
2 unusual facts about grants

Grants, New Mexico

Scenes from the movie 21 Grams starring Sean Penn and Naomi Watts were also filmed in Grants.

Author Robison Wells has stated that, in his novel On Second Thought, the town of Alamitos is based on Grants, NM, which is the historical name before it was renamed after the mining camp.

2011 Rutgers Tuition Protests

Rich Williams, an advocate of the New Jersey Public Interest Research Group, stated that grants are the principal method in which the federal government can assist students in battling rising college tuition costs.

49th Royal Tank Regiment

The operation was carried out under 'artificial moonlight' (searchlights shining onto the cloud cover) and during the assault on Rees by the 51st (Highland) Division the Grants both illuminated the crossing and engaged the enemy on the far bank with their 75mm guns.

Abraham Adrian Albert

He served on policy-making bodies at the Office of Naval Research, the United States National Research Council, and the National Science Foundation that funneled research grants into mathematics, giving many young mathematicians career opportunities previously unavailable.

Armando Santiago

From 1962 to 1964 he studied in Rome with Boris Porena privately and with Goffredo Petrassi at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia through grants awarded to him by the governments of Portugal and Italy.

Attributed arms

The reason for the triple-crown symbol is unknown, but it was associated with other pre-Norman kings, with the seal of Magnus II of Sweden, with the relics of the Three Wise Men in Cologne (which led to the three crowns in the seal of the University of Cologne), and with the grants of Edward I of England to towns which were symbolized by three crowns in the towns' arms.

Center for Women in Government and Civil Society

CWGCS research has been supported through grants by the United States Department of Education, National Institutes of Health (NIH), United States Department of State (DoS), the Ford Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Charles H. Revson Foundation, and other government agencies, private foundations, and non-profit organizations.

Charles Bazire

He appears to have been the recipient of various land grants, both singly and in partnership, from Intendant Talon and Bishop Laval.

Cincinnati Park Board

The board receives its funding from the city, state and federal grants, as well as private endowments.

Colin Eaborn

Thanks to grants from the United States Air Force and Army, Eaborn was able to assemble a team of 15 researchers and students, and in 1960 published the textbook Organosillicon Compounds, which had "a major influence on the development of what has become one of the most prolific areas of organometallic chemistry, with extensive applications in organic synthesis, catalysis and materials science".

Conway Stewart

The company relocated to Crumlin in Wales in 1968 taking advantage of regional development grants but its financial health continued to deteriorate.

Cornelius Herman Muller

In addition to his teaching duties during his years at UCSB, Muller conducted numerous research studies, funded partly by four National Science Foundation grants, on allelopathic mechanisms in California plant communities and systematics and evolution of the species Quercus.

Denis Bédard

A series of grants from the Canada Council enabled him to pursue studies in Paris with André Isoir (organ) and Laurence Boulay (harpsichord and figured bass realization) and in Montreal with Bernard Lagacé (organ and harpsichord) between 1973-1975.

DiMenna–Nyselius Library

Steady technological improvements continued to augment the library-a CD-ROM reference center in 1990 thanks to the Gladys Brooks Foundation; a CD-ROM LAN in 1991 thanks to grants from the E.L. Cord Foundation and the George I. Alden Trust; an online public access catalog in 1993; and a computer lab with 25 workstations in 1997.

Eagle Premier

As a result, the automotive supplier received $10 million grants from the governments of both Canada and Ontario to expanded the metal stamping plant in Milton, Ontario.

Edward M. Walsh

Walsh mounted an international fundraising campaign that secured the support of major philanthropists such as Chuck Feeney and Lewis Glucksman and permitted the University of Limerick to expand significantly at a time when government capital grants were being handed out scarcely.

Ephraim Buchwald

Both NJOP and AJOP were initially funded by significant grants from the AVI CHAI Foundation, a Jewish philanthropy established by Sanford Bernstein, a financial investor who had himself become a Baal teshuva (a returnee to traditional Orthodox observance) and sought to further the cause of education and outreach to alienated and assimilated Jews worldwide.

Erich J. Kesse

Under Kesse's leadership, the Digital Library Center was awarded a number of grants, including grants for the Florida Digital Newspaper Library, the Digital Library of the Caribbean, the Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature Digital Collection, and many others.

Grove City, Ohio

Grove City traces its beginnings to land grants bestowed upon American Revolutionary War veterans General Daniel Morgan and Colonel William Washington.

Henry Tang

Tang has also served extensively on various government boards and public bodies, including the Trade Development Council, Town Planning Board, University Grants Committee, and Council of the City University of Hong Kong.

Howard K. Gloyd

The Kansas Herpetological Society grants an annual scholarship named for Howard K. Gloyd and Edward Harrison Taylor.

Imre Hercz

After being hospitalized in Amberg for five and a half years, he recovered and emigrated to Norway in 1952 as one of several Jewish Holocaust-survivors of lesser health accepted to Norway with substantial grants from Joint to the Norwegian government.

Irving Kriesberg

Kriesberg has received two Ford Foundation grants, two Pollock-Krasner Foundation Awards, a National Endowment for the Arts Award, a Fulbright Fellowship, and the Guggenheim Foundation Memorial Award.

