
unusual facts about migratory bird

Cuiabá River

At Cuiabá it's lower portion enters the Pantanal ecosystem and region, flowing through extensive and important Ramsar Convention protected wetlands for waterfowl, migratory birds, and other wildlife.

Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge

The refuge is an important staging area for migratory birds, and is used as well for the management and study of endangered species such as the Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle and Piping Plover.

Fitzgerald River National Park

Migratory birds find refuge in the wetland and coastal regions and species that temporarily inhabit the area include the White-bellied Sea Eagle, Fork-tailed Swift and the Caspian Tern.

see also

Breeding bird survey

The North American Breeding Bird Survey was launched in 1966 after the concept of a continental monitoring program for all breeding birds had been developed by Chandler Robbins and his associates from the Migratory Bird Population Station.

Mayfield, Cork

This area contains some unique habitats, flora and fauna, including the small cudweed and the sand martin, a migratory bird species that returns from North Africa each spring to breed in the porous sand cliffs along sections of the river valley north.

Thomas Carmody

In 1913, he got involved in a controversy with zoo director William Temple Hornaday over the Federal Migratory Bird law which in Carmody's opinion was unconstitutional.

Wollongong to Thirroul Bike Track

It goes to Waniora Point, where a plaque commemorates Captain James Cooks first landing attempt, and then along the coast to Sandon/Bulli Point, site of migratory bird refuge at Tramway Creek.