
unusual facts about forgeries


Livy regards him as a less trustworthy authority than Fabius Pictor, and Niebuhr considers him the first to introduce systematic forgeries into Roman history.

Archaeological forgery

He sold forgeries to many British museums, including the Yorkshire Museum and the British Museum

Elmyr de Hory

By 1966, more of de Hory's paintings were being revealed as forgeries; one man in particular, Texas oil magnate Algur H. Meadows, to whom Legros had sold 56 forged paintings, was so outraged to learn that most of his collection was forged, that he demanded the arrest and prosecution of Legros.

Giambattista Gelli

In his historical writings, Gelli was influenced by the late 15th-century forgeries of Annio da Viterbo, which purported to provide evidence from ancient texts to show that Tuscany had been founded by Noah and his descendants after the Deluge.

Julius Goldner

He was also the principal outlet for the forgeries of Transvaal produced by Adolph Otto.

Lionel Charles Hopkins

He was known for his collection of oracle bones that were later donated to Cambridge University Library, where many were discovered to have been forgeries.

Mikhail Kasyanov

January 2008: The Central Election Commission of Russia (ЦИК) barred his candidacy for the presidential elections, citing an excess of forgeries within his required two million signatures.

Oath of a Freeman

The affair was the subject of the City Confidential episode "Faith and Foul Play in Salt Lake City", as well as the Canadian series Masterminds, in an episode called "The Anthon Forgeries".

Pierre Grassou

Pierre Grassou de Fougères is a mediocre painter who lives off painting forgeries commissioned by an old swindler and art-dealer named Elias Magus.

Rathgen Research Laboratory

The Rathgen has exposed several scandalous forgeries, including paintings in the Beltracchi affair.

Richard Pigott

The Commission eventually produced 37 volumes in evidence, covering not just the forgeries but also the surrounding violence that followed from the Plan of Campaign.

Road to Emmaus appearance

The supper was also the subject of one of his most successful Vermeer forgeries by Han van Meegeren.

Rosa Corder

She was the lover of Charles Augustus Howell, who is alleged to have persuaded her to create forgeries of drawings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

Selling Hitler

However, to the dismay of all, including eminent historians such as Hugh Trevor-Roper (Alan Bennett) who verified the diaries as authentic, it is discovered after the publication of first extract that the diaries are crude forgeries, faked by Stuttgart criminal Konrad Kujau.

The Great War in England in 1897

The author of the "Pigott forgeries" had in 1889 tried to defame Parnell, and after his plot was discovered fled to Madrid and there killed himself.


Harold Treherne, an English stamp forger notable for his forgeries of the stamps of India and Australia

see also