Jeet Thayil

He received a Masters in Fine Arts from Sarah Lawrence College (New York), and is the recipient of grants and awards from the New York Foundation for the Arts, the Swiss Arts Council, the British Council and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Kamarupa – Late to end period

There is two copper-plate inscriptions of Ratna Pala, known as the Bargaon and the Sualkuchi grants.

LA84 Foundation

The Foundation makes grants in the eight southernmost counties of California (Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Ventura).

Legal Services Corp. v. Velazquez

The purpose of the act was to provide government-funded legal aid to indigent clients, funded through grants to regional entities throughout the country.

Leslie Thornton

Thornton has received many awards in the field: the Maya Deren Award, the first Alpert Award in the Arts for media, a nomination for the Hugo Boss Award, two Rockefeller Fellowships, grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts, Jerome Foundation and, Art Matters, and, most recently, a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Mark Bassin

His research has also been supported by grants from the AHRC, British Academy, DAAD, NCEEER, NEH, and the Ford Foundation.

Mustafa al'Absi

Dr. al'Absi's research programs have been funded by grants from the National Institute of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Cancer Institute, the National Health, Lung, and Blood Institute, and the American Heart Association.

New Israel Fund

In 2003 and 2008, the Ford Foundation provided five-year grants worth $20 million each to NGOs in Israel through the New Israel Fund.

Patriot Act, Title VII

This code, as stated before the USA PATRIOT Act, allowed the Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (a division of the Justice Department) to "make grants and enter into contracts" with State, local criminal authorities, and non-profit organizations to stop criminal activities that cross jurisdictional boundaries.

Petition of Free Negroes

Because the grants were spread around the province, isolating the freed men among the otherwise-white settlers, on June 29, 1794, nineteen men from the Niagara region submitted a petition to Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe hoping to address this.

Philip Sugden

In 1990, Philip and his wife were awarded grants from the Ohio Joint Projects in the Arts and Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities, to create a Public Television presentation and companion book based on their 1988 Cultural Arts Expedition to the Himalaya and Tibet.

Pony Club Association of Victoria

The Pony Clubs themselves normally pay for the upkeep and maintenance of facilities, although often government grants will supplement club finances such as the 2008 sand arena at Drysdale/Leopold Pony Club.

Poplar by-election, 1914

He also worked for ten years as Chairman of the Poplar Distress Committee, a body set up under the Unemployed Workmen Act of 1905 to provide grants to create jobs.

Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet

IN 1973-4, she held French government grants, and performed electroacoustic researched at the GRM of Paris under the direction of Pierre Schæffer, and studied direction of orchestra with J. Mercier.

San Luis Obispo Mardi Gras controversy

The Associated Students of the University of California system (ASUC) created a bill in opposition to SB 337, noting that it altered the Donahoe Higher Education Act and eligibility for Cal Grants, a form of financial aid.

State University of New York College of Optometry

The College grants a professional degree, the Doctor of Optometry (O.D.), and two academic degrees, the Master of Science (M.S.) in Vision Science and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Vision Science.


Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, in Swedish Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Swedish foundation which awards grants to individuals and research groups for research projects in science, the humanities, social sciences, medical research, technology, and law.

Supetar Cartulary

Although the cartulary itself just lists the possessions of the monastery of St. Peter in Poljice, Croatia and the ways through which they were acquired˙(such as purchase or grants), it also contains few important historical notes.


Initially, a two-person office was opened in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1999 to introduce African institutions to TEEAL, conduct training workshops and help interested institutions in writing grants to purchase TEEAL sets.

Test of English as a Foreign Language

The TOEFL test was first administered in 1964 by the Modern Language Association financed by grants from the Ford Foundation and Danforth Foundation.

Todd Hedrick

Hedrick was awarded several grants and fellowships including a Graduate Research Grant from the Mellon Foundation and a DAAD Summer Fellowship from the Kaplan Center for the Humanities.

Ulysses S. Grant as peacetime general, 1865–1869

In May 1865, the Union League of Philadelphia purchased the Grants a house in that city, but Grant's work was in Washington.

Villum Foundation

Beginning in 2006, it has donated a larger proportion of its grants to social and cultural projects outside Denmark, with a special focus on Hungary, Poland and other countries in Eastern and Central Europe.

William Thomas Grant

By that time his nationwide empire of W. T. Grant Co. (Grants) and Grant City stores had grown to almost 1,200, although the company failed in 1975 and was soon liquidated.

William Vincent

Fourteen annual grants, beginning from 1807, were received, and the work was proceeded with under the direction of Thomas Gayfere and Benjamin Wyatt.

Youri Messen-Jaschin

He was awarded grants from the Foundation Mendoza and Yonekura Industrial and designed stage sets at the Sala of Conciertos del Ateneo and Teatro Ana Julia Rojas del Ateneo in Caracas.


YourLastRight.com is funded in part by grants from the late Clem Jones, former Brisbane Lord Mayor, who left $5 million in his will towards the movement to legalise euthanasia.

see also