
unusual facts about gas chambers

Le Mur Rose

A pre-war expert in decontamination techniques, Gerstein was assigned to the Hygiene Institute of the SS, becoming responsible for delivering Zyklon B poison used in the final solution gas chambers, including Auschwitz concentration camp.

Miklós Nyiszli

One day, after the gassing of a new shipment of prisoners, Nyiszli was summoned by prisoners working in the gas chambers who had found a girl alive under a mass of bodies in a gas chamber.

see also

Bernhard Schaub

For the same purposes a professionally printed brochure, which denied the existence of gas chambers in Auschwitz, was also distributed ("Das Rudolf-Gutachten" – "The Rudolf Report").

Democratic education

In 1912 Janusz Korczak founded Dom Sierot, the Jewish orphanage in Warsaw, which was run on democratic lines until 1940, when he accompanied all his charges to the gas-chambers of the Treblinka extermination camp.

Heather Tanner

It was later learned that his parents and brother were deported from their native Stettin (then Germany) to Piaski, Poland and that the Germans murdered them there in gas chambers.

Paul Rassinier

He also describes his visits to Dachau and Mauthausen, noting that in both places, he got contradictory stories on how the gas chambers were supposed to have worked, and for the first time expresses his doubts on the existence of gas chambers and a Nazi policy of extermination.

Psyclon Nine

The name is a malapropism of Zyklon B, the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide invented in the early 1920s and infamous for its later use by Nazi Germany to kill human beings in gas chambers of extermination camps during the Holocaust.

Vlaams Belang

In the same interview he questioned the scale of the Nazis' use of gas chambers and the authenticity of Anne Frank's diary.

Yehuda Bacon

The drawings show details and sequences of what he saw in the concentration camps and which he already made as a teenager shortly after the liberation as well as his testimony served as evidence in trials against Nazi criminals (including the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem and the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials) and were also used in the litigation against Holocaust denier David Irving, who challenges the existence of gas chambers in Auschwitz.