
unusual facts about geologic


Beethoven quadrangle

Geologic evidence for the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of Mercury is less complete than for the Moon and Mars, for which orbiting spacecraft and landers have provided total or near-total coverage and high-resolution images.

Birmingham, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania

Birmingham is the site of the Birmingham Window, a geologic structure created by a Paleozoic thrust fault.

Boquillas Formation

The Boquillas Formation is a Turonian geologic unit in Big Bend National Park.

Bunsen Peak

The peak was first ascended by Ferdinand V. Hayden and Captain John W. Barlow in 1871, Bunsen Peak was not named until 1872 during the second Hayden Geologic Survey.


The Imourean deposits have been identified in the Tchirezrine sandstone of Jurassic age, a geologic period and system.


Corton Formation, a geologic formation in Suffolk and Norfolk, England

Fra Mauro formation

Analysis of Apollo 14 samples suggests that there are five major geologic constituents present in the immediate landing area: regolith breccias, fragmental breccias, igneous lithologies, granulitic lithologies, and impact-melt lithologies.

Gauss-Matuyama reversal

The Gauss-Matuyama Reversal was a geologic event approximately 2.588 million years ago when the Earth's magnetic field underwent reversal.

Geology of China

Modern geologic ideas were introduced with the establishment of technical schools and the translation into Chinese of works by James D. Dana and Charles Lyell during the 1870s.

George Frederick Wright

In his later writings, including the chapter he wrote for The Fundamentals, he accepted geologic time, but argued that human origins required divine intervention, and that biological variation extending to form new species would be evidence of design.

Gotthard Massif

Gotthard nappe, the geologic structure underlying this mountain range, in older literature called the Gotthard Massif

Governor Dodge State Park

Named after Henry Dodge, the first governor of the Wisconsin Territory, the park contains geologic features indicative of the Driftless Area.

Herbert E. Gregory

His seminal work included mapping much of the bedrock geology of the Colorado Plateau, particularly in geologic monographs concentrating on what is now the Navajo Nation in northeastern Arizona and southeastern Utah.

Joe Deal

He continued photographing man's effect on the landscape in "The Fault Zone", which featured images combining human and geologic effects on the area surrounding the San Andreas Fault.

Lake Gunung Tujuh

Although a young lake, in geologic terms, its surrounding volcano, Mount Tujuh, is old and not immediately obvious as such.

Levi F. Noble

He also is remembered for his studies of Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks of the Grand Canyon and as the first to prepare a detailed geologic map of a large part of Grand Canyon National Park.

Limasawa, Southern Leyte

The description of present-day Limasawa does not fit the geologic, geographic, geomorphologic, archaeologic, histriographic categories of Mazaua as described and explained in the eyewitness chronicles of Antonio Pigafetta, Ginés de Mafra, Francisco Albo, The Genoese Pilot, Martín de Ayamonte, as well as the secondhand accounts of Antonio de Brito, Andrés de San Martín, Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas, and Maximilianus Transylvanus.

Mars Astrobiology Explorer-Cacher

Astrobiology—Test life-related hypotheses in the context of another specific kind of geologic terrain.

Mazatzal Mountains

At Pine, on Arizona State Route 87, at the northeast region of the Mazatzal Wilderness, north terminus of the Mazatzal Mountains, the route traverses the contact between two important geologic units.

Orocopia Mountains

The Orocopia Mountains offer considerable geologic variety and was one of the areas used for geologic field training by Caltech Professor of Geology, Leon T. Silver, for astronauts in preparation for the NASA Project Apollo Moon landing missions.

Perte du Rhône

Perte-du-Rhône (Loss of the Rhone) is a sixty-metre-deep geologic fault north of Bellegarde-sur-Valserine in France, into which the Rhone River used to disappear during the dry season.

Ponta dos Rosais

The localportion includes the geologic formation with the Baixa da Ponta dos Rosais.

Principles of Geology

Lyell's interpretation of geologic change as the steady accumulation of minute changes over enormously long spans of time was also a central theme in the Principles, and a powerful influence on the young Charles Darwin, who was given Volume 1 of the first edition by Robert FitzRoy, captain of HMS Beagle, just before they set out on the voyage of the Beagle.

Roger Welch

Beginning in 2003, Welch produced a series of sculptures, watercolors such as Yankee Stadium in Meteor Crater, and videos juxtaposing landscapes or combining geologic formations with contemporary man-made structures.


Smartville Block, a geologic zone in the Sierra foothills of California

Texas Tech Shackleton Glacier Expedition

Simplicity Hill– Named because of the ease with which they were able to approach the feature, and because of the relative simplicity of its geologic nature.

Thomas A. Smith

He is also an active member of the Houston Geologic Society, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, Seismological Society of America and the American Geophysical Union.

Timeline of paleontology

1815 — William Smith published The Map that Changed the World, the first geologic map of England, Wales, and southern Scotland, using fossils to correlate rock strata.

Tomichi Dome

It is situated within the Gunnison National Forest and is of a geologic formation called a laccolith.

Ukrainian Ye

The United States Federal Geographic Data Committee uses Ꞓ, a character similar to capital Є, to represent the Cambrian Period in geologic history.

Van Horn, Texas

In 2009 The Van Horn Advocate announced that the Long Now Foundation was starting geologic testing for an underground space to house a 10,000 Year Clock of the Long Now, on the Bezos ranch, north of Van Horn.

Whitewood mine

Development of the mining site at Whitewood and the seismic testing done there in the 1980s have allowed geologists to establish the timeframe and geologic phases associated with the formation of the mine's coal bed.

Wien Air Alaska

Sig Wien, as a bush pilot, flew contracts for USGS geologic exploration activities including geologist Marvin Mangus.

Xidagou Formation

The Xidagou Formation is an Middle Permian-age geologic formation in the Qilian Mountains of Gansu, China.

see also