
2 unusual facts about Public opinion

Public opinion

Ferdinand Tönnies, On Public Opinion, 1970 (Kritik der öffentlichen Meinung, 1922, critical edition by Alexander Deichsel, Rolf Fechner, and Rainer Waßner, Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter 2003)

William Temple in his essay of 1672, On the Original and Nature of Government gave an early formulation of the importance of public opinion.

Networked advocacy

Walter Lippmann coined the phrase "pseudo-environment" in his 1922 book Public Opinion to refer to the ways people make sense of their worlds based on what they have individually experienced, what he called "the pictures in our heads".

see also

Amber Lyon

In March 2013, a report from the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency said the "Slovak main news website" reported Lyon claiming to have received orders from CNN to report selectively and falsely in order to sway public opinion in favor of direct American aggression against Iran and Syria, and that this was common practice at CNN.

Anadolu Agency

The newly founded agency also had to defend the National Struggle in the world, inform the world public opinion on Turkey's rightful demands and act carefully against tricks of some circles.

Andrey Sychyov

This case caused public opinion in Russia and especially NGOs like the Union of the Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia (CSMR) to blame the current administration, in particular Defense Minister Sergey Ivanov, for tolerating the practice of dedovshchina, an organized system of hazing, inside the military ranks.


In 2141, however, the discovery of Saula changed the public opinion in favor of EHI and shortly afterwards it became one of the most influential and prestigious organizations on the planet.

Ben Salmon

The fledgling American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) eventually took up his case, and the tide of post-war public opinion favored the release of conscientious objectors.


Patrick Caddell (born 1950), American public opinion pollster and a political film consultant

Denny Januar Ali

Up to 2013 Denny JA has also served as a member of WAPOR (the World Association for Public Opinion Research) since 2007, and chairperson of AROPI (the Indonesian Association for Public Opinion Research) from 2007–2010, and 2010-2013.

Dialog Center International

According to According to Mikael Rothstein, an associate professor of religious history at the University of Copenhagen, the Dialog Center International has been greatly influential in promoting a negative public opinion of cults in Denmark and other countries in Europe.


Note that these definitions disregard some alleged dictators, e.g. Benito Mussolini, who are not interested in the actual achieving of social goals, as much as in propaganda and controlling public opinion.

Exclusion Bill Parliament

Several Privy Councillors, including Henry Coventry, thought Shaftesbury was making this story up to inflame public opinion, so an investigation was launched.

Friulian Revolt of 1511

It was the magi or event that raised the public opinion since for various years all the region was shaken by disputes and skirmishes stirred up by the peasants against the nobility, their families, soldiers, servants or their representatives (clashes occurred with Spilimbergo, Maniago, Valvasone, Portogruaro, Colloredo, Tarcento).

Fulbright Hearings

Testimony by John W. Gardner (Chairman of Common Cause, Washington, D.C.) on the swing in public opinion regarding Vietnam war; support for announced withdrawal date and schedule whereby prisoner releases would be phased with stages of withdrawal; need for reassertion of congressional power and influence vis-a-vis the Executive Branch.

Funerals of Ion Moţa and Vasile Marin

As the Spanish Civil War began in 1936, the Iron Guard, like much of the Romanian public opinion, saw it in a simple dichotomy: a fight between atheistic communist and Christianity, this point being made stronger by the news that some groups on the Republican side systemetically persecuted members of the Catholic clergy and destroyed churches.

Greek legislative election, 2004

The Athens daily Kathemerini commented: "Now, two weeks before the elections, all opinion polls show PASOK 3 to 4.5 percentage points behind ND. This raises the question of whether PASOK can snatch victory away from ND. The fact is that much is unclear. For example, although PASOK has little support, its leader has a good image in public opinion polls."

Harlan County High School

The mascot was provisionally to be called the 'Knights,' however, public opinion led to the decision to name it the 'Black Bears' in honor of the Ursus americanus bears that inhabit the area.

Henry Stewart, 1st Lord Methven

He said that Regent Arran had been advised that the modest ("sober") Scottish artillery at St Andrews Castle at the start might have taken the castle, and the prolonged and expensive siege, after Arran had departed, had harmed public opinion.

If Israel Lost the War

In May 2010 Israeli right-wing columnist Hagai Segal published a two-page summary of it in the Makor Rishon newspaper, proposing to his fellow-rightists to get a new edition published as part of their efforts to mobilise Israeli public opinion against the Obama Administration's Middle East peace plans.

It Can Happen Here

Conason discusses what he sees as a trend towards authoritarianism during the administration of US President George W. Bush, focusing on manipulation of intelligence and public opinion surrounding the Iraq War, disregard of national and international law (the NSA warrantless wiretapping controversy and signing statements are used as examples), the increased mix of big business and government, and more.

Jack Trout

In the fall of 2002, Trout began working with the United States Department of State in order to "train new diplomats in the art of projecting a positive image of America overseas" as a part of the Brand America campaign, which sought to improve public opinion about the upcoming Iraq War.

