror", introduced in Spring of 2004.

Indianapolis 500: The Simulation

While racing, it only offers a first-person perspective, but the game offers a replay mode as well.