
unusual facts about flux

Chris Finke

His DJing career started in 2002 when he began the Flux parties with Andi Hawes, and the offshoot record label Flux Recordings.

Adrian Flux Insurance Services

This subculture, supported by magazines such as Max Power (magazine), Fast Car and Redline, is the market that is now associated with Adrian Flux in the minds of a large number of people.

Al-Azhar Park

New foundations providing supplemental funding (such as Egyptian-Swiss Development Fund and Ford Foundation) were approached to start an invigoration program of the area of Darb-al-Ahmar and continue the flux of the program.

Balance equation

In probability theory, a balance equation is an equation that describes the probability flux associated with a Markov chain in and out of states or set of states.

Barview, Tillamook County, Oregon

With the future of the building in flux, it is one of ten entries on the Historic Preservation League of Oregon's Most Endangered Places in Oregon 2011 list.

Ben Monder

In 1995 he recorded his debut album, Flux, featuring drummer Jim Black and bassist Drew Gress.

Cobalt Flux

Cobalt Flux has since released a new control box with built-in connectivity for PS2, Xbox, and the PC.

Colin Griffiths

During the summer of 2007 he was MTV's correspondent at the Wireless Festival for MTV Flux, interviewing numerous artists including The White Stripes, LCD Soundsystem, Perry Farrell and the Klaxons.

Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain: LA's Desert Origins

Some of the songs on the second disc ("Flux = Rad," "Kennel District", "Grounded" and "Pueblo") are early forms of songs on 1995's Wowee Zowee.

Diammonium phosphate

DAP is also used as a yeast nutrient in winemaking and brewing mead; as an additive in some brands of cigarettes purportedly as a nicotine enhancer; to prevent afterglow in matches, in purifying sugar; as a Flux for soldering tin, copper, zinc and brass; and to control precipitation of alkali-soluble and acid-insoluble colloidal dyes on wool.

Drux Flux

Drux Flux is a 2008 animated short by Theodore Ushev, inspired by Herbert Marcuse’s treatise One-Dimensional Man.

Fast flux

A more sophisticated type of fast flux, referred to itself as "double-flux", is characterized by multiple nodes within the network registering and de-registering their addresses as part of the DNS Name Server record list for the DNS zone.

Fast flux is a DNS technique used by botnets to hide phishing and malware delivery sites behind an ever-changing network of compromised hosts acting as proxies.

Flux linkage

Flux linkage is commonly used to estimate the magnetic flux of an AC machine.

Flux pinning

This phenomenon is closely related to the Meissner effect, though with one crucial difference — the Meissner effect shields the superconductor from all magnetic fields causing repulsion, unlike the pinned state of the superconductor disk which pins flux, and the superconductor in place.

Flux Television

Flux Television was a pioneering digital culture show that ran on a Public, educational, and government access (PEG) cable TV channel in New York, San Francisco and San Diego in the mid-1990s.

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz

Maier-Leibnitz was instrumental, along with Louis Néel, in bringing about the German-French project to construct a high-flux neutron source and found the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble in 1967, named in honor of the physicist Max von Laue and Paul Langevin.


Jansky (symbol Jy), a non-SI unit of spectral flux density


Jansky (symbol Jy), non-SI unit of spectral electromagnetic flux density in radio astronomy

Kala Pul

The music, which he terms ‘dub noise,’ is reflective of a world in a state of flux and inspired by the work of 23 Skidoo, Muslimgauze and Miles Davis’s 70s’ experimental funk.

King Flux

King Flux's first incarnation consisted of Richie on guitar, Billy and Andy Hilfiger (younger brothers of fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger), and Marky Ramone on drums.

Kyo Maclear

She is the author of two novels: The Letter Opener (2007) and Stray Love (2012); and three illustrated books for children, Spork (2010) and Virginia Wolf (2012), illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault; and Mr. Flux (2013), illustrated by Matte Stephens.

Languages of Andorra

The traditional economic situation in Northern Portugal (mainly Norte) prompted a large migration flux to the country between 1960 and 1980, increasing the Portuguese population to 11% of the total, which added to a small community of Brazilians which migrated to Andorra in the 1990s has led to a present day lusophone population of about 13% of the country's total.

