
3 unusual facts about Gas dynamics

John L. Climenhaga

During this period, Climenhaga oversaw expansion of the department's research efforts in Geophysics, Nuclear Physics, Acoustics, Gas dynamics and Theoretical Physics, as well as Astronomy.

Theodor Meyer

By the time of his death at almost age 90 in 1972, not even his family or his neighbors in Bad Bevensen, Germany were aware of the formative role he had played, with Ludwig Prandtl, in the scientific discipline known as Compressible flow or Gas dynamics.

During the first decade of the 20th century, Meyer worked under Prandtl's guidance at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany on the theory of supersonic gas flows, then a brand-new field of study that we now call Compressible flow or Gas dynamics.

see also

Thierry Goudon

The Boltzmann equation for gas dynamics is a typical example of this activity.