
4 unusual facts about isotope

Cesare Emiliani

He was further honored by receiving the Vega Medal of the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG) (Swedish: Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi) in 1983, and the Alexander Agassiz Medal of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 1989 for his isotopic studies on Pleistocene and Holocene planktic foraminifera.


Isotope studies indicate a nearby supernova explosion added fresh material to what became our solar system.

Feather Dusted

Passing by "loafer" Foghorn, Foghorn takes it upon himself to play games with Egghead, Jr. instead of having to read "How to Isolate the Isotope".

Robert Garrels

In 1974 he returned to Northwestern and published important studies on the sulfur and carbon isotopic compositions of Phanerozoic rocks with Abraham Lerman and Fred MacKenzie.

Age of the Earth

Nevertheless, ancient Archaean lead ores of galena have been used to date the formation of Earth as these represent the earliest formed lead-only minerals on the planet and record the earliest homogeneous lead-lead isotope systems on the planet.

Alfred O. C. Nier

His work there led to the 1938 publication of measurements of the relative abundance of the isotopes of uranium, measurements that were used by Fritz Houtermans and Arthur Holmes in the 1940s to estimate the age of the Earth.


The isotope is believed to provide enough heat also to small planetary bodies, such as has been in the early history of the asteroids 1 Ceres and 4 Vesta, heating so as to differentiate their interiors.

Canfield ocean

The term Strangelove ocean is a model name coined by a study published in 1985, which found a decrease in the δ13 C values of planktic skeletons following the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, causing a homogenous ocean in decades or centuries, visible in the boundary sediment layer as a manifestation of the elimination in the surface-to-bottom carbon isotope gradient in ocean waters, the halt of ocean primary production.

E1cB-elimination reaction

Fluorine kinetic isotope effects are also applied in the labeling of Radiopharmaceuticals and other compounds in medical research.


The investigations at Bristol, applying isotope tests on tooth enamel, checked whether she was born and brought up in Wessex and Mercia, as written history has indicated.

Ferdinand Brickwedde

Ferdinand Graft Brickwedde (1903-1989), a physicist at the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology), in 1931 produced the first sample of hydrogen in which the spectrum of its heavy isotope, deuterium, could be observed.


Geochronology: the study of isotope geology specifically toward determining the date within the past of rock formation, metamorphism, mineralization and geological events (notably, meteorite impacts).

Gustav Ludwig Hertz

In his first meeting with Lavrentij Beria, von Ardenne was asked to participate in building the bomb, but von Ardenne quickly realized that participation would prohibit his repatriation to Germany, so he suggested isotope enrichment as an objective, which was agreed to.

Harmon Craig

Craig studied geology and chemistry at the University of Chicago, where he earned a Ph.D. under Nobel Laureate Harold Urey with a thesis on carbon isotope geochemistry in 1951.

Isotope 244

Isotope 244's game Land Air Sea Warfare garnered many positive reviews and was even selected by Apple Inc. as the first iPad Game of the Week.

Isotope geochemistry

Nitrogen isotope data has also been used to measure the amount of exchange of air between the stratosphere and troposphere using data from the greenhouse gas Isotopes of oxygen

Oxygen-15 is an isotope of oxygen, frequently used in positron emission tomography, or PET experiments.

James F. Reilly

After receiving his bachelor of science degree in 1977, Reilly entered graduate school and was selected to participate as a research scientist specializing in stable isotope geochronology as part of the 1977-1978 scientific expedition to Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica.

Maria reactor

In February 2010, it was announced that Maria will start producing medical isotopes in cooperation with Covidien, to help ease the isotope shortages due to shutdowns of the Canadian NRU reactor and the Dutch Petten nuclear reactor.

Melvin Calvin

Using the carbon-14 isotope as a tracer, Calvin, Andrew Benson and James Bassham mapped the complete route that carbon travels through a plant during photosynthesis, starting from its absorption as atmospheric carbon dioxide to its conversion into carbohydrates and other organic compounds.

Metallurgical Laboratory

Early funding was meager, but in 1940, scientists at Columbia University and the University of California demonstrated the weapons potential of the isotope uranium-235 and the newly discovered element plutonium.


Monoisotopic mass is a term from mass spectrometry, and usually refers to the atomic weight of a molecule calculated using (for each element) the atomic weight of the most naturally abundant isotope of that element.

Monoisotopic element is one of the 26 chemical elements which have only one stable isotope.


This isotope is produced in a nuclear reactor from europium or enriched gadolinium.

Rudolph Schoenheimer

In 1933, he moved to Columbia University to join the department of Biological Chemistry and worked with David Rittenberg, from the radiochemistry laboratory of Harold C. Urey, later together with Konrad Bloch, using stable isotopes to tag foodstuffs and trace their metabolism within living things.

Transient kinetic isotope fractionation

Transient kinetic isotope effects (or fractionation) occur when the reaction leading to isotope fractionation does not follow pure first-order kinetics and therefore isotopic effects cannot be described with the classical equilibrium fractionation equations or with steady-state kinetic fractionation equations (also known as the Rayleigh equation).

Variable speed of light

For over three decades since the discovery of the Oklo natural nuclear fission reactor in 1972, even more stringent constraints, placed by the study of certain isotopic abundances determined to be the products of a (estimated) 2 billion year-old fission reaction, seemed to indicate no variation was present.

see also