Hubert, 'lector' of the Roman Church and papal legate of Pope Alexander II (the pope who had backed King William's invasion of England and had backed Lanfranc in the dispute)
Hugh Aycelin (1230, Billom - December 28, 1297, Rome) was a French Dominican theologian and philosopher who served as lector at the studium provinciale at Santa Sabina, the forerunner of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum.
A native of Alcalá de Henares in Spain, he took the habit of St. Francis at the convent of San Diego, on March 31, 1629, and emigrated to Yucatán, where he became successively lector in theology, guardian, and finally provincial of his order.
She has worked both in the trade unions and as first consultant and office leader at the Research Council of Norway, as well as lector at Eik Teacher Academy in Tønsberg.
Immediately after his ordination to the priesthood, he was appointed lector of theology; but even whilst teaching he acquired some fame as a preacher and was chosen confessor to Prince Victor Emmanuel, afterwards King of Italy, and Ferdinand, Duke of Genoa.
He became the lector at Oxford University from 1929 to 1931, and was appointed to a professorship at the University of Seville in 1932.
Ksawery Jasieński (born September 13, 1931) is a Polish radio speaker, voice actor, voice-over lector and one of the most distinctive voices in the history of dubbing in Poland.
1980 – 1988 – Lector at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, Geneva and associate professor in Geneva and Fribourg, Switzerland;
F.X. Martin wrote of him – “Though Bath died at Cahors in 1607, before the Irish Mission became a reality, he brought prestige to the Irish Capuchins by his appointment as guardian of the friary at Namur. His prominence among the Capuchins was due to the fact that a bare nine months after profession he was appointed lector of philosophy in the Capuchin study house newly opened at Louvain.” (p. 9).
From 1919 onwards he was a freelance author for the publication Die Weltbühne, and worked for the publishing house Verlag Die Schmiede as a lector and as the editor of two series of books, “Außenseiter der Gesellschaft” (Outsiders of Society) and “Berichte aus der Wirklichkeit” (Reports from Reality).
Viator of Lyons, 4th century French saint, a lector at the cathedral of Lyons
Isidore Etymologiae 1.27.29 (ubi litterae consonantes geminabantur, sicilicum superponebant, ut 'cella', 'serra', 'asseres': ueteres enim non duplicabant litteras, sed supra sicilicos adponebant; qua nota admonebatur lector geminandam esse litteram); Nisus fr.
Iskandar — 'Chief Lector' of the House of Life, from the time of Alexander the Great to the present day.
The former Chief Lector Iskandar hid her in the Nile to protect her from Apophis and replaced her with a shabti to cover her absence in the first book.
Later, he became a lector and choir member of St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church in St. Anna, Wisconsin.