
unusual facts about free and open-source

Adam McLean

In 1978 he founded the Hermetic Journal which he published until 1992 during which time he also started publishing the Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks, a series of thirty nine editions (to 2011) of key source texts of the hermetic tradition.

Alton Adams

In 1931 Adams's unit was transferred to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, when the naval government of the islands was replaced by a civilian administration, thus separating Adams from family, friends, and his source of social influence.

Apache Hadoop

Pentaho - Open source data integration (Kettle), analytics, reporting, visualization and predictive analytics directly from Hadoop nodes


Oldest written source about Arpalı is dated at 1516 with the name Niv.

Ashburnham Pentateuch

The miniatures were used as the source of a later cycle of wall-paintings at the church of St Julian in Tours.

Aurel Persu

Persu, a specialist in airplanes aerodynamics and dynamics, implemented his idea in 1922–1923 in Berlin, building an automobile with an incredibly low drag coefficient of 0.28 (same as a modern Porsche Carrera) or even 0.22 (still not reached by almost any modern production cars), depending on the source.


The name is explained in this comment from the source code: "BassOmatic gets its name from an old Dan Aykroyd Saturday Night Live skit involving a blender and a whole fish. The BassOmatic algorithm does to data what the original BassOmatic did to the fish."

Constant voltage

Voltage source, electrical power source that regulate voltage to a constant level

Constitutional Act on the Czechoslovak Federation

The reform concerned Slovak autonomy; the concentration of governmental authority in Prague was a source of discontent within Slovakia throughout the 1960s, and the federalization of the Czechoslovak government codified in the 1968 constitutional amendments was virtually the only product of the reform movement associated with the Prague Spring to survive.


From its source at an elevation of 2005 m in Swiss territory near the Simplon Pass it flows through the hamlet Egga to the village of Simplon.

Dry rot

Dry rot is the term given to brown rot decay caused by certain fungi that deteriorate timber in buildings and other wooden construction seemingly without an apparent source of moisture.

Exon trapping

The technique has largely been supplanted by the approach of sequencing cDNA generated from mRNA and then using bioinformatics tools such as NCBI's BLAST server to determine the source of the sequence, thereby identifying the appropriate exon-intron splice sites.

Free and open-source graphics device driver

Vivante is a fabless semiconductor company which licenses SIP cores.


Gas lighting, the use of flammable gas such as natural gas as a light source

Highgrove House

The gardens were the source of inspiration for the British composer Patrick Hawes when he was asked to write a piece of music for the Prince of Wales' 60th birthday in 2008.


Integrated Archaeological Database, an open source web based application for archaeological excavation projects

Inside the Mind of Bill Cosby

Unlike many of his other albums, on which his youth provided the source of his routines, Cosby's material here centers mostly on contemporary incidents with his family, notably the tracks "Bedroom Slippers" (involving back-yard play by his youngest daughter and their dogs) and "Froofie The Dog" (involving his oldest daughter wanting to watch the television while Bill himself is watching Gunsmoke).

ISO Development Environment

The ISODE software was initially a public domain / open source implementation, lead by Marshall Rose.

J. T. S. Moore

He's known primarily for Revolution OS (2001), a film about the origins of the Free Software and open-source movements.

José Del Vecchio

For over half a century, this corporation has been a renowned source not only of professional players who have shown their skills in Major League Baseball, among others Bobby Abreu, Bo Díaz, Andrés Galarraga, Freddy García, Pablo Sandoval, Luis Sojo and Omar Vizquel, but also of prominent citizens in in different fields of national development.

Kalec Castle

The castle, of which only a single tower and some sections of wall survive intact, stands on slope known as Breg, near the source of the river Pivka, at an elevation of 618 m.


One of them was sweet, and is described by one Hellenistic source as a πλακοῦς, flat cake.

Marañón River

Another descent was done by Sebastian Snow, an adventurer who journeyed down most of the river by trekking (to Chiriaco) and by boat (the rest of the way) after starting at the source near Lake Niño Cocha.

