
unusual facts about habitats

1833 in birding and ornithology

Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger theorises that dark pigments increase in races of animals living in warm and humid habitats in a work entitled Das Abändern der Vögel durch Einfluss des Klima's

Acromyrmex echinatior

In Costa Rica this species prefers open dry habitats such as urban areas around San Jose and seasonally dry habitats of Guanacaste Province.

Aldbury Nowers

The site hosts the flowers of chalk grassland and has butterfly habitats with several different species of butterfly including the Hamearis lucina, Theclinae and the Essex Skipper.

American International Rattlesnake Museum

The museum has the largest collection of different species of live rattlesnakes in the world, which are presented in recreated habitats, and claims to host more species than the Bronx Zoo, the Philadelphia Zoo, the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., the Denver Zoo, the San Francisco Zoo, and the San Diego Zoo combined.


Environmental Centre ARCTUROS, a Greek ecological organization focusing on saving the brown bear and its habitats

Armenian tortoise

It can be found in Armenia, mainly in semidesert habitats of Araks Valley, as well as in the Ijevan, Noyemberyan, and Shamshadin regions.

Atlantic stingray

In freshwater habitats, they may be preyed upon by American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis).

Avian range expansion

Exotic species, such as the European Starling which were introduced by Eugene Schieffelin in 1890 in New York City and then expanded to California by 1955, often do very well in new habitats.

Beilschmiedia tawa

Tawa can also support significant epiphyte gardens in their canopies, which are one of the few habitats known to be frequented by the enigmatic, arboreal striped skink.

Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park

This park is the last of two known habitats of the Giant Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio homerus), the largest butterfly in the Western Hemisphere and also the habitat for the endangered Jamaican Blackbird (Neospar nigerrimus), a refuge for the Jamaican Boa (Epicrates subflavus) and the Jamaican Hutia (Geocapromys brownii).

Chaca chaca

Chaca chaca is a species of angler catfish found in the Ganges-Brahmaputra River system of India and the Ayeyarwady River of Myanmar, where it is found in rivers, canals, and ponds of grassland, scrubland, deciduous forest, and rainforest habitats.

Clydach Gorge

Subsequently considerable parts of the gorge have also been protected for their wildlife and habitats including the Cwm Clydach SSSI, Cwm Clydach National Nature Reserve, the Cwm Clydach Woodlands SAC and the Usk Bat Sites SAC which also extends across much of the neighbouring Mynydd Llangatwg.

Coldwater darter

Aquatic moss, watercress, and milfoil are common habitats for the coldwater darter, as they perch on the clumps of vegetation.

Coppett's Wood and Scrublands

Scrublands has a variety of habitats and some rare plants such as imperforate St John's-wort.

Cyathea excavata

Cyathea excavata is a species of tree fern endemic to the Cameron Highlands in Peninsular Malaysia, where it grows in habitats ranging from forest, streamsides, clearings and open grassy areas at an altitude of approximately 1800 m.

Cynanchum ellipticum

It occurs in coastal scrub from Cape Town as far north as Mozambique and further inland up to 1300 m, and may be found on flats or moderate slopes, in sand or between rocks, in indigenous forests and along forest margins and thickets, frequently occurring in disturbed habitats.


The Australian Marine Conservation Society rates dropline fishing as having a "moderate impact" on wildlife and a "low impact" on marine habitats.

Eremophila alternifolia

alternifolia occurs in arid areas of Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory and the Barrier Range in New South Wales, in many different habitats with stony or red soil.

Fauna of the Faroe Islands

The bird fauna of the Faroes is dominated by Sea-birds and birds attracted to open land like Heather, probably due to the lack of woodland and other suited habitats.

Fiji Woodswallow

Its natural habitat is tropical moist lowland forests and savannahs, but it has adjusted to human-altered habitats and also lives in cultivated areas; there are even urban populations in Suva and Nadi.


Generalist and specialist species, a species which can survive in multiple habitats or eats food from multiple sources

Henry Fairfield Osborn

As a curator, he assembled a remarkable team of fossil hunters and preparators, including William King Gregory, Roy Chapman Andrews, a gentleman allegedly a possible inspiration for the creation of the fictional archeologist Indiana Jones, and Charles R. Knight, who made murals of dinosaurs in their habitats and sculptures of the living creatures.

Lantau Trail

The Yi O village area has protected wetland area and is one of the few habitats of Hong Kong's endemic and rare Romer's tree frog.

Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge

With the Rocky Mountains to the west, the Great Plains to the east, and the Chihuahuan Desert to the south, Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge encompasses a diversity of habitats.

