Over the large arch of the nymphaeum, there is a pediment with a relief of a distinctively feminine symbolism depicting the deities Eros, Artemis and Dionysus.
Given a Georgian appearance around a century later, it was described as having an ornate pedimented facade faced eastwards towards the town, and a plainer one, westwards towards Charnwood Forest at the time of its demolition.
The sculptor Auguste Rodin repurchased the pediment of the garden façade, as well as the avant-corps columns; he set up these pieces at his property of Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine).
Built in 1898 in the Italian Renaissance Revival architectural style from a design by Whitman & Hood, the symmetrical tan brick building features an upper arcade of six Georgian Revival windows, an arched center entrance stoop flanked by multi-paned Diocletian windows, arched wings, and a curved pediment dormer crown sporting the Needham Public Schools seal.
Alain Robert, the famous "French Spider-Man", scaled the building to the 44th floor in 1997, two years after the back-lit Blue Cross logo was added to the building's pediment.
His solo work includes the James Fennimore Cooper Memorial in Scarsdale, New York, as well as his single largest commission, the two pediment sculptures in granite for the 1915 San Francisco City Hall.
His first work in Denmark, a relief for a pediment and a statue at the naval headquarters at Gammelholm in Copenhagen, from 1739–40, was lost in the Great Fire of 1795.
This was later taken up in the coat of arms of Polish aristocratic families connected with the Hunyadis, and also led to Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus' triumph over the Aquitanians (27 BC) being commemorated in the pediment of the Krasiński Palace in Warsaw.
The obvious European, and thus Catholic, design of the porch was later to cause problems for the porch's patron Archbishop Laud because at the centre of the scrolled pediment was placed a statue of the Virgin and Child, a composition considered to be Roman Catholic idolatry, and later used against the Archbishop at his trial for treason in 1641 following the grand Remonstrance.
A wide granite staircase leads up to a pedimented entrance, flanked by two Italian sculptures of Justice and Prudence.
The pediment sculpture (an allegory of justice) which characterized the Supreme Court is a work by Florentine sculptor Augusto Martelli.
The Lope de Vega Theater, Valladolid by architect Jerónimo de la Gándara, which was inaugurated on 8 December 1861, has a pediment that holds a medallion with the likeness of Lope de Vega sculpted by Ponciano Ponzano.
The entrance is flanked by two Tuscan columns and accessed by an exterior staircase, covered with a gabled roof made of slabs of stone, with a pediment with trim at the edges and a smooth tympanum without decoration.
In 1668 a semi-circular pediment bearing the marital coat of arms of Thomas Hill, a descendant of Sir Rowland's and a friend of Samuel Pepys, was added above the front door.
Curtains hang from the pediment, which are open to display a descending dove, a Gloria and cherubs' heads with wings.
The east façade, towards Aldersgate Street, is a screen wall, erected in 1831, executed in Roman cement, with a pediment and four attached Ionic columns standing on a high plinth, with a Venetian window between them.
By the early 1840s, with the addition of a third floor and a flat pediment, the Rooms were occupied by the young men of the Central High School, later renamed the Baltimore City College, founded in 1839 a few blocks away on Courtland Street (now St. Paul Street/Place/Preston Gardens, considered to be the third oldest public high school in America.
Situated on the western edge of a proposed Buckman Historic District, the Munsell House features large pedimented gable dormers facing the cardinal points.
Bitter's other pediment, the west, is Agriculture, while Attilio Piccirilli's Wisdom and Learning of the World adorns the north pediment.