Maritigrella crozierae

For this reason, it may be of interest to the pharmaceutical industry as a source of this compound which has been approved for medical use in the European Union.

Martin Buber

--This source says this Martin Buber's birthdate and death is 1878 to 1965 so it has to be the same person-->Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten included the first German translation ever made of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio.

Max On Max

After spending 2 years working at Google, Max was inspired by On Intelligence and left in search for the source of higher level reasoning.

Miracle berry

Synsepalum dulcificum, source of a berry that increases the perceived sweetness of foods

Muon spin spectroscopy

This is presently achieved at few large scale facilities in the world: the CMMS continuous source at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada; the SµS continuous source at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland; the ISIS and RIKEN-RAL pulsed sources at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Chilton, United Kingdom; and the J-PARC facility in Tokai, Japan, where a new pulsed source is being built to replace that at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan.


In A Clockwork Orange, Alex's interrogators describe the source of his argot as "subliminal penetration."

Northwest Angle

Benjamin Franklin and British representatives established the initial U.S. and Canadian borders in the Treaty of Paris in 1783 from the Mitchell Map of colonial American geographer John Mitchell, which mis-represented the source of the Mississippi River.

Oedipus Aegyptiacus

The primary source for Kircher's study of hieroglyphs was the Bembine Tablet, so named after its acquisition by Cardinal Bembo, shortly after the sack of Rome in 1527.


Several open source projects served as a basis for development, including Egroupware, Adempiere, Asterisk, Roundcube, Joomla, and Alfresco.

Old Lyme, Connecticut

John McCurdy (b.1724), whose home was the resting place for George Washington on April 10, 1776 while traveling to New York City to take on the British Army and Navy (source: Papers of George Washington, Connecticut State Library); grandfather of Connecticut Supreme Court judge Charles McCurdy

Open-source unionism

Open-source unionism is a term coined by academics Richard B. Freeman and Joel Rogers to explain a possible new model for organizing workers that depended on the labor movement"taking its own historical lessons with diversified membership seriously and relying more heavily on the Internet in membership communication and servicing."

Operation Merlin

In late 2010, former CIA-officer Jeffrey Alexander Sterling was indicted for allegedly being a source for some of the information in Risen's book.

Organic field-effect transistor

The most commonly used device geometry is bottom gate with top drain and source electrodes, because this geometry is similar to the thin-film silicon transistor (TFT) using thermally grown gate dielectric.

Paspalum dilatatum

Paspalum dilatatum is a food source for several avian species, including the Long-tailed Widowbird.

Peter Langtoft

Langtoft's Chronicle was the source of the second part of Robert Mannyng's Middle English Chronicle, completed around 1338.

Powell Shooting Range Land Conveyance Act

This summary is based largely on the summary provided by the Congressional Research Service, a public domain source.

Ramón Rodríguez Chacín

The source for these documents was allegedly a 2008 cross-border raid by Colombian military into Ecuador which destroyed a FARC camp.

Roman Umbria

The main source for the regions is the Historia Naturalis of Pliny the Elder, who informs his readers he is basing the geography of Italy on the discriptio Italiae, "division of Italy," made by Augustus.

St. George's Abbey in the Black Forest

The monastery was founded in 1084–85 in the Black Forest, by the source of the Brigach, against the background of the Investiture Controversy, as a result of the community of interests of the Swabian aristocracy and the church reform party, the founders being Hezelo and Hesso of the family of the Vögte of Reichenau, and the politically influential Abbot William of Hirsau.


According to this source, the Caesar Lucius Aelius (died 138) invented the dish; his senior colleague, the Emperor Hadrian, liked it; a later emperor, Alexander Severus, liked it too.

Tianji Coal Chemistry Industry Group chemical spill

This chemical spill contaminated the Zhuozhang River which is the source of drinking water for more than one million people, and so caused a water crisis in the downstream City of Handan, Hebei Province.


