
unusual facts about formulation


Disciplines in which one might use the word formulation in the abstract sense include Logic, Mathematics, Linguistics, Legal theory, and Computer science.

2008 German Beekill Incident

Though the normal corn seed treatment formulation of clothianidin was authorized for use against fruit flies and wireworms at 25 grams of the chemical per 50,000 seeds, the seed batches associated with this incident received a special authorization at a much higher concentration, 62 grams per 50,000 seeds, to protect against an infestation of western corn rootworm.

A Scientific Theology

In this work McGrath commits himself to an approach that seeks to avoid the use of contemporary views of religion as found in the work of the distinguished Ian Barbour and Arthur Peacocke, keeping instead to a classic Christian theological formulation (i.e., traditional credal Christian orthodoxy), which is a position closer to John Polkinghorne according to McGrath.

ADM formalism

-- The first lead sentence should define what it is--> developed in 1959 by Richard Arnowitt, Stanley Deser and Charles W. Misner is a Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity.

Albert Tarantola

Albert Tarantola was a Catalan-born physicist (Barcelona, June 15, 1949 — December 6, 2009), of the University of Paris (Institut de Physique du Globe), and author of the book probabilistic formulation of inverse problems (Tarantola, 1987, 2005).

Art of representation

It is on the basis of this formulation that the American Method acting teacher Uta Hagen defines her recommended Stanislavskian approach as 'presentational' acting, as opposed to 'representational' acting.

Belly gun

The origin of the term is obscure, but the belly gun's modern formulation dates from the first half of the Twentieth Century, and can be attributed to a small group of men, most with military backgrounds: Colonel Rex Applegate, Major Eric A. Sykes, Lieutenant-Colonel William E. Fairbairn, pistolsmith John H. Fitzgerald, and perhaps most prominently Colonel Charles Askins.

Berber Dahir

A first formulation appeared under the influence of a group of specialists of Berbers of High Atlas and Middle Atlas, such as Maurice Le Glay (civil Controller and author of Récits de la plaine et des monts, les sentiers de la guerre et de l'amour, la mort du Rougui etc.), a core of professors hostile to Islam and in collaboration with bishop of Rabat.

Communicative action

The notion of communicative rationality in the public sphere is therefore heavily indebted to Immanuel Kant's formulation of the public use of reason in What is Enlightenment? Habermas argues that the bourgeoisie who participated in this incipient public sphere universalized those aspects of their class that enabled them to present the public sphere as inclusive—he even goes so far as to say that a public sphere that operates upon principles of exclusivity is not a public sphere at all.

Cotangent space

This formulation is analogous to the construction of the cotangent space to define the Zariski tangent space in algebraic geometry.

Cyril Hoyt

His modesty is perhaps one of the reasons that the generalization of the Kuder-Richardson's (1937) formulation of the coefficient of internal consistency reliability to a continuous case is generally ascribed to Lee Cronbach (1951), even though this generalization was already made a decade earlier (Hoyt, 1941).

David John Candlin

He is known for developing the path integral formulation of the Fermionic field, inventing Grassmann integration for this purpose.

Dennis M. Bushnell

As Chief Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center, he is responsible for technical oversight and advanced program formulation.

District planning committees in India

The steps taken by this Expert Group and the circular issued by the Planning Commission to all States regarding formulation of the Annual plans of States has already been referred to in Chapter 2.

Edwin C. Kemble

In 1925, Born and Werner Heisenberg, who got his doctorate from Sommerfeld in 1923 and completed his Habilitation under Born in 1924, introduced the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics.

Emmanuel Servais

On 3 August 1841, Servais was named one of nine representatives of Luxembourg that convened in The Hague to advise the King-Grand Duke on its formulation.

Euclidean quantum gravity

The manifolds that are used in this formulation are 4 dimensional Riemannian manifolds instead of pseudo Riemannian manifolds.

Francis Turretin

Turretin is especially known as a zealous opponent of the theology of the Academy of Saumur (embodied by Moise Amyraut and called Amyraldianism), as an earnest defender of the Calvinistic orthodoxy represented by the Synod of Dort, and as one of the authors of the Helvetic Consensus, which defended the formulation of double predestination from the Synod of Dort and the verbal inspiration of the Bible.

Frank H. Fleer

It was not until 1928 that Walter Diemer was able to refine the formulation and market it as Dubble Bubble.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals

In the formulation business, its business spans segments such as Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Gynaecology, ENT and Diabetes.

Hierarchy of genres

An influential formulation of 1667 by André Félibien, a historiographer, architect and theoretician of French classicism became the classic statement of the theory for the 18th century:Celui qui fait parfaitement des païsages est au-dessus d'un autre qui ne fait que des fruits, des fleurs ou des coquilles.

