The practitioners in the clinic practice Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, Tai chi, Tui na massage (acupressure), Food Therapy, Moxibustion, and Cupping Therapy.
It is thought that both A. spinosus and its close relative A. mollis were introduced to Britain as ornamental and herbal plants from the Mediterranean in Roman times.
Recently, articles from several African countries have claimed herbal cures for HIV/AIDS.
The hills are notable as the habitat for over 2,000 species of medicinal plants and as the abode of the Vedic sage Agasthya, founder of the Siddhar practitioners of Rasayana herbal medicine, who is often depicted holding a mortar and pestle.
Its use is often in a situation of digraphia, with Ajami used for specific purposes, such as for local herbal preparations in Jula.
The plant is used in traditional Korean herbal cooking alongside other wild "mountain vegetables" such as chwinamul, doraji (also called Chinese bellflower), and deodeok.
Richard Mabey describes Culpeper's entry on this bitter-tasting plant as "stream-of-consciousness" and "unlike anything else in the herbal", reading "like the ramblings of a drunk", and Culpeper biographer Benjamin Woolley suggests the piece may be an allegory about bitterness, as Culpeper had spent his life fighting the Establishment, and had been imprisoned and seriously wounded in battle as a result.
The company has worked among the Bhumkas and documented their herbal practices under the supervision of Dr Deepak Acharya.
Goa plants – The company's plants at Ponda in the southern Indian state of Goa do formulation work as well as manufacture oncology drugs and a herbal laxative branded Agiolax based on Psyllium seeds.
In the early sixties, the President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah sent Dr. Oku Ampofo and others to China to benefit from the Chinese experience in herbal medicine.
Botanically close to Curcuma australasica, wild turmeric has been widely used as a cosmetic herbal in South Asia and nearby regions.
She started her business "Gramma's" in 1987 and negotiating her Gramma’s Herbal Pepper Sauces into UK department stores Harrods, Fortnum & Mason, Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, plus the top seven supermarket chains.
These phytoecdysteroids have been reputed to have medicinal value and are part of herbal adaptogenic remedies like Cordyceps, yet an ecdysteroid precursor in plants has been shown to have cytotoxic properties.
The ethno-medical information presented in the work was extracted from palm leaf manuscripts by a famous practitioner of herbal medicine named Itty Achuden.
Herbal Turkey Breast is an album by saxophonist Karl Denson released in 1996.
The father and son operation prospered producing specialties such as Absinth, Radigast (herbal liqueur named after the Slavic God of War) 160 proof 'Alpsky Rum' (Alp Style Rum), and Zubrovka (Bison Grass Vodka), Bison Grass handpicked from the Gomel Region in Belarus.
Dr. Ho learnt Chinese tradition medicine when he was 18, graduate from China Canton Wah Lam National Physicians Medical School, Guangzhou, China at the age of 28 and created the Chinese herbal tea with the brand name Ho Yan Hor at his 35.
The raid wasn't due however to the fact that JLF was selling analogues of then illegal drugs, but rather it was a part of a larger Food and Drug Administration (FDA) crackdown against a large group of herbal medicine providers.
He wrote Botanologia Universalis Hibernicaor, or a general Irish Herbal Cork, 1735, a herbal, or book about medicinal plants, written in Manx (not Irish but related), phonetic English, and Latin, Zoologia Medicinalis Hibernica or, a Treatise on Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Reptiles or Insects known and propagated in this Kingdom, and Vindication of the Antiquities of Ireland Dublin, 1748, in which he gives an account of his family.
Kohki tea, a Japanese herbal drink very high in antioxidant activity
Several of her books include recipes, reproduce the words and musical scores of the songs the characters sing, or provide descriptions of herbal remedies.
Recently, the use of herbal mouthwashes such as persica is increasing, due to the perceived discoloration effects and unpleasant taste of chlorhexidine.
The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, being worshiped as a curer of diseases, the tradition of distributing herbal preparations on New Year day was conducted here until recent times.
Additional funding came from corporate sponsors such as Krathing Dang and Takaab, a maker of herbal cough remedies.
It is the largest ingredient in 云南白药 (Yunnan Bai Yao), a famous hemostatic proprietary herbal remedy that was notably carried by the Viet Cong to deal with wounds during the Vietnam war.
In 2000, the Chinese Medicine Registration Board of Victoria, Australia (CMBV) was established as an independent government agency to oversee the practice of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture in the state.
She organizes the International Herb Symposium and the United Plant Savers conference, and speaks widely at other herbal conferences including the Southwest Conference, Medicines from the Earth, the Green Nations Gathering and Breitenbush.
She began her career in California, where after study she founded the California School of Herbal Studies in Forestville, California in 1978, which was the first herbal school in California.
According to Culpeper's herbal, the plant is ruled by Mars and has an opening quality, and will bind and strengthen afterwards.
Tragopogon porrifolius, a plant with linear leaves cultivated for its light-skinned edible root and herbal properties
Samsaengi is set in the 70's in Seoul and tells the story of a woman (played by Hong Ah-reum) who becomes a promising oriental herbal doctor after going through many ups and downs in her life.
A study of Luo children in western Kenya found that 19% reported engaging in self-treatment with either herbal or pharmaceutical medicine.
In common with other Acacias and Senegalias, the bark and leaves are rich in tannins, while parts of the tree are used by the Bantu in traditional herbal medicine for curing a large range of complaints.
A Fossil Garden, a Herbal Garden, an Aquatic Garden and a Greenhouse are on the campus.
Fitzpatrick's Herbal Health (5 Bank St Rawtenstall, Lancashire BB4 6QS) is thought to be the last original temperance bar.
Also, mostly around the Elche area, the flowers of Thymus moroderi are seasonally picked and then desiccated for ready consumption through the year as a stomach herbal tonic, which is brewed such as in a herbal tea.
In Turkey, tisanes ("herbal teas") are not considered true teas, but are used as herbal medication, they are mostly popular with tourists, apple (elma çayı), rose hip (kuşburnu çayı), and linden flower (ıhlamur çayı) being the most popular flavors.
Wurzelpeter is a herbal liqueur with all the flavour of the forest and is a product of Franz Wilhelm Langguth Erben, with its headquarters in Traben-Trarbach, a municipality in the district Bernkastel-Wittlich.
Anys is lynched and Mem dies of pneumonia after being dunked, leaving the village without their skills in herbal medicines and midwifery.