Stone's ''Glossary'' | Glossary of the Weimar Republic | Glossary of shapes with metaphorical names | Glossary of Nazi Germany | Glossary of cue sports terms | Glossary of arithmetic and Diophantine geometry |
Of special importance in supporting this are: a baptizing formula (Unte paghesont premenit Atit et Birit et spertit senit) of 1462, written in Albanian within a text in Latin by the bishop of Durrës, Pal Engjëlli; a glossary with Albanian words of 1497 by Arnhold von Harff, a German who had travelled through Albania, and a 15th-century fragment from the Bible from the Gospel of Matthew, also in Albanian, but in Greek letters.
A Glossary of Literary and Critical Terms, (Kurdish-English), Sulaymaniyah, Sardam Publishers, 2001,(co-authored Muhamad Mahmudi).
Recently, a fourth Basque-Icelandic glossary has been found at the Houghton Library at the Harvard University.
George Cameron Stone:A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration, and Use of Arms and Armor in All Countries and In All Times (1934)
In his early career, he concentrated on the Italic dialects, including among his published work, Der Vocalismus der oskischen Sprache (1892), The Oscan-Umbrian Verb-System (1895), and Grammar of Oscan and Umbrian, with a collection of inscriptions and a glossary (1904), and a précis of the Italic languages in Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia.
For example, in the glossary of Doyle Brunson's Super System 2, a ring game is defined as "A game with a player in every seat, that is, a full game—as opposed to a shorthanded game".
Most applicable to teaching, e.g. the Longmans defining dictionary of the simplest meanings of 2,000 English words is used to define the 4,000 most basic English idioms -- this is a core glossary of the English language, which permits access to the core ontology (the idioms).
With Horace Arthur Rose, Superintendent of Ethnography in the Punjab in the early twentieth century, he compiled a large work, A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier, including material from Denzil Ibbetson's 1881 census.
Coles' dialectal entries are mostly collected from the glossary by John Ray with some additions from the Dictionarium Rusticum in John Worlidge's 1669 Systema Agriculturae.
Saul Wahl Katzenelbogen who, according to the glossary of the family tree, 'became king of Poland for one night after the death of Stephen Bathory.
The glossary working group was lead and its output was edited by Roy Schulte and David Luckham.
(with Ernest Jones and others) Glossary for the use of translators of psycho-analytic works, 1926
In 1956, he prepared a stencilized script on Algebra and in 1960, succeeded in publishing the first physics book in Kurdish under the title, "Introduction into the Mechanics and Properties of Matter", including a rich glossary of Kurdish terms pertaining to physics and mathematics.
In the year 1818, while Molesworth was stationed in Solapur along with his fellow interpreter Thomas Candy, the two started compiling a glossary of Marathi words.
John de Barton (fl. 1304), was a judge, otherwise called de Ryton and de Fryton, a Yorkshire gentleman, is with Ralph Fitzwilliam, the king's lieutenant in Yorkshire, a member of the itinerary court constituted by the first commission of Trailbaston for Yorkshire, for which Hemingford gives as date 1304 (as to date Spelman's 'Glossary' is silent).
The most detailed glossary of klezmer-loshn of over 600 words can be found in "The Book of Klezmer: The History, The Music, The Folklore from the 14th Century to the 21st" (A Capella Books, 2002, author Yale Strom).
The glossary contains 48 chapters or glossae collectae, which explain terms from texts used in the classroom by Theodore of Tarsus and Adrian of Canterbury, who both taught at St Augustine's Abbey in Canterbury, and thus "contain the record of their classroom teaching".
The official language of the principality of Theodoro was Greek, but the Gothic language remained in use in private homes at least until the 18th century (Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq in the 16th century reported having had a conversation with two Goths in Constantinople, and left a Gothic-Latin glossary with about a hundred Gothic words), but it is unknown for how long the Gothic language survived as liturgical language in the Crimean Gothic church.
It covers classical Japanese literature from the Kojiki through the Tale of Genji and major waka poets like Fujiwara no Teika or Ki no Tsurayuki, through the Kamakura period and up to the beginnings of No plays and renga, in 1175 pages of text and endnotes (excluding the bibliography, index, and glossary).
The Agora SA edition also contained the "Glossary of Lem's Terminology" ("Słownik terminów Lemowskich") based on the book Co to są sepulki? Wszystko o Lemie (2007) by Wojciech Orliński.
According to C-SPAN's congressional glossary, "After the words are 'taken down' by the clerk and read back, the chair rules on their suitability. If ruled inappropriate, the member may not speak again on the same day without House permission."
Stone's Glossary has the xiphos being a name used by Homer for a sword.