Ilona Kickbusch

She was also involved in the formulation of the Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World in 2005, and served on the advisory group for the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health 2011.


ISIPCA (Institut supérieur international du parfum, de la cosmétique et de l'aromatique alimentaire) is a school for post-graduate studies in perfume, cosmetics products and food flavor formulation, with an apprenticeship period in the industry.

John Omoniyi Abiri

He subsequently secured appointment in 1976 at the then University College, Ilorin, later University of Ilorin, where he served as the first Head of Department and dean of the Faculty of Education with responsibility of providing leadership in the formulation and initiation of the degree programmes of that faculty.

Jon Cone

In 2006, Cone introduced a new concept in ink formulation by developing an ink set for Epson printers that was "color-managed" during formulation by matching the color gamut produced by the OEM's printer driver, rather than attempting to imitate single ink positions that would later be controlled by ICC profiles.

Just Faaland

Faaland is one of the individuals responsible for the formulation of the Malaysian New Economic Policy.

Manresa House, Dublin

They renamed it Manresa House after Manresa in Catalonia, Spain, where St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits had many spiritual experiences that contributed to formulation of his Spiritual Exercises.

March 0

This formulation may be used in software such as Microsoft Excel to refer to the last day of February as a way of allowing for the fact that its length varies in leap years.

Martin Lowry

This led in 1923 to his formulation of the protonic definition of acids and bases, now known as Brønsted–Lowry acid-base theory, independently of the work by Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted.

Mild-slope equation

Luke's Lagrangian formulation can also be recast into a Hamiltonian formulation in terms of the surface elevation and velocity potential at the free surface.


Neutra Phos, a powder formulation of sodium and potassium phosphate

Occam's razor

William H. Jefferys (no relation to Harold Jeffreys) and James O. Berger (1991) generalize and quantify the original formulation's "assumptions" concept as the degree to which a proposition is unnecessarily accommodating to possible observable data.

Marcus Hutter has used this consistency to define a "natural" Turing machine of small size as the proper basis for excluding arbitrarily complex instruction sets in the formulation of razors.

OPLAN 5029

Discussions in October between US Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and South Korean Minister of National Defense Lee Sang-hee over the planned transition of wartime operations to South Korean forces also included continued formulation of an operation plan for a North Korean collapse, after a proposal made in an earlier meeting between the American and South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Penniman, Virginia

The new plant and the new town for the workers and families were named Penniman, in honor of Russell Sylvanus Penniman, an American chemist who is credited with the invention of ammonia dynamite in 1885, a safer form than the nitroglycerin used with Alfred Nobel's original formulation.

Playfair's axiom

In 1795 John Playfair published a different formulation of Euclid's parallel postulate, which is now called Playfair's axiom; though the axiom bears Playfair's name, he did not create it, but credited others, in particular William Ludlam, with the prior use of it.

Poet as legislator

It received its most memorable formulation however in Shelley's 1820 A Defence of Poetry.

Point–line–plane postulate

The first three assumptions of the postulate, as given above, are used in the axiomatic formulation of the Euclidean plane in the secondary school geometry curriculum of the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project (UCSMP).

Public opinion

William Temple in his essay of 1672, On the Original and Nature of Government gave an early formulation of the importance of public opinion.

Rodney Baxter

His use of the Yang-Baxter equation led to the formulation and the study of representations of the quantum group by Vladimir Drinfeld in the 1980s, and quantum generalizations of affine algebras, and they are quasi-triangular Hopf algebras which yield solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and provide insight into the properties of corresponding statistical models.

Steven L. Heston

Heston is the originator of the eponymous Heston model, a mathematical formulation describing the evolution of an underlying asset's volatility.

Steven Soter

In 2007, after the IAU announced its controversial decision on the definition of planet, Soter published an article in Scientific American in which he outlined a mathematical formulation, the "planetary discriminant", to describe how the IAU's requirement that a planet must have "cleared its neighborhood" of other objects might be applied in practice.


The Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP-200) is a psychological assessment tool for personality diagnosis and clinical case formulation developed by psychologists Drew Westen and Jonathan Shedler.

The Analyst, or, Mathematical Museum

Despite its extremely short life, it published papers by several notable mathematicians in the nascent American mathematical community, including Nathaniel Bowditch and Ferdinand Hassler; most importantly, Adrain himself published an independent formulation of the method of least squares.

Type X

Type X Drywall, a fire-resistant formulation for construction wallboard

Water supply and sanitation in Indonesia

AusAID's support is in the form of grants for technical assistance to the Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning Project (WASPOLA) of the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), as well as to the Second Water and Sanitation for Low-Income Communities program (WSLIC2), also funded mainly by the World Bank.

see also