Lawyers on Demand

Professor Richard Susskind has commented that "Lawyers on Demand comes at a fascinating time in the current legal marketplace because it’s a marketplace in a huge state of flux".


Flux linkage, the total flux passing through a surface formed by a closed conducting loop

Lithium molybdenum purple bronze

The compound was first obtained by Martha Greenblatt and others by a temperature gradient flux technique.

Lumen maintenance

In LED lighting, Lumen maintenance is the luminous flux output remaining (expressed as a percentage of the initial output) at any

McMaster Nuclear Reactor

MNR began operating in April 1959, as the first university based research reactor in the Commonwealth of Nations, and remains the highest-flux reactor in a university environment in Canada to this day.

MTV Flux

The first show broadcast on MTV Flux was: Up, Up, Down, Down... (short for the complete Konami Code which serves as its full official title), an hour-long show, hosted by Colin Griffiths nominally about computer games interspersed with music videos and user-submitted content.

Nick McCave

McCave uses monitoring points in the North Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean to study how the Earth’s meridional heat flux is distributed by warm surface-ocean currents and cold deep-ocean currents.


Spectrophotometry, the measurement of spectral distribution along with the flux or intensity

Physical quantity

Important and convenient derived quantities such as densities, fluxes, flows, currents are associated with many quantities.


Poynting vector, a representation of the energy flux of an electromagnetic field

Primo visto

A brief poem by the French Humanist Mellin de Saint-Gelais written in 1525 describes Francisco I, Pope Clement VII and Charles V (each involved in a struggle for the possession of Italy) playing a hand of "Prime" (a game similar to Primero and to the "Flux").

Rapier 6

Team Sovereign did not enter a Rapier 6 in the FIA Sportscar Championship again until the fifth round of the 2003 season, which was the 2 Hours 30 Minutes of Donington Park; Flux returned to the team, and he helped Millard to take fifth overall, and third in the SR2 category.

Return to Nothing

The first track is a live recording made at the Flux Factory in Queens, NY on March 10, 2004, while the second is a remix of it by Gerritt Wittmer.


As usual, bacteria taxonomy is in flux, with Clostridia being paraphyletic, and some erroneous members of Ruminococcus being reassigned to a new genus Blautia on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences.

Sailing to Byzantium

Cleanth Brooks asks whether, in this poem, Yeats chooses idealism or materialism and answers his own question, "Yeats chooses both and neither. One cannot know the world of being save through the world of becoming (though one must remember that the world of becoming is a meaningless flux aside from the world of being which it implies)".

Sound energy flux

In a medium of density ρ for a plane or spherical free wave having a velocity of propagation v, the sound energy flux through the area A corresponding to an effective sound pressure p is

South Wales Coalfield

The availability of coal and nearby limestone (as a flux) gave rise to a substantial local iron and steel industry which was perpetuated in the 20th century by the location of modern steelworks at Ebbw Vale, Newport and Cardiff and Port Talbot.

Thermomass Theory

Distinguished from the traditional Caloric theory which treats heat as substance without mass, the thermomass theory treats heat as a flux of substance with mass.

Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources

A further revision by Laing, Riley and Longair in 1983, called 3CRR or 3CR², included galaxies which were not detected in the original catalogue due to shortcomings of the original observations, but which otherwise meet the flux and declination limits.

Tom Van Flandern

Van Flandern supported Le Sage's discredited theory of gravitation, according to which gravity is the result of a flux of invisible "ultra-mundane corpuscles" impinging on all objects from all directions at superluminal speeds.

Trevor Goodchild

Among the major changes is that he is shown to be in a power struggle with his brother (a character not featured in the TV series), and as part of the film's cloning-related plotline, it is revealed that Trevor is a seventh-generation clone created from DNA from the original Trevor Goodchild of the early 21st century, who had been married to a pre-clone version of Æon Flux.

Xylose metabolism

Modifications to this flux that may improve ethanol production include deleting the GND1 gene, or the ZWF1 gene.

see also