
unusual facts about illumination


The Canadian concept was trialled in American aircraft including B-24 Liberators and TBM Avengers in the Yehudi lights project, using forward-pointing lamps automatically adjusted to match the brightness of the sky.

A River Changes Course

Special Mention, International Documentary Association Pare Lorentz Award, which recognizes films that demonstrates exemplary filmmaking while focusing on the appropriate use of the natural environment, justice for all and the illumination of pressing social problems.

Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight

The TA01NSN, a 4x32 ACOG with only tritium night illumination and backup iron sights, is included the Special Operations Peculiar MODification (SOPMOD) kit for the M4A1 carbine used by Special Operations personnel to configure their weapons to individual preferences and mission requirements.

Bruce Harding

That same year, in an article on "Faceting Limits" in Gems and Gemology, the magazine of the Gemological Institute of America, he identified the effect of an observer's head blocking rays of illumination for the main facets of a number of gem materials, including diamonds.

Callier effect

On the other hand, in a diffused bright-field setup (see Fig. 2) the illumination of the film is provided through a translucent slab (diffuser), and each point of the film receives light from all the directions.

In the absence of scattering, the attenuance provided by the emulsion is independent of the collimation of the illumination; a dense point absorbs a big portion of light and a less dense point absorbs a smaller portion, irrespective of the directional characteristics of the incident light.


Illuminant D65, a commonly used standard illuminant defined by the International Commission on Illumination


Daylighting in the architectural sense, to use natural light for indoor illumination

Differential interference contrast microscopy

Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, also known as Nomarski Interference Contrast (NIC) or Nomarski microscopy, is an optical microscopy illumination technique used to enhance the contrast in unstained, transparent samples.

Digital outcrop models

::If the images used in the final texturing process were acquired under different illumination conditions and colours of corresponding features visible in different images differ significantly, image colour adjustment may be required.


One unique litany during this service is the Ektenia for Those Preparing for Illumination (i.e., for those catechumens in the final stages of preparation for baptism on Pascha).


Filmmaker Werner Herzog distinguishes clearly between the two, claiming that "fact creates norms, and truth illumination".

Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany

Anthony Blunt noted that "Many of his designs – for instance the 'St Sebastian' – look in reproduction like altarpieces rather than miniatures; and to this extent his art represents the decay of true illumination".

Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly

Her father was Professor Michael J. O'Kelly, Professor of Archaeology at University College, Cork, who discovered the midwinter illumination of Newgrange in 1967.

Hours of James IV of Scotland

It marks a highpoint of the late 15th century Ghent-Bruges school of illumination and is now in the Austrian National Library in Vienna (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Codex Vindobonensis 1897).

Illumination Pictures

Illumination Pictures, an American-based independent film company, released the award winning film Anderson's Cross (2010), starring Joanna Cassidy, Joyce Guy, Nicholas Downs, and Jerome Elston Scott (who also wrote and directed the film).

Jabal al-Nour

Jabal al-Nour (also Jabal an-Nur or Jabal Nur),which can be translated from Arabic(جبل النور),"The Mountain of Light", or "Hill of Illumination",is a mountain near Mecca in Saudi Arabia's Hejaz region.

Luigi von Kunits

At Chicago's Columbian Exposition he witnessed Nikola Tesla's alternating current system running everything mechanical, not to mention the illumination of the entire exposition itself.

Lynn Hilary

She continues to sing with Anúna, appearing with them on the soundtrack of Diablo III as a soloist and on the 2012 Anúna CD release "Illumination".

Malaclypse the Younger

According to Malaclypse the Elder himself, he is a 4th century B.C. Erisian priest (who was also prepared to perform services to Hermes, Dionysus, Heracles, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera) who achieved "transcendental illumination" in the course of the massacre at Melos in 415 BC.

