James Bond | hydrogen | James Bond (film series) | Ward Bond | Brooke Bond | James Bond in film | Bond University | bond | Samantha Bond | Nigel Bond | Kit Bond | Edward Bond | Bond (finance) | Julian Bond | Young Bond | Davis Brody Bond | Carrie Jacobs-Bond | Bond Street | Ruskin Bond | Marshall Latham Bond | Kain Bond | Justin Vivian Bond | J. Max Bond, Jr. | hydrogen atom | Hiram Bond | Bond | Shane Bond | liquid hydrogen | Johnny Bond | Hydrogen |
Thus, CH2=CHCH2OH "has an allylic hydroxyl group." Allylic C-H bonds are about 15% weaker than the C-H bonds in ordinary Melamine cyanurate
Melamine and cyanuric acid form a jigsaw puzzle-like two-dimensional hydrogen bonding network because of the complementarity of the two compounds, similar to DNA base pairing.
The complex is held together by an extensive two-dimensional network of hydrogen bonds between the two compounds, reminiscent to that seen in DNA base pairing.
James Michael Creeth (3 October 1924 – 15 January 2010) was an English biochemist whose experiments on DNA viscosity confirming the existence of hydrogen bonds between the purine and pyrimidine bases of DNA were crucial to Watson and Crick's discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.