
unusual facts about halacha

Biblical gloss

Frequently, too, they adopt paraphrastic renderings to avoid the most marked anthropomorphisms of the text before them: while at times they seem to be guided in their additions by the Halacha and Haggadah.

Isaac Bernstein

Isaac Bernstein (November 12, 1939 - August 29, 1994) was an Irish Orthodox rabbi well known for being a great orator of Jewish law and philosophy.

Joshua H. Ritchie

He is the founder and director of the Refuah Institute in Jerusalem, a non-profit orthodox-Jewish center which provides training in therapy techniques, life-coaching, marriage and youth counselling based within the Jewish halacha.

Rabbi Zeira's stringency

The Talmud Bavli disagrees on how to view the said stringency in terms of it being categorized as a minhag or a halacha, Ravah -in dialoguh with his Mentor Rav Pappa, abstained from viewing it as an halacha with stating that it is in fact geo-location based with non-conforming communities fully entitled not to comply.

The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition

The Steinsaltz Edition is a Hebrew translation of the Babylonian Talmud, that has a literal direct translation of the Talmud along with halacha summaries and commentaries by Torah Scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.

Tzvi Hersh Friedlander

He is the brother of the Uhniv (Hivniv) rebbe, author of Chasdei Avraham, a work on visiting the sick in Halacha.

see also