Invariant theory | Taubes's Gromov invariant | Rost invariant | Loop-invariant code motion | invariant theory |
Whitrow, G. J. and Morduch, G. E. (1960) General relativity and Lorentz-invariant theories of gravitations, Nature 188, 790-794
The French Encyclopædia Universalis defines it as the branch which "treats the properties of an object that are invariant if it is deformed in any continuous way, without tearing".
Colin de Verdière's invariant is a graph parameter for any graph G, introduced by Yves Colin de Verdière in 1990.
The "Human Scale Development" work of Right Livelihood Award winning Chilean economist Manfred Max Neef promotes the idea of development based upon fundamental human needs, which are considered to be limited, universal and invariant to all human beings (being a part of our human condition).
Such a Haar measure is in many cases easy to compute; for example for orthogonal groups it was known to Hurwitz, and in the Lie group cases can always be given by an invariant differential form.
Noteworthy is also independent work by Martin Plenio, Vlatko Vedral and Peter Knight who constructed an error correcting code with codewords that are invariant under a particular unitary time evolution in spontaneous emission.
defined the signature defect of the boundary of a manifold as the eta invariant, and used this to show that Hirzebruch's signature defect of a cusp of a Hilbert modular surface can be expressed in terms of the value at s=0 or 1 of a Shimizu L-function.
E.B. Vinberg, V.L. Popov, Invariant theory, in Algebraic geometry.
in Invariant theory a finite set of invariant polynomials, such that every invariant polynomial may be written as a polynomial function of these basis elements
Hilbert's syzygy theorem, a result of commutative algebra in connection with the syzygy problem of invariant theory
The perturbation theory of toroidal invariant manifolds of dynamical systems was developed here by academician M. M. Bogolyubov, Yu. O. Mitropolsky, academician of the NAS of Ukraine and the Russian Academy of Sciences, and A. M. Samoilenko, academician of the NAS of Ukraine.
A distinct strand of invariant theory, going back to the classical constructive and combinatorial methods of the nineteenth century, has been developed by Gian-Carlo Rota and his school.
the Ferrero–Washington theorem about the vanishing of Iwasawa's μ-invariant for cyclotomic extensions
In mathematics, the Kostant polynomials, named after Bertram Kostant, provide an explicit basis of the ring of polynomials over the ring of polynomials invariant under the finite reflection group of a root system.
The number of domino tilings of a graph can be calculated using the determinant of special matrices, which allow to connect it to the discrete Green function which is approximately conformally invariant.
He is known for his work on norm varieties (a key part in the proof of the Bloch-Kato conjecture) and for the Rost invariant (a cohomological invariant with values in Galois cohomology of degree 3).
He found one of the first applications of large cardinals to algebra by constructing a certain left-invariant total order, called the Dehornoy order, on the braid group.
An equation which holds in a frame containing pseudotensors will not necessarily hold in a different frame; this makes pseudotensors of limited relevance because equations in which they appear are not invariant in form.
It is commonly found in tRNA, associated with thymidine and cytosine in the TΨC arm and is one of the invariant regions of tRNA.The function of it is not very clear, but it is expected to play a role in association with aminoacyl transferases during their interaction with tRNA, and hence in the initiation of translation.
The relative SFT of this pair is a differential graded algebra; Ng derives a powerful knot invariant from a combinatorial version of the zero-th degree part of the homology.
Riemann invariants are constant along the characteristic curves of the partial differential equations where they obtain the name invariant.
Eugenio Beltrami and Camille Jordan discovered independently, in 1873 and 1874 respectively, that the singular values of the bilinear forms, represented as a matrix, form a complete set of invariants for bilinear forms under orthogonal substitutions.
The attempt to classify the objects of this category (up to homeomorphism) by invariants has motivated areas of research, such as homotopy theory, homology theory, and K-theory etc.
Arthur–Selberg trace formula, also known as invariant trace formula, Jacquet's relative trace formula, simple trace formula, stable trace formula