Letitia Baldrige

She also did significant charity work with Jane Goodall to help fundraise for the preservation of habitats for wild chimpanzees.

Little Linford

Today it is one of the best habitats for dormice, which were transferred to Linford Wood from Kent when the Channel rail link was constructed.


Larval Megalagrion live in widely diverse habitats, including the expected streams and pools.

Mobile River

During the past few decades, publications in the scientific literature have primarily dealt with the apparent decimation of this fauna following the construction of dams within the Mobile River Basin and the inundation of extensive shoal (a shallow place in a body of water) habitats by impounded waters (Goodrich 1944, Athearn 1970, Heard 1970, Stein 1976, Palmer 1986, Garner 1990).

Ornithological Society of Polynesia

The Ornithological Society of Polynesia (French: Société d'Ornithologie de Polynésie), also known as Manu, a Polynesian word for “bird”, is an environmental non-governmental organization dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats in Polynesia.

Pacific Coast Joint Venture

The project in Washington focuses on bird habitats in its western and coastal regions, specifically the bays and straits of northern Washington, the southern Puget Sound and Hood Canal, the Olympic Peninsula, the southern Washington coast, and the Lower Columbia River.

Poor man's tropheus

The Poor man's tropheus, Hypsophrys nematopus is a species of cichlid native to Central America where it can be found in Lake Xiloa, Lake Managua, Lake Masaya and Lake Nicaragua and in riverine habitats on the Atlantic coasts of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

Port Honduras Marine Reserve

It encompasses over one hundred small, mangrove-fringed cayes, benthic habitats comprising soft-bottom seagrass beds and fringing reefs.

Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park

The four-fifths of a mile long trail encompasses approximately 40 acres and showcases several habitats that feature the rare and native Cockspur trees (Erythrina velutina) and Bull Thatch palms (Thrinax radiata).


In mesic, grassland habitats (e.g. Kwa-Zulu Natal Midlands; Wirminghaus & Perrin, 1993; Pretoria Highveld; Brooks, 1974; Zimbabwe grassland; Choate, 1972) and semi-succulent thorny scrub (e.g. Eastern Cape; Perrin, 1980a, b) animals are solitary, with females rearing their litters on their own, and both sexes maintain territories that overlap the territories of the opposite, but not the same, sex (Schradin & Pillay, 2005a).


Saxatilomys is thought to be petricolous and has only been observed in forested, rocky Limestone habitats.


SEALAB I, II and III, underwater habitats developed by the United States Navy

Southern Alps

The mountains are rich in flora with about 25% of the country's plant species being found above the treeline in alpine plant habitats and grassland with mountain beech forest at lower elevations (of the eastern side but not in Westland).

Spotless Starling

The highest population densities are in open grazed Holm Oak woods, and in urban habitats such as Gibraltar, where it is common.

Summer Lake Wildlife Area

The various Summer Lake habitats supports a diverse population of upland game birds, songbirds, shorebirds, waterfowl, and birds of prey.

Sydney Park

Stormwater retention ponds constructed in the eastern section of the site have been transformed into wetland habitats, partially recreating the original character of the eastern part of the site, and this has attracted a wide variety of bird and animal life including Dusky Moorhens, Australian Magpies and Pelicans.


The forest is also one of the few habitats for the endemic and endangered Tooth-billed Pigeon (Didunculus strigirostris), called Manumea, the national bird of Samoa.

Tamar–Tavy Estuary

The SSSI, due to its habitats, is of international importance for nature conservation, in particular as a wintering site for wildfowl and wader birds.

Tarsar Lake

The basin of Tarsar and the adjoining Dachigam National Park constitute one of the most important habitats of the Kashmir stag (hangul), ibex, musk deer, snow leopard, Himalayan brown bear and in the higher reaches, the golden marmot.

The Chanur novels

They are also color blind and the color of their clothes and habitats are generally shades of black and grey.

Tithraustes snyderi

It is found in cloud-forest habitats within La Amistad, an international park extending from south-central Costa Rica into the Chiriqui Province of Panama.


Trochulus species in moist habitats prefer to forage on large-leaved herbaceous plants like Adenostyles, Urtica (nettles), Homogyne or Tussilago (coltsfoot etc).

Tundi Spring Agardy

The focus of the MARES (Marine Ecosystem Services) Program that she launched is on assessing the value of coastal and marine habitats for the myriad ecosystem services they provide, and identifying opportunities for Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), offsets, or other market-like mechanisms to generate revenues that support conservation (and, very often, local communities that provide stewardship).

Wildlife of Israel

Rapid urbanization as well as overforestation (planting many dense Eucalyptus and Pine forests) have caused the destruction of many natural habitats.

see also