The first Europeans to reach the region were Richard Francis Burton and John Hanning Speke, who had been sponsored by the Royal Geographical Society and the British government to investigate the great Lake Uniamési said by German missionaries to lie in the region and determine if it was the source of the Nile.

Vasukiganga River

The source of the Vasukiganga River is the Vasuki Tal, a small glacial lake located in the glacial trough east of Chor gamak glacier, near Kedarnath.

Vividred Operation

The next day, after Rei goes off on her own and Akane and the others are informed of a strategy to pinpoint the source of the arrows, another Alone (Bacteriophage) appears, which Rei powers up with another arrow.

Whistler Water

Whistler Water’s original source was located at Function Junction (British Columbia Highway 99 at Cheakamus Valley Road) in Whistler, British Columbia, and was used from 1991 to 1992 before it was moved to a secondary source because of industrial intrusion.

Wichita Collegiate School

Wichita Collegiate School chemistry teacher Janice Crowley received the Milken Family Foundation Educator Pathfinder Award for leading her students in investigating a carcinogenic source of breast cancer in area fast food restaurants.


Gonigal argues that computer games can be a source of ideas for doing this; she says the primary reason for World of Warcraft being so popular is the sense of "blissful productivity" that its players enjoy.

see also

Adoption of free and open-source software by public institutions

The Portuguese Vieira do Minho Municipality began switching to free and open source software in 2000.

Common Criteria

In a 2006 research paper, computer specialist David A. Wheeler suggested that the Common Criteria process discriminates against Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)-centric organizations and development models.


Cambodian deputy prime minister Sok An, in a speech delivered on his behalf, argued that Free and Open Source Software could help a country like Cambodia to have a "lot of savings in license fees", make software readily available locally and reduce usage costs drastically, eliminate software piracy, and enable Cambodian students to closely study the software code and "understand its behaviour".


The third conference of free and open source software communities, FOSSCOMM 2010, took place on April 24–25, 2010 in Thessaloniki.


It is run and edited by Pamela Jones and complements her Groklaw website, which acts as a focus for legal news of interest to the Free and Open Source Software communities, including in particular SCO Group's litigation against IBM and others and its attacks on Linux.

Institute of Rural Management Anand

Satish Babu (PRM3), Director, International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS).

IT@School Project

The Project also engaged in giving training in Animation movie making skills entirely based on Free and Open Source Software such as KToon, Gimp, OpenShot Video Editor and Audacity.

Linux range of use

Components of the Linux kernel, such as Netfilter or the Linux network scheduler, in conjunction with the available free and open-source routing daemons BIRD, B.A.T.M.A.N., Quagga and XORP fulfill the task very well.


#Capacity building by providing the necessary training and assistance in developing the necessary skills and competences in the public and the private sectors, as well as in non-government organizations, and encouraging the inclusion of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) courses as part of the standard course offerings in universities as well as networking the various FOSS communities that exist in the Arab Region.

Markus Neteler

In September 2006, he was honored with the Sol Katz award for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software (GFOSS) for his commitment to the GRASS project coordination.

Open Source Geospatial Foundation

The Sol Katz Award for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software (GFOSS) is awarded annually by OSGeo to individuals who have demonstrated leadership in the GFOSS community.

Robert Kaiser

Robert Kaiser, aka KaiRo, project coordinator of the SeaMonkey free and open source cross-platform Internet suite

Support Incident Tracker

In 2005, version 3.21 was released as free and open source software under the GNU General Public License and a Freecode project was created.

Tux Paint

Tux Paint is also available as an activity within the free and open source educational suite GCompris.

Yadgir district

A project to support high schools to integrate ICTs with teaching-learning has been launched with the education department, this includes use of free and open source applications like Geogebra, Phet, Freemind etc.


Zope, free and open-source, object-oriented web application server written in Python