James Athol Wood

Public opinion, however, ran strongly in favour of Wood, and he was at once appointed to the Uranie, from which, a few months later, he was moved into HMS Latona, again attached to the fleet off Brest, and again sent with convoy to the West Indies, where in January 1807 he was second in command under (Sir) Charles Brisbane at the reduction of Curaçao — a service for which a gold medal was awarded to the several captains engaged.

Jean Jérôme

Feintuch, newly named Jérome, became the official supplier of paper and printing material to the Party's illegal press (which had been outlawed after the PCF had outraged public opinion and the Deladier government by condoning the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.) Philippe Robrieux argued that Jérome replaced Giulio Ceretti, the man charged with obtaining illegal funds for the Comintern.

John S. Marmaduke

Undeterred, Marmaduke campaigned four years later for Governor of Missouri at a time when public opinion had changed, and railroad reform and regulation became more in vogue.

John Zaller

Zaller is best known for his 1992 book The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion, in which he argues that changes in public opinion are due to the influences of political elites.

King–Crane Commission

The King-Crane commission was "the first-ever survey of Arab public opinion" and the fact its results went largely unheeded was bemoaned by pollster James Zogby.

KZ Manager

In one version, public opinion rises when the "manager" executes a number of prisoners with Zyklon B.

KZ Manager is a name shared by many similar resource management computer games putting the player in the role of a Nazi concentration camp "manager", where the "resources" to be managed include, depending on the version of the game, prisoners (either Jews, Turks or Gypsies), poison gas supplies, "normal" money and various equipment, as well as "public opinion" on the "productivity" of the camp.

Lada Niva

Whereas the Hussar had the original 1977 trim, the new UK Cossack featured a new Rover-designed grille and other body kit items, and gained soft nudge-bars at the front in deference to public opinion against bullbars.

Lithuanian parliamentary election, 2004

Public opinion polls indicated that the Labour Party, founded in 2003 and headed by a wealthy Russian-born businessman Viktor Uspaskich, was likely to emerge as the largest group in the Seimas.

Marie Dominique Bouix

Monsignor Fornari, the papal nuncio at Paris, desiring to further the restoration of provincial councils, held a conference with Bouix and the Bollandist Van Hecke, at which it was decided that the best means of influencing public opinion aright would be the preparation of a book explaining the law of the Church on provincial councils.

Matthew Mendelsohn

From 1996 to 1998, he served as a senior advisor in Canada's Privy Council Office, directing public opinion research activities for the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs.

Mikhail Katkov

During the twenty-four years of editorship he exercised considerable influence on public opinion and even on the Government, by representing with great ability the moderately Conservative spirit of Moscow in opposition to the occasionally ultra-Liberal and always cosmopolitan spirit of St Petersburg.

Mitchell A. Seligson

”Meaning and Measurement in Cross-National Research on Satisfaction with Democracy“ co-authored with Jeff Mondak and Damarys Canache, Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 65, Winter, 2001, pp.

National Opinion Research Center

Sonic Boom Tests Reactions, 1961-1962 – Public opinion measurement for the infamous sonic boom tests over Oklahoma City, which were intended to measure the impact of supersonic transports (SSTs) over populated areas.

National Popular Alliance

The year of 1970 saw the electoral defeat of its presidential candidate, the former dictator General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, at the hands of the Conservative candidate of the National Front, Misael Pastrana Borrero, after a close April 19 election which ANAPO and several prominent figures of Colombian public opinion condemned as fraudulent at the time.

Political science

A focus on studying political behavior, rather than institutions or interpretation of legal texts, characterized early behavioral political science, including work by Robert Dahl, Philip Converse, and in the collaboration between sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld and public opinion scholar Bernard Berelson.

Renewable energy in the United States

In a 2010 Chicago Council on Global Affairs public opinion survey, an overwhelming 91 percent believed "investing in renewable energy" is important for the United States to remain economically competitive with other countries, with 62 percent considering this very important.

Saddam Hussein's alleged shredder

The Suns political editor Trevor Kavanagh wrote in February 2004 that "Public opinion swung behind Tony Blair as voters learned how Saddam fed dissidents feet first into industrial shredders."

St. Paul's Church, George Street, Nottingham

Paul's Chapel of Ease', as it was then called, public opinion was running high against King George IV for he had refused to allow his wife Caroline to be crowned, notwithstanding this, the King's Coronation was celebrated in Nottingham by the firing of several volleys in the Market Place by the 7th Dragoon Guards, and the Yeomanry Cavalry.

The Greasy Pole

They watch it, and it becomes apparent that there is a large body of public opinion against the scheme, due to the fatal release of dioxin in the Seveso disaster in 1976.

World Development Information Day

On May 17, 1972, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) proposed measures for information dissemination and for the mobilization of public opinion relative to trade and development problems.