
unusual facts about libertarian socialist

Criticisms of anarcho-capitalism

Some critics, including libertarian socialist Noam Chomsky, reject the distinction between positive and negative rights.

Participatory politics

Both Parecon and Parpolity together make up the libertarian socialist ideology of Participism; this has significantly informed the interim International Organization for a Participatory Society.

ROAR Magazine

ROAR's political orientation can be described as broadly libertarian socialist in outlook, combining elements of traditional anarchism and autonomism with the horizontalist, leaderless and decentralized spirit of the contemporary social movements.

see also

Prefigurative politics

The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and various libertarian-socialist and anarchist groups refer to this as "building a new world in the shell of the old."

Richard Greeman

During 1963-64, Greeman returned to Paris with a French Government scholarship, took courses at the Sorbonne, began his research on the life and works of Victor Serge (1890–1947) whom he admired both as a novelist, a revolutionary witness, and a libertarian socialist thinker.

Rudolf Rocker

The Rocker family moved to live with a sister of Witkop's in Towanda, Pennsylvania where many families with progressive or libertarian socialist views lived.