Master of Saint Francis

This was largely based on the later works of Giunta Pisano but also shows the influence of such Umbrian artists as Rainaldetto di Ranuccio, Simeone and Machilone and of contemporary manuscript illumination, for example the Gospel Book of Giovanni da Gaibena (Padua, Bib. Capitolare).

Miami Horror

"Sometimes", Miami Horror's debut single from Illumination, was included as part of the soundtrack of Grand Theft Auto V.

In 2013, "Sometimes", Miami Horror's debut single from Illumination, was included as part of the soundtrack of Grand Theft Auto V.

Nikolaus Glockendon

His manuscript illumination The Holy Trinity particularly demonstrates the influence of Albrecht Dürer's Adoration of the Trinity, also known as the Landauer Altarpiece, painted in 1511.


The second half of his name is Dass meaning "servant," therefore the Satguru of the Ravidassia Hinduism sect is the "Servant of Illumination."

North Dumpling Light

Dean Kamen now owns the island, where he has installed advanced illumination and isolated it from the power grid.


Even still, Chan Master Shengyen states that shikantaza is similar to silent illumination.

Silent illumination may be understood as the integrated practice of shamatha (calming the mind) and vipashyana (insightful contemplation), and was the hallmark of the Chinese Caodong school of Chan.

Solar simulator

A solar simulator (also artificial sun) is a device that provides illumination approximating natural sunlight.

St George's Church, Tyldesley

After 1912 the town council was responsible for the cost of repairs and illumination and in 1937 electricity superseded gas for lighting its faces.

Syretsko-Pecherska Line

Telychka is another unopened station, on the right bank of the Dnieper River, that is sealed off completely, with no illumination at most times, and has remained such since the tunnels were built back in 1990.


Tenebrism, from the Italian, tenebroso (murky), also called dramatic illumination, is a style of painting using very pronounced chiaroscuro, where there are violent contrasts of light and dark and where darkness becomes a dominating feature of the image.

The Damnation of Theron Ware

The Damnation of Theron Ware (published in England as Illumination) is an 1896 novel by American author Harold Frederic.

The Screaming Staircase

, will be produced by Illumination Entertainment CEO Chris Meledandri.

The Society of the Friends of St George's and Descendants of the Knights of the Garter

Every friend member is also given a personalized written Membership Certificate which bears an illumination of the patron saint and dragon known as The George, and is signed by the Dean of Windsor; and a college heraldic badge which bears the heraldic shield of St George's Cross.

Tim Blake

As well as his work with Hawkwind, Blake continues to work with Patrice Warrener on his Chromolithe Illumination System, and doing concerts with Jean-Philippe Rykiel.


The final complete system came in 1927 when Berlin-based Max Ruhl and Ernst Neuman combined internal illumination and solenoid operation.


In addition some uveal regions have special functions of great importance, including secretion of the aqueous humour by the ciliary processes, control of accommodation (focus) by the ciliary body, and optimisation of retinal illumination by the iris's control over the pupil.

Vertico SMI

The Vertico-SMI microscope was developed by Christoph Cremer, Professor of Applied Optics and Information Processing at Heidelberg University and is based on the combination of light optical techniques of localization microscopy (SPDM, Spectral Precision Distance Microscopy) and structured illumination (SMI, Spatially Modulated Illumination).

Wayne E. Meyer

Withington delivered a report to the Secretary on May 15, 1965, recommending a phased array S-Band radar to search and track air targets, six slaved X-band radars for illumination and fire control, a digital control system compatible with the Naval Tactical Data System, a standard missile that could be directed in flight, and a dual-rail launcher.

William Haseldine Pepys

As well as the manufacture of surgical instruments in the City he took active directorships in the Imperial Continental Gas Association, which was introducing gas illumination to cities and towns across Europe, and the General Steam Navigation Company, which first used steam-propelled vessels to maintain a regular passenger and cargo service to Continental ports.

Yablochkov candle

It was first demonstrated as street and theatre illumination during the Paris Exhibition of 1878, notably on the Avenue de l'Opéra.

see also