
unusual facts about interpretation

Abu 'Ubaida

Al-Jahiz held him to be the most learned scholar in all branches of human knowledge, and Ibn Hisham accepted his interpretation even of passages in the Qur'an.


The commentary itself was written during the papacy of Pope Damasus I, that is, between 366 and 384, and is considered an important document of the Latin text of Paul before the Vulgate of Jerome, and of the interpretation of Paul prior to Augustine of Hippo.

Angkor Wat

A further interpretation of Angkor Wat has been proposed by Eleanor Mannikka.

Atrocity story

Danny Jorgensen, Professor at the Department of Religious Studies of the University of Florida, in his book The Social Construction and Interpretation of Deviance: Jonestown and the Mass Media argues that the role of the media in constructing and reflecting reality is particularly apparent in its coverage of cults.

Beppe Ciardi

The author of landscapes characterised by a symbolic interpretation of nature that won the esteem of critics, he was awarded the Fumagalli Prize in Milan (1900), a gold medal in Munich (1901) and a silver medal in San Francisco (1904).

Binary translation

HP ARIES (Automatic Re-translation and Integrated Environment Simulation) is a dynamic binary translation system that combines fast code interpretation with two phase dynamic translation to transparently and accurately execute HP 9000 HP-UX applications on HP-UX 11i for HP Integrity servers.

Carole E. Handler

Handler's discovery of that fact, and her interpretation of IP law during the court proceedings, caused the rights to revert to Marvel, which was bought by Avi Arad and Ike Perlmutter.

Charles Hartshorne

Critics such as Royce Gruenler, Ronald Nash and Norman Geisler argue that Hartshorne does not offer a tripersonal view of the Trinity, and instead his interpretation of Christ (Christology) has some affinities with the early heresy of the Ebionites.

Claire Vanhonnacker

She is best known for her Dutch interpretation of Larry WeissRhinestone Cowboy as ‘Vreemde Vogels’ and ‘Op de purp’re hei’.

Convergent thinking

The second type of convergent thinking task were insight problems, which gave the subjects some contextual facts and then asked them a question requiring interpretation.

Conversion to Judaism

Ananias likewise advised against it, on the grounds that worship of God was superior to circumcision (Robert Eisenman in James the Brother of Jesus claims that Ananias is Paul of Tarsus who held similar views, although this is a novel interpretation lacking support in mainstream scholarship) and that God would forgive him for fear of his subjects.

Copper Hoard Culture

Paul Yule, Addenda to "The Copper Hoards of the Indian Subcontinent: Preliminaries for an Interpretation", Man and Environment 26.2, 2002, 117–120

Cornelia Mooswalder

The singer impressed Heroes of Tomorrow with her interpretation of songs such as "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera and When You Believe by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.

Fairfax's Devisee v. Hunter's Lessee

Justice Joseph Story refused to accept, as final, the Virginia Court of Appeals' interpretation of Virginia law.

FIN 46

One of the main reasons FIN46 was issued as an interpretation instead of an accounting standard was to issue the standard in a relatively short period of time in response to the Enron scandal.

Fort Gaddis

Jordan, Terry G. The American Backwoods Frontier: An Ethical and Ecological Interpretation.

Fractal cosmology

They acknowledge the contributions of people like Emanuel Swedenborg, Edmund Fournier D'Albe, Carl Charlier, and Knut Lundmark to the subject of cosmology and a fractal-like interpretation, or explanation thereof.

Frank Van Dun

For example, Walter Block adheres to the freedom as property interpretation.

Ginevra de' Benci

Using the golden section, Susan Dorothea White has drawn an interpretation of how her arms and hands may have been positioned in the original.

Hajime Sawatari

His book Alice, an interpretation of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, is controversial for its full-frontal nudity of a prepubescent girl.

Hunac Ceel

Ralph L. Roys, in his commentary to the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel posits the interpretation that someone from Chichen Itzá stole away with the bride Ah Ulil, the ruler of Izamal.


He was the winner of the Conductor's Prize for Outstanding Artistic Performance at the 6th Harmonie Festival 2011 in Lindenholzhausen, Germany, and the "Pro Musica Viva Maria Strecker Daelen Preis" Conductor's Prize for the Best Interpretation of a Contemporary Choral Work at the 10th International Chamber Choir Competition 2007 in Marktoberdorf, Germany.

Islamic calendar

This interpretation is supported by Arab historians and lexicographers, like Ibn Hisham, Ibn Manzur, and the corpus of Qur'anic exegesis.

Karen Ordahl Kupperman

Her 2007 interpretation of the settlement of early Virginia, The Jamestown Project, argues that the activity of the Virginia Company and the establishment of Jamestown, Virginia must be viewed within the broader context of English expansionary efforts, and that the structure of a functional colony was evolved through trial and error.

Kings Avenue, Canberra

Rather than the name of the new nation "Commonwealth of Australia" and "Federal Avenue" for the federation of the states that formed that nation, the interpretation is now "Commonwealth Avenue" for the Commonwealth of British Colonies and "Kings Avenue" for the Sovereign of that Commonwealth, violating Griffin's original intent.

