
unusual facts about marine mammals

Figure Eight Island

In 2001 and 2002, the homeowners' association commissioned a survey of endangered plants and animals on the island, some of the animals of special interest were piping plovers, sea turtles, sea beach amaranth, and marine mammals.

see also

Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge

The refuge is administered from offices in King Salmon, Alaska and was established to conserve Alaskan brown bears, caribou, moose, marine mammals, shorebirds, other migratory birds and fish, and to comply with treaty obligations.

Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary

26 species of marine mammals, including whales, dolphins, seals, and sea lions, are known to frequent the waters of the sanctuary.

Ernest Everett Just

Just authored two books, Basic Methods for Experiments on Eggs of Marine Mammals (1922) and The Biology of the Cell Surface (1939), and he also published several scientific papers relating to cell cytoplasm.

Ian Boyd

As Director of the NERC Sea Mammal Research Unit he was responsible for advising Defra and the Scottish Government about policy related to marine mammals.


Many of the marine mammals they hunted for furs and food were sea otters, walruses, seals, and whales.

North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission

NAMMCO was founded in Nuuk, Greenland on 9 April 1992 by the signatories to Agreement on Cooperation in Research, Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic.

Plastic bag

Because they float, and resemble a jellyfish, plastic bags pose significant dangers to marine mammals, such as Leatherback sea turtles, when they enter their digestive tract.

SACLANT ASW Research Centre

Since SACLANTCEN’s location, La Spezia, is close to the Ligurian Sea International Marine Sanctuary whose northern boundaries are the coasts of Italy and France while its southern limit is Corsica, the first aim of the SOLMAR programme was to monitor and acquire information on marine mammals living in that area.