
unusual facts about food production

Economy of Bács-Kiskun

The Kecskemét faculty of the Horticultural University researches into the biological, chemical, technical, and economic aspects of food production and preservation.

see also

Brendan Brazier

Making stops at 21 universities, it featured David Suzuki, Stephen Lewis, and Maude Barlow who spoke about general environmental issues, while Brazier spoke of the significant raw food production has on the environment.


The 2006 World Food Prize was awarded to former Brazilian Minister of Agriculture Alysson Paolinelli, soil scientist Edson Lobato (also of Brazil), and American soil scientist A. Colin McClung for their leadership in soil science and policy implementation that opened the Cerrado to agricultural and food production.

Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin

In 2012, Dr. Eleni was awarded the Yara Laurate Prize from the Norwegian fertilizer manufacturer Yara International for her outstanding contributions to sustainable food production and distribution with socio-economic impact.

Fair Deal

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (1947) introduced regulations on the use of pesticide in food production.

Food systems

Traceability, by contrast, is the ability to trace to their origins all components in a food production and marketing chain, whether processed or unprocessed (e.g., meat, vegetables) foods.2 Concerns about transparency and traceability have been heightened with food safety scares such as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and Escherichia coli (E. coli), but do not exclusively refer to food safety.

George Wyndham, 3rd Earl of Egremont

The earl was an enthusiast for canal building which would allow agricultural improvement on his Petworth estates by bringing in chalk from Houghton for liming and coal to replace scarce supplies of firewood, releasing more land for food production.

German Institute of Food Technologies

The state of Lower Saxony had agreed to support the Artland municipality with a subsidy of €15 million to enable local agribusinessess and food production companies to develop their international competitiveness.

Great Chinese Famine

According to the work of Nobel prize winning economist and expert on famines Amartya Sen, most famines do not result just from lower food production, but also from an inappropriate or inefficient distribution of the food, often compounded by lack of information and indeed misinformation as to the extent of the problem.

Heekin Can

At the same time, food producers that manufactured their own cans (as Heekin had done in its early years) were selling off there can production facilities in order to concentrate on food production, and Heekin acquired plants from Stokely USA, Quaker Oats Co., and Pittsburgh Metal Lithographing Co.

How'd That Get On My Plate?

The program investigates how various foods are produced (including honey, milk, eggs, strawberries, and cocoa in the first season), from their rawest form to their finished state, and features visits to food production factories throughout the United States.


Luck's, Inc., a food production company based in North Carolina, now an Arizona Canning Company brand.

Madha, Hissar

Madha contributed significantly to the Green Revolution in India in the 1970s that made the country self-sufficient in food production.

Ødegården Verk

While the Norwegian government was officially neutral during WWI, they saw the need for increasingly efficient food production, and as such they attempted to run several similar mining and prospecting operations in the district.

The Windup Girl

Biotechnology is dominant and mega corporations like AgriGen, PurCal and RedStar (called calorie companies) control food production through 'genehacked' seeds, and use bioterrorism, private armies and economic hitmen to create markets for their products.