Louis Lortie

An international soloist, with over 30 recordings on the Chandos Records label, Lortie is particularly known for his interpretation of Ravel, Chopin and Beethoven.

Marc Ongley

Ongley's first transcription for solo guitar was published in 1973 by J. Albert and Son, an interpretation of Ludwig van Beethoven's Für Elise.

Marta Roure

She attended first course of guitar and song at the Music School in Lleida and studies of musical theater at Youkali school in Barcelona, with Marc Montserrat, "el Sueco" and Susanna Egea as teachers of interpretation, Emma Reverter as teacher of Dance Jazz, Rosa Mateu in spoken voice technics, Enric Torner as teacher of claque, Josep Maria Borràs teacher of sol-fa and repertoire, and Fulgenci Mestres and Carme Sánchez teachers of song.

National technical means of verification

Dino Brugioni gives an extensive account of imagery interpretation during the Cuban Missile Crisis in his book, Eyeball to Eyeball.

Necessary and Proper Clause

According to its proponents, this ruling in NFIB v. Sebelius returns the Necessary and Proper clause to its original interpretation outlined by John Marshall in McCulloch v. Maryland.

Noblesse oblige

Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts uses the phrase disparagingly in his majority opinion concerning the government's assertion that it will selectively prosecute animal cruelty videos based on their own interpretation of The First Amendment in United States v. Stevens.

Northwest Seaport

The Northwest Seaport Maritime Heritage Center is a nonprofit organization in Seattle, Washington dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of Puget Sound and Northwest Coast maritime heritage, expressed through educational programs and experiences available to the public.

Parkwood Leisure Ltd v Alemo-Herron

Lord Hope, giving a unanimous judgment for the Supreme Court, referred to the European Court of Justice the question whether national courts could give a more favourable interpretation to legislation than had been given by German courts.

Paul Doucet

He won a Prix Gémeaux for Meilleure interprétation premier rôle masculin - série dramatique (Best Actor in a Leading Role - Drama) for his portrayal of Jean Duceppe in the Jean Duceppe episode 5.

Petrus Riga

He is known for his work Aurora, which is a commentary on the Bible with emphasis on allegorical and moral interpretation.

Richard W. Bailey

In 2008, Bailey co-authored an amicus brief with colleagues Dennis Baron and Jeffrey Kaplan, for the District of Columbia v. Heller Supreme Court case, providing an interpretation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution based on the grammars, dictionaries, and general usage common in the founders' day, and showing that those meanings are still common today.

Rick Chase

The religious nature of the event was in violation of the U.S. Supreme Court's interpretation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, and as such the school superintendent said the group would not be permitted to return.

Roger Atkinson Pryor

In 1877 he was chosen to give a Decoration Day address, in which, according to one interpretation, he vilified Reconstruction and promoted the Lost Cause, while reconciling the noble soldiers as victims of politicians.

Roger Stronstad

In The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke (1984), he argues for a Pentecostal interpretation of Luke-Acts.

Scotch-Irish American

In reaction to the proposal by Charles I and Thomas Wentworth to raise an army manned by Irish Catholics to put down the Covenanter movement in Scotland, the Parliament of Scotland had threatened to invade Ireland in order to achieve "the extirpation of Popery out of Ireland" (according to the interpretation of Richard Bellings, a leading Irish politician of the time).

Second Name

The plot involves a sect called the Abrahamites, who (according to the movie) sacrifice their first borns following an alternative interpretation of God's Will in the near-sacrifice of Isaac.

Shrimad Rajchandra

He summarized his interpretation of Jainism in Shri Atma Siddhi Shastra, a Gujarati short verse poem written in 1896.When he was just 16years 5months old.

Sim Ann

Sim also holds a post-graduate diploma in translation and interpretation from Nanyang Technological University, which she completed in 2005.

Sleepwalking scene

Well known phrases from the scene include "Out, damned spot!" and "All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand." The British tragedienne Sarah Siddons (1755-1831) was distinguished for her performance and interpretation of the scene.

The Birds of St. Marks

One interpretation of the song is that Nico is the queen, trapped within the manipulations of her "manager", Andy Warhol, and unable to be free to follow her own muse.

The Girl and the Robot

# The Girl and the Robot (Davide Rossi Suite for a Robotic Girl Re-Interpretation) – 4:29

Total functional programming

# A restricted form of recursion, which operates only upon ‘reduced’ forms of its arguments, such as Walther recursion, substructural recursion, or "strongly normalizing" as proven by abstract interpretation of code.

United Mine Workers of America v. Gibbs

Justice Harlan wrote a brief concurrence, in which he agreed with Brennan's discussion of pendent jurisdiction, but disagreed with his interpretation of the standard of proof required for a claim under the Norris-LaGuardia Act.

Woodford v. Ngo

In that dissent, joined by Justices Ginsburg and Souter, Stevens writes that "The plain text of the PLRA simply requires that such administrative remedies as are available be exhausted before the prisoner can take the serious step of filing a federal lawsuit against the officials who hold him in custody." He interprets this to mean any exhaustion, not just "proper exhaustion," and says that the Court has read its own interpretation into the statute.

see also