
unusual facts about kabbalistic


Arthur Hertzberg

Hertzberg recalled that as a teenager in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland, he would not accept the notion that the literary world of talmudic learning, the kabbalistic books and the writing of the chasidim were less worthy as compared to the Iliad, the Odyssey or Dante's Inferno.

Chassidei Ashkenaz

This description of God and His divine realm directly parallels the kabbalistic ten-headed sefirotic system, with Ein Sof (Hebrew אין סוף) beyond knowledge on the top, and the ten sefirot emanating downward; the lower the sefira, the more relatable it becomes.


Based at least partially in the Kabbalistic understanding of divinity, the Dönmeh believed that there was a three-way connection of the emanations of the divine, which engendered much conflict with Muslim and Jewish communities alike.

Dor Daim

Over time more and more Kabbalistic practices became popular among the Yemenite Jews to the point that the Baladi community became localized as a significant population only around the area of Yemen's capital city, Sana'a.


In the foundational Kabbalistic structure of the 10 Sephirot (emanations), Keter (Divine Will) transcends the intellectual Sephirot, and is the origin of All.


16th century Lurianic Kabbalah systemised the Zoharic Partzufim in its recasting of the whole Kabbalistic scheme.


A Kabbalistic tradition within Judaism is that the commonly discussed messiah who will usher in a period of freedom and peace (Messiah ben David) will be preceded by Messiah ben Joseph, who will die sacrificing himself while uniting all of Israel in preparing the world for the arrival of Messiah ben David.

Moshe Cotel

His opera Deronda was based on the title character in George Eliot's novel Daniel Deronda, a Victorian era English Jew who combines proto-Zionism with Kabbalistic ideas.


To this reformed state, Isaac Luria attributed the former Kabbalistic concepts of Yosher (harmonised "Upright" arrangement of the sephirot), and the many Zoharic passages expounding the Partzufim (Divine "Personas/Configurations"-particular Divine manifestations).


Some have the customs of study laws relating to such transgressions, fasting and giving extra tzedakah during this time, and of reciting Selichos and other Kabbalistic prayers and tikkunim (Kabbalistic prayers or meditations) designed to counteract their harmful effects.


Tanin'iver is evil cosmic entity expounded in the kabbalistic teachings of Moses Cordovero and subsequent writings based on his system.

Theodor Reuss

Although not a member of a regular Masonic order, he had founded two occult fraternities: the Martinist group, l'Ordre des Supérieurs Inconnus and the Rosicrucian Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix.

Yaakov Chaim Sofer

Ben Ish Chai, by Rabbi Yosef Chaim, a contemporaneous Sephardi work of Halakha incorporating Kabbalistic teachings.

Yalkut Yosef

Ben Ish Chai, by Rabbi Yosef Chaim, a Sephardi work of Halakha incorporating Kabbalistic teachings.

see also